
The Black Mirror Pt. 5

The name of the neighborhood was Gramercy Row. Used to be a nice place to live. An earthquake hit the place hard, but still. This place looked like something out of one of those apocalypse movies Debra likes to watch.

Tim: How's the new face?

You looked in the rear view mirror at the unfamiliar face looking back at you. You looked exactly like William Rhodes. Even down to the mustache.

Y/N: It tickles.

Tim: No problems though, right?

Y/N: Why the questions?

Tim: Well I ran an S.A.T scan, just as an afterthought, and there's a blackout field in effect. Meaning you won't be able to communicate to anyone. No phone, no radio.

Y/N: They really want a silent auction.

You pulled the car up to the address and put it in park.

Tim: It shouldn't effect the mask in any way but even......[sstt]

Y/N: Shouldn't or wouldn't, Tim?

Tim: Y/N...Y/N[sstt] you're...out...

You sighed. No more outside help. You opened the door and stepped out as you straightened your tie. You walked up to the door of the old house where you found a man with a machine gun at the ready.

You wore a black suit with a F/C vest and a F/C tie. Your hair was styled like William's and you even had skin thin gloves that would mimick William's fingerprints just in case. You wouldn't normally be worried about having no communication, but you didn't really tell anyone where you would be going outside of Barbara and Tim. Barbara was out on a Bird mission while Tim was busy with a Wayne Tech thing.

Guard: Invitation?

You pulled out a red card and handed it to him. He pulled out a device and scanned the card. Those brief seconds where it read the card were honestly tense and you could hear your heartbeat. Finally, it beeped.

Guard: Alright.

He placed the device away and handed your card back. He then handed you a box with a red ribbon on it.

Guard: Go right in, Mr. Rhodes. Here. They've already begun.

He opened the door and let you inside. You stepped in.

Guard: Make sure you open that before you enter.

You opened the box and looked inside. Inside, was a gas mask and a red paddle with the number 52 on it.

Bullocl was right about the weird locations. The smell gave it away. Harbor House. An old banquet hall that once catered to Gotham's upper crust. They were hosting a charity ball when the earthquake hit. Part of the roof collapsed which trapped the party goers inside. The place caught fire so there was no way out. Half of the crowd was trampled to death while the rest burned.

You pulled the gas mask on and entered the banquet hall where you found an audience inside. There were only loght to illuminate the stage where there was a man with two crutches and a white gas mask.

Dealer: Come in, Mr. Rhodes! You're just in time! Benjamin, please close the door.

The man behind you cloaed the door as you found an open space among the crowd. You scanned the stage and noticed a large object under a black blanket. It looked like a tank of somekind.

Dealer: What we have in store tonight is something you've all never seen before! First, to our old friends of Mirror House, welcome back. And to our new guests, warmest welcomes. So, how about this location? Wonderful, isn't it?

34: Fabulous!

22: You can still feel it in the air!

So these people are just genuinely sick. Makes sense. Why else would they be buying this crap?

Dealer: Wonderful space, wonderful friends, wonderful items to bid on....soon. First, a quick introduction for new faces, not that I can see them! So in case you're wondering about the masks...when it comes to our affairs, we at Mirror House understand the need for both discretion and exclusivity.

So to hid your identity. You're a dude playing a dude playing dressed as another dude. Great.

Dealer: Which is why this room is completely filled with poison gas- a gas specifically chosen from Gotham's grand history!

And that was a problem. A big problem. Too many gases that it could be.

Dealer: It's real vintage, too. Quote potent. If ingested, it creates all kinds of delightful black delusions before sparking massive, successive brain hemorrhages in it's victims!


Dealer: All in the matter of minutes, too! Don't worry, new friends. As always, I've made sure your masks have been modified to filter out this gas.

You looked around the room and saw that no one else was reacting to this news. They were just ok with this? The hell was wrong with....you know what? Why question it at this point?

Dealer: Now, the philosophy of the Mirror House is quite simple. We believe wholeheartedly that evil is humanity's greatest spark.

12: Hear hear!

35: Hear hear!

Dealer: See, some people think that what makes us as a species divine, that what separates us from the animals, is our propensity for good.

62: Boo!

11: Ssssss!

Dealer: And yet, I'd like to pose another theory. A retort, if you will.....

You tuned him out and looked at the old vents. They had fear gas coming through the vent. The thing about it was that you could still smell it. You weren't getting any visions though. Guess you were safe for now.

Dealer: Enough of our philosophy. Let us move onto our items up for sell!

Everyone cheered while you stood there. Let's see what they have in store for you.

Dealer: We're starting off with a big one, folks! Get those paddles ready. This one comes straight from Lex Corp!

Lex Corp? As in Lex Luther? This just spelled trouble.

Dealer: This is a true treasure, folks! One that no one else in the world can say that they own. Created from the blood of both Lex Luther and the Man of Steel himself....


Dealer: Superman's clone!

The assistants pulled off the black tarp of the tank of green liquid to reveal a figure inside. Your eyes widened as you realized just how bad this was. It was a boy.

Dealer: Any offers?!

78: 500 Million!

86: 650 Million!

Y/N: 1 Trillion!

Everyone turned to you as the room grew quiet. The Dealer looked at you for a moment before he began to laugh. It echoed through the room.

Dealer: And, pray tell, how will you make this payment?

You smirked as you reached into your pocket.

Y/N: By steal.

You threw the batarang at the glass tank which caused it to shatter as the attendees began to scatter from the area. You activated your watch which got rid of your disguise and instead put you back into your suit.


The men opened fire on you but you managed to avoid their bullets and made your way toward the stage. You landed on the platform where the men stopped firing.

Y/N: This auction is over. I'm taking you in.

Dealer: Really? You expect to get out of here alive? You expect me to go with you?

You smirked and pointed behind you.

Y/N: No but, you may want to run. I highly doubt this guy is happy right now.

The Dealer looked behind you to see the boy from the tank stand up. Behind his black hair, red eyes glowed. You had just released Superman's clone.

Y/N: Good luck.

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