Sometimes it's okay to let people go. I have come to realise that a little bit later in my life.
I wish l would have known it sooner at least life would have been a little easier.
I never knew that love has no age, l always thought that you fall in love at a later stage in life for example eighteen and above.
But no, l did not wait that long for my stupid heart to fall in love with someone who was way out of my league and l knew it.
I was in middle school around the age of ten when l met him. It wasn't much of a meet cute instead he pissed me off to the level that l almost murdered him with my bicycle.
In my mind he was my soulmate, he had a nametag with my name on it.
Okay let me start at the very beginning.
I stay in Australia with both my parents in Geelong city.
A very beautiful, spacious and rich in everything city. My neighbourhood has a lot of kids my age, primary school kids, which should be a good thing unless you are me.
A very reserved kid, I barely conversed with anyone here.
It was a very fine day when I decided to go for a ride on my bicycle, the usual everyday routine ever since I was able to walk. My dad bought me a new bicycle every year on my birthdays, so riding kind of grew on me.
I would sometimes pass by King Castle coffee shop to buy a benedict bagel with my pocket money for the week if I hadn't used all of it. They made the best bagels.
As someone who never had friends, most times I would ride around the neighbourhood watching from afar the kids in our neighbourhood playing ball games literally all the time I would pass by I see them enjoying themselves and I would admire it obviously but l never had the courage to get down from my bike and join them so I rode past them every single time.
As I was on my way home, I saw three boys my age or rather a year or two ahead walking in my direction and instantly noticed how cute one of them was.
Before I approached them one of them told the cute one to stand in my way and make sure I give them way instead of the other way round since I was the one with a vehicle.
He did as he was told, stood in front of my bike as l got closer.
Me being the stubborn girl l am l vowed not to give way because I felt that they were trying to disrespect me because I am a girl.
I promptly increased the speed and faced him with a determined face.
He did not budge and so did l, I shut out every sense of responsibility and my conscience that was telling to let it go I might hurt him.
From nowhere my conscience managed to reach out to me unfortunately it was too late l had bumped into him.
No major injuries, he fell and that's when I realised what l had done.
His knee was bleeding and it was all my fault, I panicked and rode back home as quickly as l could.
I did not bother to check on him.