
Chapter 18

Traeger was grateful for her narrow beam as it enabled her to slip through the canal unhindered. There were tens of feet of room between her and the lock walls. It was actually more of a struggle to keep herself centered as the current pushed her towards the sides. She had to make sure she kept her mooring lines tight. Once into Miraflores Lake it was a straight shot into the Pedro Miguel locks, the second of three lock sets she had to go through. These didn't take nearly as long as she was lowered a mere 31 feet compared to the 54 feet of last time. It was still a two hour ordeal. Traeger had never transited Panama before and it was good policy to take it slow on first timers. Some ships might find the locks confining and fight, damaging themselves and the locks in an effort to break for open water. Traeger only felt the slightest concern which she easily stifled. Gatun Lake was the longest part of the journey and Traeger enjoyed steaming gently through its beautiful waters. There were very few ships in the canal today, ensuring that not only did the lake remain relatively clear of silt but that her wait at the final set of locks would not be that long. As an American naval ship, she had free passage but that didn't mean she would be a jerk about it and force her way to the front of the line as was her right.

Instead, she anchored and observed the pretty scenery. Panama was part of the tropical rainforest that extended out from the Amazon in Brazil. Towering trees that remained full all year round rose from the banks like giant pilings. Only these were much bigger than any wingdam and very much alive. If she tuned her hearing, Traeger could make out the distinct calls of birds found no where else on earth. The slithering of scales against the forest floor. And the buzzing of countless insects. It was as though she could feel the soul of this place and she closed her eyes, opening her senses even more. The sounds filled her ears, Impressing upon her what it truly meant to be alive. She briefly felt the need to apologize on behalf of her kind for needing the canal that cut through this landscape but she sensed no malice towards her from the jungle. No grudges.

All too soon it was time to move on and Traeger weighed anchor to enter the final and largest set of locks. The Gatun Locks would drop her a whopping 84 feet into the Atlantic. Traeger closed her eyes as she felt herself beginning to drop, her hull moving with the water as it drained. After an interesting few hours, she was released. Instantly Traeger felt the familiar currents of the Atlantic. The Port of Colon beckoned to her and she moved forward, bidding farewell to Panama as she did so. She took her time in crossing the Gulf of Mexico. Ford had to take the long way around due to her much larger beam and the pair planned to meet up off Florida.

After skirting Cuba, Traeger saw the familiar shape of Ford approaching from over the horizon and she grinned, The destroyer had timed it perfectly. Still, it was a great opportunity to tease the carrier. "Ford, managed to drag your bulk through the canal after all?" She grinned. Ford rolled her eyes, taking the prodding in her stride and the pair touched noses in greeting. "Been waiting long?" She asked. Traeger shook her head. "I timed our meeting perfectly." She replied. "Of course you did." Ford chuckled. The pair resumed their journey to Norfolk.

Traeger's first impression of the base was, underwhelming to say the least. Compared with the vibrancy of Panama, Norfolk felt almost dead to her. Even though it was abuzz with activity. "I would almost prefer the desert." She muttered quietly to Ford. The carrier was hard to miss and nearly every ship seemed to greet them as they sailed through the Chesapeake Bay. But they all parted before two vessels. One was an older cruiser, her muzzle turning from silver to white. The other was a white muzzled destroyer who's eyes held a strange vibrancy to them. Traeger stiffened and she felt Ford do the same beside her. "Well they don't look like much." commented the cruiser. "Go easy on them Leyte. No need to completely chew off their sterns before they get a chance to sit on them." said the other. "You only say that because you can't see them, Arleigh." Leyte grinned. "Report!" She ordered. Traeger snapped too. "USS Traeger DDG-121 reporting in from NRTC San Diego!" "USS Gerald R Ford CVN-78 reporting in from NRTC San Diego!" "Stand at ease." Leyte ordered. "I am USS Leyte Gulf CG-55. I serve as this base's commander as well as COMCRUISLANT." If possible both Ford and Traeger stiffened even further.

The destroyer came forward now, nearly identical to Traeger. The Kuwaiti born destroyer could see she was blind. "I am USS Arleigh Burke DDG-51. I am the fleet's supreme healer and just because I'm blind doesn't mean I can't detect when you're injured. So you better not be hiding anything from me or you will regret it. Yes I'm talking to you Ford. Come see me after Leyte finishes her introductions so I can fix that RCP that's growling away." Ford winced. "Y-yes ma'am." She stammered. She glanced at Traeger, the look in her eyes clearly saying 'how did she do that?" Even Traeger found herself impressed by Arleigh's abilities and straightened up, stifling her wince, when the healer focused her gaze on her. "Hmm, some straining around the shoulders. How's your back doing?" Just as surprised as Ford was, Traeger answered "It's fine as long as I wear a brace ma'am." Arleigh nodded. "I want you in my medbay today as well. I know Senior Carter did a fine job but she's not a healer." "Aye ma'am." They both answered. As Leyte turned around to start giving them the base tour, Ford leaned over and whispered "This is going to be interesting." Still surprised by Arleigh's uncanny abilities, Traeger whispered back "Oh I dunno. Seems the same to me." At that moment Leyte realized her two newest fleetmates weren't immediately behind her. "FORD, TRAEGER, IN FORMATION NOW!" Both jumped to obey her command. "Yep, this is exactly like San Diego." Traeger thought, amused.

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