

  After the others left, Mr. Nuri bowed to Conor, “Again, Sir, forgive me for not informing you sooner about Miss Lokir.”

  “It’s fine. Just bring me up to speed sooner in the future.” Then turning to Kerrigan,

  “Miss Lokir-“

  But she held up a hand, “When it is not so formal, just call me Kerrigan. It gets bothersome being called Miss Lokir when we are the same age.”

  Conor grinned, “Kerrigan, is there anything you need?”

  “Nothing my team can’t acquire.”

  “Good, then for your safety and for that of my people, I think it best you stay on this floor for now. I know it's not a lot of space, but it is the best way for us to limit who knows you are here. I can have my people get anything you need, so as to further limit your own guards being spotted and assumptions being made.”

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