
Chapter 254 : Gaining Control

Chapter 254: Gaining Control

Olivia POV

The digital rooster called again, waking me up to find my husband and best friend, getting dressed for a hard run.

“Morning, hon. Come join the fun,” he said, zipping up a devastatingly stylish hoodie.

“If you insist,” joked.

I slipped out from under the covers in my birthday suit, more confident in my body than ever, as well as trusting Ellis with my life. I could feel his eyes admiring me as I got dressed for training. Particular attention was paid to my back and ass, which had seen the most marked changes.

“Oh, Daddy,” I gasped as he pressed a hand to the small of my back.

He always knew all the right buttons to get me going. There had been years for him to learn but he was a quick study, turning from a good lover to an absolute master of intense arousal. Sometimes he could make me orgasm by barely touching me.

“Is there time?” he asked, his hand making its way around my hip to my pelvis.

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