
Last Step 5

It was all as if it was a dream.

I mean, it felt like one.

He was approaching Rachel's ward without warning. He would have entered if the doctors and nurses on standby hadn't stopped him.

And when they did, he diverted his gaze to Lin Qin. It was like it was automatic, because he didn't even look for him. He already knew where he was seated.

"Well, well... My woman is now yours, huh?"

Lin Qin was dumbfounded. Everyone continued to watch in shock.

"You should be ashamed to care for a child who isn't yours, Lin"

Lin Qin would have swored that his ears were blocked to the first words uttered by Jerry.

But the last part... It pierced it open.

"She's mine now" he said, standing up from his sitting position.

Of course, everyone, including the female nurses admired the courage and bravery of this strange young man.

But they never knew what was coming.

"Oh really?" Jerry had asked mischievously.

"Well then... Have a look"

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