
Chapter 259 : Whispers From the Past

Chapter 259: Whispers From the Past

Olivia POV

The sun rose to the choir of sparrows nesting just beyond the latticed window.

A snore like that of a wildebeest let me know that Ellis would be long in returning to the waking world.

Slipping from between the sheets, I got dressed in near silence and snatched my sketchpad before easing out the door.

There were few things better than the glory of the morning especially in such a lovely location.

I toured the city which felt more like a town at the first light of the morning. I found myself at one of the many rivers that ran through it, being so close to the coast as we were.

Taking the inspiration I’d hoped would strike, I found a comfortable place near the bank and started to sketch. It was my first landscape in ten years but I soon remembered the talent.

The HB pencil scratched against the thick pulped sketch paper that was more like parchment than anything modern. It only seemed appropriate for the setting.

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