
Chapter 162


The eleventh realm, with a landmass area of 120 million kilometres, is smaller than the Land of Sheol which is 180 million kilometres. whose 30 million kilometres were allocated to the forsaken land The typography of the area is divided into two distinct characteristics: grassland and tundra. Many countless types of vegetation vary from place to place as climate affects the vegetation and this includes all the large and small creatures, both wild and domesticated, that live on this land.

Corvania is characterized by vast expanses of tall grass and scattered trees, providing a home to a diverse range of animals In contrast, the tundra is a harsh and unforgiving environment with short growing seasons and freezing temperatures year-round. Despite this, the tundra supports a unique ecosystem of mosses, lichens, and shrubs that provide food for animals such as reindeer, arctic ice foxes, and demon bears. Corvania rock bulls, ice spiders, water drakes, and mythical beings and creatures that thrive in the cold

The creatures that inhabit these lands have adapted to their respective environments in fascinating ways, Most inhabitants of this land are comprised of dark elves, dwarfs, evolved orcs, goblins, gnomes, and fairies, and a few million humans have also made use of these lands for centuries, hunting game for food and using the grasses for grazing livestock,

Unlike in Sheo which has a guild to facilitate and accept certain hazardous jobs and tasks, Corvania noble lords are the ones who must ensure that their land and everybody living and residing on it are protected and given governance with the law that the King has implemented in his reign and authority...

This responsibility requires a great deal of attention and dedication, as the safety and well-being of the people under their rule is of utmost importance. The noble lords must work closely with local officials and law enforcement to ensure that any hazardous jobs or tasks are carried out in a safe and responsible manner.

They must also provide resources and support to those who are injured or affected by these jobs, including compensation for medical or wages. In addition, the noble lords must constantly review and update their policies and procedures to ensure that they are in line with the latest safety standards and regulations. Ultimately, they must protect their land and its inhabitants from harm while also promoting economic growth and development through responsible management of hazardous jobs and tasks.

But not all nobles follow this prerogative, as many cases abuse their power and make the people within their territory suffer, often leading to widespread poverty, a lack of education, and limited access to healthcare. In extreme cases, it can even result in forced labour and illegal activities.

To combat this, it is essential for King Araqiel Semalion Demiurgos to hold his nobles accountable for their actions and ensure that they are acting in the best interest of their people. This can be achieved through the implementation of strict regulations and oversight mechanisms, as well as through community engagement and education initiatives that Queen Faraine Demiurgos implemented,

The vastness of the empire is both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, it allows for the expansion of trade and commerce, as goods from one end of the empire can be transported to the other. On the other hand, it makes governance difficult, as communication between cities and lords is slow and cumbersome.

To address this issue, some lords have established relay stations along major trade routes where messengers can exchange horses and rest before continuing their journey. However, these stations are few and far between, leaving many parts of the empire isolated and vulnerable to attack. Despite these challenges, the empire continues to thrive thanks to its strong economy and military might. The people are proud of their heritage and are willing to make sacrifices for the greater good of their nation. As long as they continue to work together and overcome obstacles, there is no doubt that the empire will remain a dominant force in the region for years to come.

The commoners, on the other hand, have limited access to magic and rely on traditional methods for their daily needs. However, there are some who possess a natural affinity for magic and are trained in the art of spellcasting by the wizards and sorcerers of the kingdom.

These individuals are highly sought after for their abilities and often serve as advisors to the nobles or as protectors of the realm. Despite its power, magic is not without its dangers, as there are those who seek to use it for their own selfish purposes.

To combat this threat, a council of mages was established to regulate the use of magic and punish those who broke its laws. As such, magic remains a vital part of everyday life in this kingdom, but only when used responsibly and with respect for its power.

However, the people of the kingdom were not invincible. Casting magic spells was difficult to achieve, and they faced many threats from outside forces. To protect themselves, they developed an order of knights who trained tirelessly to defend their home, uphold the law, and protect the Royal family. But even with all their strength and skill, they knew that they could never let their guard down. For in a world full of magic and wonder, the danger was always lurking just around the corner, like what happened a few months ago as millions of humanoid flesh-eating insects suddenly ravaged their land.

after all those months of mourning, the empire started to rebuild their homes and lives, but the fear of another attack loomed over them like a dark cloud, so King Araqiel Semalion Demiurgos with the help and, military support from Beta and Echo who were given orders by Ramiel to support the king of Corvania until the day they could stand again independently ,

they reorganized the nobles and even implemented the punishment on those nobles who abandoned their people to save their own personal interests, a punishment befitting their crime, and awarded those who fought and resisted the enemy and manage to survive the onslaught,

The kingdom's council held meetings day and night to come up with a plan to protect their people from any future threats. They decided to recruit and train a group of elite warriors who would be tasked with defending the kingdom at all costs. These warriors were handpicked from the best soldiers in the land, and they underwent rigorous training in combat, magic and strategy, under the Guide of Sigma, Zeta and Enigma who was given the task to inform the newly appointed law council that the king personally selected based on their knowledge and expertise,

While this was all happening the transfer gate that was located at the very heart of the city was being used to supply the Land of Corvania and its people with supplies from cities that were allied with Arcane, making other noble factions' discontent grow even bigger, happening,

The transfer gate had become a symbol of the power dynamic between Arcane and the other factions, with many feeling that they were being unfairly disadvantaged. Despite this tension, the gate continued to operate, with supplies flowing in and out of Corvania. However, rumours began to circulate that there were plans to sabotage the gate, with some factions seeking to cut off Corvania's supply lines entirely.

As tensions continued to rise, it became clear that a conflict was brewing between the various factions for control over Corvania. The fate of the transfer gate would ultimately determine who held power in the city and what direction its future would take. Would it continue to be a source of contention and division, or could a compromise be reached that would satisfy all parties involved,

the fact that they can't do anything to physically hurt or threaten a new empire that just rose up from the most feared place in the land of Sheol, and now the unconfirmed reports that three modest territories are reaping huge amounts of business and transaction opportunities in the eleventh realm where Corvania was located,

Even if the Royal Transfer Gate Administrator could not confirm or deny this news, based on their official announcement, the link toward the eleventh realm of Corvania is currently severed, so most of the news about the gossip spreading was not real.

Regardless of the truth behind these rumours, there is no denying that tensions are high among the other nobles who are requesting the crown regent Duke Gilvores Dallmethad to do something, as many were just using this to force the house Dallmethad to bare their fangs toward an unknown, unconfirmed empire.

even the ruling house of Dallmethad was annoyed hearing such a blatant lie and arrogance that a city with thousands of various races just settled inside the most dangerous place that no warlord, clan, or even nobility has ever conquered before, suddenly just came out of nowhere and proclaimed that a certain unknown person just created an empire and named it Arcane and just self-proclaimed itself to be a new empire, which was absurd and a waste of manpower,

But within the past few months, merchants and other nobles were able to obtain raw materials and products that can only be acquired in Corvania, flooding many cities. Not only this, but the gossip that accompanied most of the people that were talking about it was no longer a matter that he houses Dallmethad could no longer ignore, speculating that Queen Allatou Estrith Demiurgo was still alive and was just secretly helping his older brother in Corvania when a schene was orchestrated by her enemies to trap her on the eleventh realm, and just proclaim she killed herself out of deep sadness upon her son's death,

Many nobles on other factions are calling on the Royal Transfer Gate Administrator to take action and investigate what is happening in the eleventh realm. Despite their assurances that everything is under control, many remain sceptical and are demanding answers. because unknown to the populace the Royal transfer gate that is located at the Crimson Mountain peak was having a hard time reestablishing the connection toward Corvania,

so Until more information becomes available, it seems that the various races under the governance of the royal capital Sheol will continue to speculate about what is happening in their Queen and neighbouring realm.

with this Merchant Eirana Fanuilos one of the members of the ten

Highbeards secretly used her connection to confirm all this gossip and speculation to the utmost secrecy, using all manners of tactics and bribery to infiltrate the rumoured cities that have close ties with this so-called Arcane empire,

she spent thousands of gold just to bribe officers that were connected to the transfer gate operation in Avarel, Neldorlad and Ivlares city, but it was all useless because upon their investigation it was said that just one person had the Authority to open and activate this so-called new develop and crafted transfer gate,

and even after months of surveillance nobody knew who these people were, spies were sent to closely watch the area itself as numerous people just enter them without doing anything special, most of those who uses this were relatively unknown to the spies who the merchant Eirana Fanuilos contracted,

the only name they were able to get was Lā mǐ'ěr or the Black Battle Archmage, thinking that whoever created these rumours was a master manipulator and a master swindler and a great con artist, her spies reported stories that made her laugh, hearing achievements of this unknown being to be this large in scale was unbelievable and was undeniably unreal,

these reports filled her ear as she and the two more members of the ten were now annoyed, even after hearing that this same person was the reason Avarel was saved and was able to regain its prosperity because of Lā mǐ'ěr who subsequently was the king of Arcane,

frustration was hovering in their minds thinking, as the three of them conveyed this information, the Royal Sheol Academy Head Master Dakath Nerilamin was brooding over the fact hearing the gossip about the Queen was already upsetting him, now Banneret Eilaira Firsha was also saying that his spies were also reporting the same thing that Merchant Eirana Fanuilos had gathered, the three were physically talking to one another at a location in the wealthiest district in Ivlares, knowing that Earl Reeve Gallien was appointed by Viscountess Hilas Ugrihron as she conducting personal business,

"Have you ever heard about the rumours that brat Hilas Ugrihron has a relationship with the so-called Black Battle Archmage!"

" Eilaira stop saying this nonsense!"

"what do you mean nonsense?"

"you know, saying the title Battle Archmage!"

"We all know there is just one Black Battle Archmage in Sheol, and she is quite dead already!"

"Are we even sure she is dead?"

"Are you saying that Duke Gilvores Dallmethad didn't want his wife to die?"

"among all of the clans that are members of the ten, the Dallmethad family has the biggest hate toward the Demiurgos"

the tree continued their small unauthorised gathering and just devise a plan to impress the higher members of their secret organisation

at the same time Beorhtric family head patriarch, who was still residing in Ivlares city, was facing a difficult time because his only son was placed in prison in Avarel because somebody reported that he was caught doing illegal activities and went to ask his sister in law to help him save his son Arathorn Beorhtric from jail, Merchant Eirana Fanuilos introduce the two as well close friends and ask his brother-in-law concerning his request as he gave every possible detail that leads to his sons arrest,

Merchant Eirana Fanuilos thought that the chance was small but if they plan this right they can finally confirm if all this gossip was true and finally have the confirmation they need about the existence of Arcane,

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