
Court of Owls Pt. 5

They want you to come out of the dark...but you won't. You won't. You'll stay here. Where it's safe. Safe from them. In the darkness of the maze. Away from them. From the owls.

The light blinded you as a large Owl fountain came into your view. How many days has it been? Weeks? Months? How long have you been here? Where was here? Here....again. always here. At the source. Shouldn't drink.

You dipped your hand into the inviting water and cupped some water into your gasp. Probably drugged. But, you have to....so thirsty. Like every part of you was crying. Screaming. Just a little. A sip.

No, no. Not too much! Drink too much and....shh. Stay still, Y/N. They hear everything. They have special ears, asymmetrical, with one ear opening higher than the other, to locate prey. And the way they watch. The eyes.

Hurry. No rope to climb. No belt...you have to go! Get out of here! Run!

Away from the light. Back to the dark. Have to find the dark.

Another light in your face. Rows of faces before you. Past victims of the Talon. How could you be here again?

Because it's a story, Y/N. They're telling you a story. Room by room. Over and over. Every part. And this part of the story is all about the people they've killed. Here in the maze.

Hundreds of people. Over hundreds of years. Hunted down. Stomething chasing them. A minotaur. Watching.

Once upon a time in Gotham....and you're the star now. Smile.


You push over the camera in the center if the room. The one that has seen your face. Your fear.


Keep your head straight, Y/N. Focus. Get back in the dark. The dark...where it's...safe?

There! You see them! Six figures with white faces standing there. You found them! You got them!

You'll tear them limb from limb!

The sand fell through your fingertips as you grabbed nothing. You touched the smooth wall. They think they can fool you. They think so.

They can't. Because you know all the tricks. Hell, you invented them. And sooner or later, you will find them. Wherever they are. They can't hide from you. Hide in the dark. Because you live here.

In the dark...in Gotham. The small city under your feet was a map. You know every alley. Every rooftopm so they can tell their story. With their pictures and their models and maps of Gotham through the years.

They try to tell you they've been here longer. That's what they're saying, right? That you don't matter? That's why they didn't even bother to take off your mask? And all these names, the names on the wall, they're people they've used. Or members of their little flock. Or enemies they killed.

It's all the same to you. All the same story, you've heard it all before. Heard it all.

Look at this. A new chapter. So what are they trying to tell you now? With the Talon on the wall. And these coffins. These faces. Children. Generations of children they turned into monsters, is that it? Young men and women they've trained for years, so thay could kill for them. And one open? One missing?

What does it mean? That....No! Stop it, Y/N. You're not listening.

Not listening.

Not listening.

Not listening.

Not listening!



Stop. Stop! It's just a story, Y/N. Just an old bedtime story. It's your story. Not theirs. Your city. Your story. Yours, Y/N.

Not real. Not real. Not...real.

Trying to steal your story. Steal your....No. They can't change it. Can't change your story! They can't trick you! You invented all the tricks. Ha! See?

No. It can't be. No. No.

Y/N: NO!

Millions of pictures on the wall. All of you. All of you. Everysingle one. Shadowy figure behind you. Confusion. Trapped. You're trapped.

Y/N: No. I'm not.

Grab your head in pain. Scream. No noise comes out. Millions of pictures all around you. Staring. Bloodshot eyes. The figure is closer.


Scream. Scream loud so that someone hears. Anyone. Insanity filled your brain. Make some kind of noise. Beg for your life. Freedom in death.


Pain. Sharp, bleeding pain in your stomach. Long blade through your body. Blood stains the white floor.

The faces on the wall twist and turn. You can't breath. Your eyes shake. You scream again. Nothing comes out and nothing will.

Your body grows cold. Freezing. Body is wet. Scream. Bleed. Tell your story, Y/N.

Stay calm.

Return to the dark.






Repeat this again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.


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