
Chapter 150 - Alura's Nightmare

Lena and Alura are currently sitting next to each other in their living room, happily watching a movie. Right now, Kara isn't with the two of them as she is out on some Supergirl business, or something. At the moment Alura is not wearing her power dampening bracelet, as Kara and Lena have decided to just trial Alura not wearing one while she is at home. The reason the two mothers have decided to trial this, is because they think that if Alura does have an accident, and uses her powers, at least she will just be at their home where no one else will see what happened, and Alura won't be exposed to the world. Then also, on the other side of things, if Alura does use her powers, and is unable to control them, Kara and Lena can quickly activate the penthouses red sun power dampening lights, which have been installed throughout the house now.

"Okay...." Lena says, standing up from the couch, "It's time to get you ready for school."

After Lena says that, Alura grows a scowl on her face.

"I don't want to go to school!" Alura moans.

"Baby, you have to go to school. You know how important your education is to me." Lena says, as she leans down closer to Alura, placing a kiss on her cheek.

"NO!" Alura yells, and shoves Lena. However, Alura accidentally shoves Lena with her superstrength, which causes Lena to go flying through the living room, smashing through the balcony door glass, and bashing into the side of the balcony.

As soon as Alura realises what she has done, and what has happened, her eyes go wide and she starts crying. Alura thinks about how she has hurt her momma for a second time already with her powers.

"MOMMA!!!!!!" Alura sobs, and goes running out onto the balcony to rush to Lena's side.

Alura falls down to her knees once she gets to Lena's side, but the CEO doesn't move, and has some blood trickling out of her mouth and nose, while her eyes are open.

"Momma!" Alura says, shaking Lena, trying to wake her up.

Lena doesn't wake, as she is not asleep. The moment that Lena crashed into the balcony side, the former CEO broke her neck and died.

"Momma please! Please wake up!!" Alura sobs, uncontrollably.

Alura continues to try and wake Lena up for the next few minutes, crying the whole time, but nothing happens. Eventually, Kara comes floating down, landing on the balcony.

"Alura..... what have you done?!" Kara says, with so much anger in her voice.

Alura looks up at Kara, and she opens her mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. The next thing Alura sees is Kara's eyes turning red, as the superhero is about to use her heat vision on her.

Alura suddenly jerks awake, her heart beating so fast.

"Alura, Alura, are you okay?" Kara says, taking the 5-year-old in for a hug.

"She's dead. She's dead...." Alura sobs, as Kara continues to hug her.

"Who's dead?" Kara asks, confused.

"Momma." Alura sobs.

"Darling, I'm right here." Lena says, as she now steps into Alura's bedroom.

What had just happened is Kara, Lena and Alura were all asleep, and Alura was obviously having a nightmare, which made her heart beat really fast, and Kara noticed that and went rushing into Alura's room, followed by Lena.

"Momma!!" Alura sobs, opening her arms, gesturing for Lena to hug her.

Lena quickly makes her way over to Alura's side, and takes the 5-year-old in for a tight hug. While Lena does this, Kara just grows a very worried look on her face, realising that Alura must have had a dream where Lena died.

"It's okay, Alura. I'm here. We both are." Lena says, as she continues to hug Alura tightly.

Alura simply cries into Lena's arms.

After a few moments of Alura continuing to cry, Kara then moves and takes a seat on the other side of Alura's bed. Kara is now pretty confident that it is unlikely that Alura will be going back to sleep tonight without the two of them by her side.

Alura continues to cry for the next few minutes, before she eventually pulls back from Lena, and looks her up in the eyes. "I'm sorry, momma." Alura says.

"Oh, darling. You never have to be sorry for having a nightmare and being upset." Lena says, with so much love and affection in her voice.

"No." Alura says, "I'm sorry I killed you."

"What?" Both Kara and Lena stay at the same time, confused.

Previously, Kara and Lena just thought Alura had a nightmare where Lena died, and that is what was making her upset, however, now that they have heard that in that nightmare Alura somehow killed Lena, that just brings forward a bunch of other issues. Kara and Lena both know that nightmares like that could have some serious mental and emotional effects on Alura, who has been doing so well recently, having made a lot of progress thanks to her continued therapy sessions.

"Alura, it was just a dream. You don't have to say sorry for whatever happened in a dream." Lena replies, now with some worry in her voice.

"No. I do, because the dream could be real!" Alura replies, still with an upset look on her face.

"What do you mean it could be real?" Kara asks, still a bit confused, "What happened in the dream?"

Alura looks between Kara and Lena with an anxious and upset look on her face for a few moments.

"It's okay, darling. You can tell us anything." Lena says, in a caring voice.

"Yeah." Kara says, backing up Lena, wanting to show Alura that they are united in that opinion.

Alura eventually nods her head, and then takes a deep breath.

"In my dream...... we were sitting on the couch..... watching a movie..... Momma.... you then said I had to get ready to go to school..... but I didn't want to.... I got angry.... and upset.... so I shoved you..... But I shoved you too hard.... with my powers..... and you crashed through the glass.... and onto the balcony....... I then ran after you..... but you didn't respond to me..... and your eyes were..... open...... you...... you were dead......." Alura says, breaking into more tears again.

"Oh, darling." Lena says, once more pulling the 5-year-old in for another tight hug.

Kara and Lena both now recognise that Alura has obviously had this dream because when they tried to help her control her powers the other day she accidentally hurt Lena, and fractured some bones in the CEO's hand.

"Baby, it's okay." Kara says, moving her hand over to give Alura's a loving squeeze.

"No.... it's not...." Alura says, as she continues to sob into Lena's chest.

"Of course it is, darling." Lena replies, "It was just a bad dream."

Alura quickly parts from Lena, with so many tears flowing down her face.

"But it could happen! I could hurt you badly again.... like I did before.... I.... I don't want you to die momma." Alura says, as she continues to sob, this time not reaching out to Lena or anything.

Both Lena and Kara's hearts breaking at Alura being in this state, each mother absolutely hates it.

"Alura...." Kara says, now moving slightly closer to Alura, so that their sides are touching, "I understand that you might be scared about hurting momma again.... because of your powers..... but.... I know we have said this to you already, several times, but what happened, when you hurt momma's hand, was not your fault. That was momma and I's fault. We should have put your power dampening bracelet back on your wrist as soon as we finished the test. And, more importantly, we should have realised that because you couldn't break the block of wood, that you would have been frustrated, which could in turn trigger your powers. So, Alura, what happened was not your fault at all. It was just an accident."

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