
The Black Mirror Pt. 7

In the skies over Gotham, a large cargo plane flew over the city. An elderly man sat in his seat as he looked at the city below.

Guard: Mr. Guiborg, we have a problem.

The Dealer looked to the man with a tired look.

Dealer: I told you, we're using a diamond clearance code. You need to clarify for the tower...

Guard: Sir, someone just opened the bay door. We can't, we can't close it. Someone blew it off!

The Dealer stood up and rushed back to the cargo hall where he found all of his collection falling out the back.

Dealer: No! My cargo! We're losing everything!

Guard: It's the Batman! Look!

You smirked as you flew the Batwing toward the plane.

Guard: Wait, that's Wonder Woman and that Clone!

The Dealer looked at the sides of the plane and saw that there was two figures flying alongside you.

Dealer: Tell Dale to climb! Now! There's no way that craft will be able to follow us past 30,000 feet.

You watched as the cargo plane began to fly up higher while dropping more cargo. You had already warned Gordon about the falling stuff and the GCPD had advised everyone to stay indoors for the time being.

Dealer: See? He can't follow us forever.

And you hit the eject button. The plane launched you out into the sky and you flind yourself hurling toward the plane. The guards opened fire but Cassie and Conner moved and acted as shields for you before you landed in the plane and fired off two nets at the gunmen. Soon enough, Conner and Cassie were at your side.

Y/N: Turn the plane around, Guiborg. The national guard has fighter jets en route right now to escort us back to Gotham.

The Dealer began to laugh which made you and the others uneasy. Why do they have to do that? Why did they have to laugh like that?

Dealer: But there is no need, little bat. You and I, we Gotham! We feed from the same flesh, the same blood....

You grabbed his collar forcibly.

Y/N: Fine. Let's do this the easy way!

The Dealer began to laugh as he began to change. Was this some kind of fear gas? No. You could feel this. You felt him change.

Dealer: No, it's not the gas affe ting you, my love! This is

You stepped back as Guiborg began to change into a monster. A large, sharp clawed, sharp tooth monster.


Cassie: You have got to be kidding me.

Conner: Is this where we fight him?

Y/N: Yeah. This is where we fight him.

The Dealer let out a loud scream before he swiped at you. You dodged his attack while Conner caught it. He held his arm in place before Cassie flew up and punched him in the face. The creature stumbled back before he swiped again.

He ended up slamming into you and sent you flying into the side of the plane.


He grabbed a large crate and lifted it over his head.


He threw the crate at you but you leaped out of the way as the crate exploded. Conner flew up and fired his lasers at the creature before Cassie slammed it to the ground. You threw two batarangs at it which crated a large electrical blast that stunned the creature.

It slowly pushed itself up and looked at you.


He grabbed you but you slammed your fists into his hand before Conner punched him away.


You clenched your fists and leaoed forward as you punched the creature in the face.

Y/N: What I see is a common criminal!

You punched him again before he he tried to grab you again. Conner caught it and slammed his claw to the ground.

Y/N: A greedy old man who sells dirty pieces of junk to the rich people who are out of their minds!

Cassie grabbed the creature and held it in place as you activated your shock gloves and delivered a hard left hook.

Y/N: You're not some high priest of evil. You're just some old man hyped up on old venom and some outdated Man-Bat juice! You don't own a damn thing in my city!

Finally, you, Cassie, and Conner all delivered one final blow that finished the creature.

Y/N: Gotham is going to own you for a long time, now. You're done, Guiborg.

The three of you stood over the defeated creature as the plane began to descend to the landing strip.

Y/N: Gotham is under my protection. I am Batman.--------You hung the last poster on the wall before stepping back to look at it. You figured it was time to make this place homey.

Conner: It looks, nice? I think?

Y/N: Thanks, Conner.

You turned nack to see that he was watching Star Wars on the TV while Cassandra was making lunch. After busting Guiborg this morning, you and Conner returned for some lunch and to take the rest of the day off.

Cassandra: Lunch is ready.

Conner paused the movie and walked over to the counter where Cassandra had made some quick burgers with chips. Conner started eating it and smiled at the taste while you hung the last picture frame on the wall. Cassandra looked up from her plate and looked at you as you looked at the family portrait of everyone in the bat family. Bruce, Dick, Tim, Jason, Barbara, Cassandra, Stephanie, Alfred, Duke, Debra, Terry, Damien, and you.

Cassandra: Y/N?

You looked over to see the two of them waiting for you. You smiled as you walked over to the island.

Y/N: Thanks for the food. I'll make dinner tonight.

You sat on the stool and took a bite before Cassandra caught Conner up on everything that you had done. You found yourself looking out the window and smiling. This was your city. You were it's protector.

Cassandra: Are you here?

You looked at her and smiled.

Y/N: Yeah. I'm here.

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