
You Ready?

Munchen continues to gawk at Zhi Ruo with a funny look on his face.

Xiao rolls her eyes many seconds after Zhi Ruo picked up the phone, and she sat back down on the legs of Munchen, stroking his chest without thinking.

"It's Zhi Ruo" As Zhi Ruo mentioned her name, Munchen eyes shift to her as she continue to talk on the phone. Xiao notices and pinches his impertinence.

With a little drop of blood on her fritters, Munchen sluggishly returns his aspect to her and she continued playing with him.

"I need your help. Where can we meet?" Munchen shifts his aspect again, and this time, Xiao couldn't brought it back to herself.

Seems like her passions matter more after all.

She smiles gently and stands up from the legs of the Munchen and walks to Zhi Ruo, approximately puffing her shoulders, and staying for her to end the call.

"Be there beforehand. Thank you" She hangs up after a meeting place was listed and drops the phone on the desk.

Next chapter