
The Black Mirror Pt. 3

You found yourself entering the apartment of Cullen Buck and you immediately found several tells that something was off. Buck's home was impressive for someone on an officer's salary. He and Mulcaheny had the place filled with all kinds of nice things.

You spotted everything from glocks to MK-51's and back again. Equipment to. All kinds. You even spotted a couple pairs of night goggles in the closet. Generation three, too. Gallium arsenid photo cathode. 51-64 resolution. The kind special forces use. In other words, a child's toy compared to yours.

That's how you saw Beck in the mirror trying to sneak up on you with his AR.

Said man was now hanging upside down from the roof courtesy of your grapple line.

Beck: This is my home, you circus freak! Let me go!

Y/N: See, me letting you go is what you want to avoid, Officer Buck. Now, it seems certain things have a habit of disappearing from evidence under your watch.

You pushed him slightly which caused him to swing. Hey, gotta find some kind of amusement on this job.

Y/N: Dangerous things. Belonging to some of Gotham's most dangerous residents, which means...

Mulcaheny: Hand behind your head! Now!!

You sighed as you slowly lifted your hands up while Mulcaheny had her shotgun aimed at your back. How does Bruce get through these things?

Beck: Ha! Not so tough now, are ya, punk?! We got you! We got...

You pointed your index and middle finger back where two thin metal lines shot out and stabbed into the woman's chest before a semi strong electrical current shot throughout her body which caused her to drop to the floor. Beck just looked at you with an open mouth and wide eyes. You just smirked.

Y/N: Bat-taser.

You then returned your attention to the upside down man.

Y/N: Now, you were saying?

Beck: You don't understand. He knows everyone....H-He'll kill me! He probably watching right now!

Y/N: It would make things easier for me if you told me who this person is.

Beck: Look, I don't know...I don't know his name! He's just "the Dealer". Runs an operation called Mirror House.

He then coughed but you didn't really bothered to care. You were getting somewhere.

Beck: He collects the villain stuff. Then he sells it to the highest bidder at these underground auctions. Real, *cough, wealthy people.

His coughing grew worse. You looked at him before blood began to spatter on the floor. You immediately undid the rope and helped him to the floor where his continued to cough.

Y/N: Beck!

Beck began to gag before vines began to grow from his lungs and covered his body. His body stopped shaking but was instead moved by the vines as they contiued to grow. You clenched your fists as you slowly looked up through the window.

You seriously hoped Beck was right and that the Dealer was watching. Cause you wanted him to know that you were coming for him.-------You landed on the balcony of the "Bat-Apartment" and headed inside. True to your word, you didn't come back until late in the night. As in 4 AM late in the night.

You took off your cowl and began to strip away the uniform as you headed toward your bedroom. You finally reached the bathroom and turned on the shower. Soon enough, steam filled the room before you stepped in.

As the warm water hit your skin, you ran the case through your head. Some madman was running around and collecting things, dangerous thing, and selling them off. Things that could lead to innocent lives being taken.

You let the water wash away all the troubles from the last few days and sighed as the stream eased your injuries. Your eyes traveled down to the bullet wound on your chest where water would collect before falling off like the rest of it.

You rested both of your hands against the wall and let out another sigh. Your knuckles were bruised and bloodied from your recent adventures.

Support against the Underaged Hero Law was growing more by the day now that the original Justice Leauge went missing. Luckily no one knew that you had all moved in to replaced them. That being said, people started to see you work with the young heroes despite the law.

Batman was a vigilante before he was a hero or a Justice Leauge member.

You suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist. Rough hands with a gentle touch made their way up to your chest. Soft and tender kisses littered your shoulders before you felt soap being poured on your head.

Cassandra: You need to actually wash yourself.

Y/N: I was going to.

Cassandra: The shower is loud.

Y/N: Sorry.

Cassandra: And you are late again.

Y/N: Sorry....again.

Cassandra began to wash your hair as you simply allowed it to happen. After throughly washing your hair, you rinsed it off as she moved to wash your body. You were extremely relaxed.

Eventually, you turned off the water and stepped out. You dried your body off while Cassandra did the same. Suddenly, you felt your hand getting grabbed. You looked over to see that Cassandra had since abandoned her towel and was now dragging you towards the bed.

Y/N: We need clothes.

Cassandra: Not tonight.

Well, that was enough for you. You let out a tired yawn, but you didn't protest. Instead, you allowed her to push you onto the bed and climb on top of you.

Her lips met yours and soon enough your hands began to wonder aimlessly around her body as her hands explored yours again. Your lips moved from hers to her neck then to her collar.

Maybe you won't be getting that sweet three hours of sleep. Not that you minded spending it with Cassandra instead.

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