
Home Just Isn't Home

The words fade from my mind as my vision comes back into focus on the last page of this leather-bound journal. I blink as I try to remember all the details. I could feel the emotions that he poured into these pages of the nonsensical chicken scratch he had left behind. I look at the rat who seems to be on edge for me to speak. "How long was I gone?"

"Gone? You never left."

"How long was I reading?"

"Maybe… four minutes?"

In four minutes I lived a life of the power that resides inside of me. One of the many. He lived a full life for a man of his time. He got to five tails as I am now before he was betrayed by the one who taught him how to use it. He never named the person who trained him. "What are the rest of these in here?"

"All the written records we could recover from the other nine-tailed foxes."

"The others… Do you have anything from the previous incarnation?"

"Royale? No. We haven't found anything but it usually years before someone finds one and even longer before they turn it over to a collector or put it up for sale."

I have nothing on the last nine-tailed fox. I wonder what words he would have to share. I look over the other records in this box. Some are just papers. Some are whole books. One catches my interest the further down I go. It looks like a small scroll. Undoing the ribbon allows it to be opened. There are few words in a language that I can guess what it is. The picture is very… Interesting. It appears to be a nine-tailed fox but with features that are unusual to me. Parts are missing fur showing smooth skin. She has fox ears and all nine tails at the time of this painting. That's the best I can describe it.

The rat smiles as he sees me scan the image. "This is the one we know the most about. Her name was Aki. She was the first recorded nine-tailed fox and one who pushed the world onto the path we are on today." I look at the scroll and ask, "Aki, what is your story? What did you do?"

Nothing happens. No story comes to me. No words fill my mind. Phinnis doesn't seem surprised, "This was not written by her. We don't know who made it." I look back at the paper placing one finger on it. I can… feel a strong emotion. Not of fear, not of power, but of caring. It's love. Whoever painted this was someone who admired Aki or even more than that. I mutter out, "A lover."

Behind the affection, there is pain in this painting. I cannot read the words as they are printed but my mind tells me that this was written as a letter to her. Maybe a memorial. The painting may have been made while she was alive or from a strong memory of her. There is a lot more to this than it seems. There are pages upon pages of stories from the former carriers. I could sit here for days going over these but I don't have that time.

I have places I need to be. I need to get home. The door to the office opens as a small mouse walks in with his head down, "Pardon the intrusion Prophet. There is someone who wants to…" He cut himself off as he looked up. I'm holding a few of these journals and books in my paws as both of us look at him. His face goes through a series of quick changes. From anger to a realization of what is before him. His eyes widened as they became glossed over with tears. "It's him." His voice was raspy as he tried to make the words, "It's The Nine-Tailed Fox."

He fell to his knees placing his head on the ground in the deepest sign of respect. I look over at Phinnis who is smiling. "I told you. There are those who support you. Who are blindly loyal to you. Even if you aren't in full form." He walks around me to bring his follower up to a standing position. He's afraid to even look at me. Phinnis addresses him, "Please, go to our guest and tell him I will be there as soon as I can. As you can see, I am busy."

"Y-yes, Prophet."

"And please, keep this to yourself for now. When the time is right, we will share the news."

He was excited, "At your word!"

He gave me one more bow before leaving, shutting the door behind him. It was a strange interaction. One that I have never experienced before. Phinnis chuckled as he came back to the desk, "Now you see you have allies in this world."

"Why do you not treat me like he does?"

"The Nine-Tailed Fox is a mythical being of great power. While I spread the word of your past deeds, written doctrine, and great accomplishments; I am humbled that the nine-tailed fox is a creature of understanding. They have not experienced what I have. They do not know all that I know. You and I can speak like this because you will for it. If you so demanded, I would worship you reverently such as my follower has. But as you are, I will also help educate you to better assist you."

I'm sure the information that he has is invaluable to me. I have my priorities. "Phinnis, I understand that you can help me but I have my own goals I need to accomplish first."

"And that is all I want for you. You know what is best for you better than anyone else. However, we have sects all over the country and all over the world should the need arise and you require assistance."

"That's good to know. Thank you, Phinnis."

"My pleasure, Red."

For the first time, he shows me how deep his respect runs. He bows to me in a smooth motion pushing an envelope to me. With no more words, he lets me know that I am free to move about where I please. I leave the church with no resistance and for the first time in a while, I feel free. The envelope he passed contained $5,000. More than enough to get to where I need to be. The best way for me to travel would be by train. I don't need a passport or identification. It'll be slower but it will be safer.

I need to let my parents know that I'm OK. I would also enjoy the peace of mind of being home. Even if for a few hours. I get that train pass in hand. I find my platform, and it's easy riding until I reach my destination. I do what I can to keep a low profile. Anytime I leave my cabin I make sure my tails are hidden. The money helps with food service for the few days I travel. It feels far too long yet at the same time it feels like it took no time at all.

It feels good just to be close to home. I'll need to jump from the train station to a taxi. A three-hour ride and one fat tip later, I'm home. Something feels off as I step onto the driveway. The front door is locked. I hate to break into my own home but it looks like I have no choice.

Let me think. I don't want to damage the door. I use a small vibration to jostle the tumblers into position. It clicks allowing me entrance. Stepping inside fills me with a sense of dread rather than comfort. There's a layer of dust on everything. This place looks like it hasn't been occupied for months. I look through the house for any other signs. The box I sent is sitting in the closet of what was once my bedroom. My parents were already in the process of changing it to a nursery for the twins. They already have two cribs. I can't find the check I sent to them. I hope they used it but I'm worried about where they are now. This place smells abandoned.

Were they taken? Or did they leave of their own accord? I doubt it's the second. They worked hard to build a life here. Something smells. I'm certain they didn't leave on their own. Now I have to wonder who did this.

I step outside after locking the door to find someone standing in the driveway. They're waiting for me. There's no need to hide who I am from them. They know who I am. I let my tails flow behind me as I approach, "Who are you and what do you want?" They only smile before beckoning me to join them. This little rat knows who I am. I wonder if he's with Phinnis. Maybe he was sent to just keep an eye on me. "The illustrious nine-tailed fox. Never in my days would I think I get the pleasure to meet you."

"Who are you?"

"Consider me a friend of the world."

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