
Hunting for the Crystal Cross Gang

Erik and June set off for New Alexandria early the next morning. After having transformed into Galewing form, June carried them towards the city's outskirts.

However, June's appearance was sure to trigger the city's defenses, an encounter Erik was keen to avoid. Stealth was essential for their mission.

For this reason, they were currently walking through the forest, killing weak Thaids here and there.

Their primary aim was to gather intelligence on the Crystal Cross Gang.

Erik was gonna completely shut them down: get rid of everyone, blow up their base, and take out their mysterious leader, Shade.

This shadowy figure, rumored to wield considerable influence across the criminal underworld of several nations. He was believed to be the mastermind behind the gangs across the world.

Erik knew that uncovering the reality of Shade's existence and determining his ties to the Crystal Cross Gang was going to be a big deal.

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