
Chapter 26: Sins of Fear

“Where are you?” Aeliana cried, as she cowered, lowly, in fear. She could not contain her tears, for they seemed to fall much too heavily for her to bear.

The weight of Aeliana’s sins and trespasses overtook her completely. She could feel herself wallowing in the depth and enormity of it all. Knowing that, her chances of ever being with Archangel Michael had entirely vanished. Her dreams of holding him closely, in her arms, still lingering.

Gazing all around her, Aeliana realized that she was likely lost in some sort of unseeable, unknowable dream world. While she desired the beauty of the natural world more strongly than she could have begun to describe regarding the supernatural world or any of its regions, she nevertheless held some sort of curiosity within her regarding its power and unyielding strength.

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