
Arrow ~ Doppelgänger ~ Part Three


"I don't know, Felicity," Dig sighed later. "Maybe it's a little soon bringing up taking back the mantle from Oliver, but it's been months."

"A hell of a few months, though," Felicity pointed out. "And Oliver's just not ready to step down, not with everything that's going on. It's too much. It's crazy."

Dig nodded, taking her words in . . . not seeing Slade and Malcolm exchange glances from where they were listening from over by the weapons table. "He brought it up again?" Slade asked quietly, turning his back so it was to the two up by the computers.

"He did," Malcolm nodded, sharpening his sword. "While we were in the field, too, with Roy in the hotel opposite us."

"That's neither the time nor the place to do that," Slade scowled.

"Which is exactly why I diverted Oliver's attention to what was more important at the time," Malcolm nodded.

"Good move."

"Thanks," Malcolm sighed, setting his sword down and leaning against the table. "Would you believe there was a time when I honestly would have preferred if Oliver had stopped doing what he was doing?"

"Yes," Slade snorted. "When you were his archenemy."

"OK, point," Malcolm rolled his eyes. "But Slade – "

"I prefer Oliver with the hood, too, but in the end, it's his decision," Slade reminded him. "If Oliver decides to keep it, I'm standing behind him one hundred percent."

"But?" Malcolm prompted.

Slade sighed. "I do wonder what our roles would be if John took it back."

"That's what worries me," Malcolm nodded. "Because I still don't know if he entirely trusts us or not."

"I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't entirely," Slade shook his head. "But we'll cross that bridge if we come to it."

Malcolm sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Why do I think that's going to become we get to it?"

"Because you always jinx it, wizard," Slade smirked.

Malcolm shot him a glare.

"There you are," Slade clapped him on the shoulder, chuckling and moving around the table. "Back to your normal self."

Malcolm sighed. "I'll feel more normal when we figure out where Laurel is."


"You know, Laurel," Diaz paced in front of her, hands clasped behind his back. "I think Cayden went about his plan for Star City the wrong way."

"What?" Laurel huffed. "You don't think destruction is a good way to break a city?"

"Oh, I don't want to break Star City," Diaz shook his head.

"No," Laurel sneered. "You just want to take it over. Anatoli told me."

"I told him to," Diaz shrugged.

"So you want to take Star City over," Laurel sighed, leaning back. "And what could I possibly offer you? Or what do you think I could offer you, because I'm still waiting for you to tell me why I should even consider this."

"It's quite simple, Laurel," he smiled chillingly. "Laurel Lance, back from the dead. A shining light, their former Black Canary. You were quite the beloved figure back in the day. I think you still are now. What an influence you could be."

"Why would I want to be?" Laurel rolled her eyes. "I was perfectly fine living my life in the shadows where no one knew I existed."

"Where no one knew you existed," Diaz repeated thoughtfully, nodding his head as he paced. "Tell me . . . how many enemies outside of the law do you think Laurel Lance had?" Laurel narrowed her eyes as Diaz raised an eyebrow. "Hmm? I'm guessing many because of how many she put behind bars as a lawyer, how many had friends . . . how many I know through the Scorpions."

"You're threatening me?" Laurel asked in disbelief, barking out a laugh. "That's rich." She leaned forward, narrowing her eyes. "You got the jump on me once. Threatening me right in front of me? You know I'll be prepared now."

"Perhaps," Diaz nodded. "But you see . . . I'm not the type of guy that believes giving a beating is the only way to cause some pain."

"That explains the route to Oliver," Laurel sniffed. "Doesn't explain how you're gonna convince me to join you. You're not being very convincing."

Diaz tilted his head, considering her. Then, out of the blue, he asked, "How's Merlyn?"

Laurel stiffened, giving Diaz a glare. "You wouldn't."

"Wouldn't what?" Diaz asked innocently, spreading his hands as he stopped in front of her. "You asked the question yourself: am I trying to break the rest of you up? Who would I try and break, the Girl of Steel? Cayden had some interesting tricks for her, I'll admit it, but all that would do is make Queen pissed off even more. That might even make him fight back. No, she's not an option. Not too concerned about her little friends, either, there's not much on them anyway. But Merlyn . . . oh, Talia has a lot on him." He stopped in front of Laurel. "What do you think Star City would want the moment they had the knowledge that Malcolm Merlyn is alive and back in their city?"

"You – " Laurel began to speak, eyes alight with fury.

"Or maybe not Merlyn," Diaz continued, turning to pace again. "What about Wilson? There's gotta be people in this city who would bay for his blood after that little siege of his, don't you think? Huh? What do you think about that?"

"Bastard," Laurel finished her previous thought, swallowing hard.

"I'm just being realistic here, Laurel," Diaz held out his hands. "Laurel Lance is a bright light to almost everyone in Star City . . . but Malcolm Merlyn and Slade Wilson are associated with death and destruction. I'd say I took it easy on Queen by bringing you into the spotlight. At least you're not someone who would need to run as far as they could the very second their name is dropped."

"That's your play?" Laurel whispered in disbelief, staring at him angrily. "Either making me paranoid to the point I'd always look over my shoulder, or blackmailing me by exposing Malcolm and Slade?"

"Is it working?" Diaz had the gall to smirk.

Laurel's mouth opened and closed repeatedly, but she couldn't find the words to say what she was really thinking. "You're insane," was all she settled for.

"Am I?" Diaz raised an eyebrow. "That question's moot. The real question is, who do I have to bring the pain to . . . you, or Merlyn or Wilson? It's your choice."

Laurel glared at him, and without answering, she opened her mouth and screamed, catapulting Diaz back and across the platform.


Alex was running Roy through another exam as Oliver walked over to where Thea was sitting, her eyes on the other two. "Hey," he said. "How're you doing?"

Thea sighed. "I'm happy he's back," she answered honestly as Alex nodded encouragingly to Roy. "But he's still a fugitive." She lowered her gaze. "I'm gonna have to lose him again."

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