

3 years into high school his mom got re-married so they moved out of the country to go stay with his stepdad in England.

I had to hear it from my mom that Ocean had gone miles away from me and I could not do anything.

Life without him was painful and that's when I realised l was head over heels for this boy. You know when you are so used to someone being there for you despite your shortcomings, he was always around me and l felt comfortable with it, l got too used to it, it was as if he was meant to be there, by my side at all times. Turns out he wasn't meant to be by my side, instead he was meant to be away. And he had gone approximately 9.4 miles away with my heart.

It's as if he decided not to talk to me or mom anymore because from then on, we never heard a word from him.

All l could see was his Instagram posts and I did not dare to make small talk with him. It was over, I guess.

The very first time I went to King Castle alone without Ocean, Frank asked where l had left my other half. He always joked about us being his favourite love birds and we brush it off and laughed along with him.

I would always wonder if he also saw it that way, us as lovebirds. At times l would wonder if he ever stays up late just thinking about me the way l do.

I told him that my other half had left me and he made me a sourdough toast to cry with me. The toast was surprisingly yummy considering how sour l was feeling, l made a deal with myself then, instead of buying bagels I started buying the sourdough toast.

I had three long, excruciating months of adjusting to him not being around me so much, getting friends to join for study groups since I studied with Ocean who is no longer here.

It was difficult but I got the hang of it and my head was above water once again.

I made friends with Regan, Marlon and Daniel. I wasn't really friends with Daniel, he was Regan's boyfriend so him being my girl best friend's boyfriend made him part of the squad. As for Marlon, I got paired up with him for a history project so from then we became friends.

People being themselves spread rumours about me and him being together since he was a basketball player he was popular and girls were all over him and his life.

I liked him because he was actually chilled about everything, he wasn't egotistical unlike all the other boys who played basketball.

We became good friends despite my lack of popularity.

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