
Chapter 62 - Awkward Conversation

Saturday morning arrives, and Kara and Lena are happily cuddled together in Lena's bedroom, still fast asleep. The two women are completely wrapped around one another, with Kara acting as the big spoon, wrapping her arms around Lena's body, then at the same time, the couple have their legs intertwined. This sleeping position may be an uncomfortable one for some people, but for Kara and Lena, they both don't seem to be able to get close enough to one another, or just simply get enough of one another. In fact, Kara and Lena's sleeping position currently is different to Alex and Sam's a few miles away in Alex's apartment. Sam and Alex are cuddled in Alex's bed, but they are not completely wrapped around each other, instead Alex is laying on her back, with Sam resting her head on Alex's body, while Alex has an arm over Sam. Either way, both the couples find their sleeping situation to be very relaxing for them.

It is now currently around 7AM in the morning, still a bit too early to be up and awake on a Saturday. Kara and Lena are then disturbed by the pitter patter of feet coming into Lena's bedroom. Kara, being the one with super hearing, is the first to wake up and look around to check the noise.

"Hmmm." Kara yawns, rubbing her eyes to look around the room.

As Kara looks around the room, she spots Alura near the doorway holding a teddy bear from her room.

"Alura, what are you doing up?" Kara asks, quietly, not wanting to wake Lena.

"I woke up to go pee, but when I went back to bed.... Ruby was taking up a lot of the space." Alura explains.

Kara smiles at her daughter, lovingly.

"Really? I don't see how a 12-year-old girl can take up all the space in a double bed." Kara smirks, watching her daughter come closer.

Alura bites her lip nervously, clearly realising that her lie has been caught out by Kara.

"Alura, did you just wake up and want to come cuddle with me and momma?" Kara asks, deciding not to be too mean, even though her daughter just lied to her.

"Y... yes..." Alura says, nodding her head, shyly.

Kara chuckles.

"Hmmm, you did just lie to me, so maybe I shouldn't encourage that by letting you sleep up here with us." Kara teases.

Alura's eye's go wide, with a sad look also appearing on her face.

"Kara, let Alura up her." Lena mumbles, clearly having woken up at some point, even though she didn't make a move to show it.

Kara chuckles again, moving her head over to Lena and placing a kiss on her girlfriend's forehead; Lena just hums happily in response.

"Alright then, come on, hop up." Kara smiles at her daughter.

Alura smiles back at Kara and quickly hops onto the bed, landing on top of Kara.

"Oof." Kara says, "You are lucky I'm Kryptonian and that doesn't hurt. You should be more careful next time."

"Sorry, mommy." Alura says.

Alura moves up to the bed, closer to Kara and Lena's heads, and then she just looks hesitantly at both of the women, who are still snuggled up together, with there being no space between them for her to go into. Alura is clearly attempting to make a decision as to who she wants to sleep next to, as it looks like she can't sleep next to them both.

"Do you want to sleep between us?" Kara asks, not liking the idea of Alura having to choose who she wants to sleep next to between her and Lena. Kara is pretty sure Alura would choose Lena, and she isn't sure how she might feel about that, even if she'd totally agree with Alura's choice.

"Yes." Alura replies, nodding her head again.

Kara then turns to Lena and places another kiss on her cheek this time.

"Baby, I think our daughter would like to come here. We are going to have to end our snuggle." Kara says.

"Hmmmm, kay." Lena replies, clearly still half asleep, as she slowly untangles herself from Kara.

As soon as Kara and Lena are untangled, Kara shuffles in the bed, leaving a perfect small little space that can be filled by Alura. Once Kara has done this, she nods her head at Alura, and Alura then quickly, and eagerly, moves into the space, a big smile on her face.

"You happy now?" Kara asks, leaning over and placing a kiss on her daughter's cheek.

"Uhmmm." Alura nods, happily.

Lena them moves over and pulls Alura closer, kissing the five-year-old on the back of her hair.

"Sleep now... darling.... I'm still tired." Lena hums, eyes still closed.

"Okay." Alura nods, "Love you momma."

"'ove you too." Lena replies, groggily.

Kara smiles at Lena and Alura all cuddled up, and then moves closer to them both, making sure that Alura is in the middle of a Kara and Lena sandwich, wrapping her arms around the five-year-old.

"Let's all sleep again now." Kara smiles.

"Hmm." Lena hums.

Alura, Lena and Kara then all quickly fall back asleep, tangled amongst each other, and just so very comfortable like this.


Kara wakes up again at 9:30AM, and as she does, she looks over and sees that Lena and Alura are still cuddled together, and Alura seems to have moved herself to be entirely on top of Lena's chest. Admittedly Kara is a tad jealous of Alura choosing to lie on top of Lena instead of her. Kara takes a moment to smile at the sight she sees, despite her small bit of jealousy, as she knows that she shouldn't take these moments for granted, not after all they have been through. Kara knows that at any moment these types of moments can be taken away from them, for a variety of horrible reasons. Then at the same time, these moments might go away simply because of time. Kara knows that with every day that goes by Alura grows older, and gets closer to the point where she will no longer want to cuddle with her two mommies. So, Kara is going to take in these moments every opportunity she gets, as you have to live in the moment after all.

Kara watches Lena and Alura for about 10 minutes, laying on her side, as she looks over at the two people she loves more than anyone else in the universe. After these 10 minutes pass, Kara only decides to get up out of bed because she hears a noise from Alura's room, thanks to her super hearing, signalling that Ruby is awake. Of course, Kara knows that as Ruby is 12-years-old she is old enough to be able to be by herself for a while, but Kara thinks that Ruby might be a bit confused as to where Alura has gone, and be put off with being in a place she isn't too familiar with. So, Kara takes one last look at Alura and Lena, before she then gets out of bed.

Kara exits the bedroom, carefully putting the door to as she does, not wanting to wake either Lena or Alura, and then she makes her way along the corridor, heading to Alura's room where Ruby was sleeping. Once Kara makes it to the other bedroom, she pokes her head in the room and then uses her x-ray vision to check on Ruby under the blanket fort, which is still covering the bed. Kara's x-ray vision reveals that Ruby is in fact awake, and seems to be looking around nervously.

"Ruby?" Kara calls out, softly.

Kara hears some shuffles from the bed, under the blanket fort, and a few moments later, Ruby appears, looking in the direction of door.

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