

Erik kept running as the battle between the Red Palace's workers and principal Van Dyke, raged. He often glanced back to see how the situation was, and it wasn't pleasant. The Principal was now fighting in melee, but he was clearly exhausted since he had used a lot of mana to perform the previous attack.

The young man quickly left the Red Palace's huge garden, but it took some minutes to do so. Once outside, he reached the streets, where he was by no means safer. At that point, Erik felt like he had been running for hours as his heart pounded vigorously in his chest and adrenaline pumped through his body.

There was only one thought in his mind: to put as much distance as possible between himself and the Blirdoth.

Erik had barely escaped from there, thanks to the principal's intervention, but he knew that Blirdoth wasn't something the older man could kill based on what he saw.

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