
Chapter Eleven

"I don't beliave she knows how fingerprints work... or has any common sense."

Kenji deadpanned, looking down at his phone, watching the recording of the events transpiring between Ayanokoji and Kushida.

He was right, the mask could not stay on forever, she showed her true colors, the devil to her angel, and in return, he got a good bargaining chip.

"Where did you go?"

His little brother asked in a blank tone, looking at him and then at the phone, before looking back at him again.

In return, he pointed at the tree he was hiding behind, which got him a blank stare.

"Anyway, she's dumb if she thinks people are going to believe her."

Pulling up the chat between him and Kiyotaka, he sent over the video, putting the phone back in his pocket after.

"How so?"

Kiyotaka took out his phone and downloaded the video that was sent over.

"She would accuse you of Rape, however, it would be dumb to assume that you would put your hand in one place, the victims struggle, so your hand prints would have to be all over her clothes, witch again... They are not... And getting fingerprints from clothes is far more difficult than one would think..."

He hummed, putting his phone back in his pocket.

"Still though, that was a scary face she was pulling."

Kenji stayed silent. Kushida was like a kitten compared to what he was accustomed to. In his mind, the scene played out from when he was still eight.

The look of sheer unadulterated rage that crossed his uncles face in that moment, seeing a man from the time he was in the army still sent shivers down his spine.

Kenji never before saw the look of someone who was ready to kill someone with their bare hands, but he learned that day, Kenji never asked him why he hated the man so much, but he could string a few theories together...

For the first time, Kenji was afraid.

Shaking the memories away, he tapped his brother on the shoulder and started walking back to the dorms.

"Let's go back, I wanna catch some Z's."


Kiyataka yawned as we waited for the elevator to arrive. Kenji was leaning on his shoulder with his forearm, hunched over as he rubbed the sleep out of his eye.

"Man, I'm tired."

Kenji muttered, straightening up and zipping open the bag he was carrying, pulling out a bento box, holding it out to Kiyotaka.


The younger of the two looked down at it curiously, raising an eyebrow.

"For you..."

Kenji muttered, still sleepy. Kiyotaka took it, looking at it like it was some kind of new discovery.

"...Thank you."

Kenji chuckled as the elevator door opened, revealing Horikita and Kushida. One was, like always, glaring while the other was smiling like a saint.

Walking inside without missing a beat, he stood next to Kushida and leaned on the back wall of the elevator.

"Wow, you two have serious cases of bedhead."

Kushida said, smiling while looking between Kenji and Kiyotaka. Kenji just shrugged as the elevator started descending.

"Went to bed immediately after the celebration yesterday, slept like a log."

Kushida could be a good puppet if he could get control of her. But the tricky part was figuring out the best way to do it. He could do it personally, reveal that he has a video of her threatening to accuse someone with false evidence, or he could do it anonymously.

However, both had advantages and disadvantages, if he used the Anonimous route, she could narrow down the suspects, however... If he made her target someone from class D...

But who?

As the elevator door opened again, the four walked out, Kenji's eyes immediately zeroed in on the curious upperclassman who was waiting at the entrance of the dorm.

Green met crimson again and Kenji walked forward, leaving the three of his classmates behind.

Exiting the dorm building, just barely avoiding a crowd of first-year students that piled out behind him, he grinned down at Fūka, who was smirking right back.

"Mind if we walk to school together?"

She asked, tilting her head to the side, her head cascading down with the movement.

"Miss me that much?"

Kenji chuckled as the two started walking. Fūka looked up at him with a raised eyebrow, her voice having a teasing tone to it.

"What? Can't I come to see my favorite first-year?"

Poking her shoulder, Kenji raised his own eyebrow in challenge.

"You mean the only first-year you know."

Fūka hummed and shrugged in response, her smirk still in place.

"Same thing."

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