
The Ursus Glacialis (1)

The usually light-hearted Garrett suddenly held his hand up, gesturing for silence. An expression of grave concentration replaced his usually carefree demeanor.

His eyes were fixed on something on the forest floor. After following his gaze, the group found something peculiar in the snow: a series of enormous paw prints, significantly larger than anything they had ever seen before.

These prints were notably distinctive; they were significantly deeper and broader and undeniably the sign of an enormous creature in size and mass.

The freshness of the imprints was indicated by their crisp edges, which provided further evidence that the creature was not too far away.

Erik got down on his knees next to one of them and put his hand in the crater there. The fact that the print was so much larger than his hand was a concerning indication of the kind of monster that left them.

There were a handful of them that came to his mind and that he knew lived around these parts of the forest.

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