
A proposal (3)

The ensuing 60 minutes were a whirlwind of intricate bargaining. Contracts were examined, monetary amounts were tossed back and forth, and clauses were negotiated. They could walk out of the office, knowing they had struck an agreement that could not be broken.

Erik felt the thrilling high that always came before a good business transaction as he sat on Lysa's office chair.

This partnership represented yet another significant achievement in the development of his guild. However, despite everything he had achieved up to this point, he was fully aware of the difficulties ahead. This may seem like a modest success to some, but for a single individual, it was a fantastic way to launch their firm.

Building trust, overseeing operations, and ensuring everything was perfectly carried out were enormous tasks. On the other side, Erik Kay was capable of completing the work. Despite this, he knew he would require help in the future.

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