
A Deal With The Sirens

You slowly opened your eyes to the morning light as you felt a bit lighter than usual. You felt something move in your arms and you smiled as you looked down at the mess of blode hair. Stephanie was out cold as you held her after last night's events. You placed a kiss on her head before you snuck out of bed. You quickly got dressed before you headed out to the living room where you found Debra drinking a cup of tea while she looked at her phone.

Y/N: Morning.

Debra looked up and nodded before she returned to her phone. You poured yourself a cup of coffee before you leaned back on the counter so you could see her.

Y/N: So, your sister and her friends...

Debra: Oh yeah. You don't remember them.

Y/N: I knew them?

Debra: Uh, yeah. You can say that.

What did that mean?

Y/N: Whatever. What should I know about them?

Debra: Catwoman flirts, Ten is moddy most the time, my sister is a tease.

Y/N: Oooook? That it?

Debra: You should probably bring someone else with us. Just in case.

You sighed as you thought about who to bring. Helena was going on patrol with Tim, Damien was heading over to Smallville to get John and bring him over here as well as another super kid. That meant you only had three other options. Stephanie, Cassandra, and Duke.

Now, you hardly ever talked to Duke and he was still a bit of a spaz in the field. Stephanie would be the next option but you didn't want to get her involved especially if what Debra said was true. You didn't want a fight breaking out if someone started to flirt with you. That left Cassandra.

Y/N: Where's Cassandra?

Debra: I think she was worming out in the training room.

You nodded as a thanks and finished your mug. You set it down and walked over to the stairs that would lead down stairs to the train room. You entered to find Cassandra practicing on the dummy. She picked it up and flung it over her shoulder before she delivered an elbow to the "face". She stood back up and set the dummy up again.

You stood there for a moment and watched her. The way she moved was coordinated. She moved with such speed and displayed much raw strength. You were almost hypnotized by her body as she fought.

You shook your head before you stepped on the mat. She tossed the dummy again before you made your presence known.

Y/N: Hey killer.

Cassandra looked at you as if you were the biggest jerk in the world. She turned away and walked over to the dummy while you stood there awkwardly. That was weird. You just shook it off and walked over to her. She went to pick up the dummy but you grabbed it instead to help set it up.

Y/N: So, tonight me and Debra are going to go talk to the Sirens. I was wondering if you could come with?

Cassandra seemed to ignore you as she took the dummy from you and placed it back in the corner before she turned to leave. You reached out and grabbed her shoulder to stop her but she turned around and kicked your chest making you fall to the ground.

Cassandra: Jerk.

You shot back up and glared at her.

Y/N: I'm the jerk?! At least I'm not going around and kicking people for no reason!

Cassandra swung and you dodged before she tried to kick you again. You caught her ankle and pushed her back.

Y/N: The hell is your problem?!

Cassandra: You!

She went to attack again but you caught her wrist and turned her around before you held her to the ground.

Y/N: What did I do?!

She then turned the tides by flipping the two of you so that you were now on your back and she was on top of you. She was breathing hard thanks to both the workout and, whatever the hell just happened. You just looked up at her confused. What was going on with her?

The two of you stayed in that position for a moment, mere inches away from each other. You could actually feel her breath against your lips before Cassandra looked away. She just shook her head before she got off of you and walked toward the bench. You sighed before you stood up yourself. You looked over and saw that she was now drinking from her bottle of water.

You walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder while she looked away.

Y/N: What's going on Cassandra? You're never like this.

Cassandra just shook her head again.

Cassandra: I am sorry.

She finally turned around to face you and you almost laughed at the stray hair that stuck to her face. You reached out and pushed it out of the way while Cassandra pouted.

Cassandra: I am not a child.

Y/N: Yet you still pout like one. It's kinda cute.

Cassandra blushed before she looked away. You just rolled your eyes before you sat down on the bench.

Y/N: So, now that you've calmed down, you wanna talk?

Cassandra sighed before she sat down as well.

Cassandra: Sure.

Y/N: So, what's up? Did I do something to make you mad?

Cassandra shook her head.

Cassandra: It was stupid.

You shook your head.

Y/N: It was clearly important if it affected you this much. You can talk to me about it if you want.

Cassandra stayed quiet for a moment.

Cassandra: I will go tonight. I will help.

You looked at her concerned for a moment before you sighed. She wasn't going to crack. You'll need to bring this up again later then. You stood up and looked over to the mat before smiling.

Y/N: You want to spar? I need a good workout.

Cassandra looked at the mat before looking up at you. She smiled as she stood up.

Cassandra: You are on.---------Nighttime had finally fell on the city of Gotham meaning it was time to meet with the Sirens. You were now in costume on top of Wayne Industries with Debra and Cassandra who were also in their gear. Debra had her helmet open since they already knew who she was while Cassandra hung back near the shadows.

Y/N: When will they be here?

Catwoman: About now.

You turned around to see the three girls jumped off the flying card that Ten controlled. It shrunk down so Ten could tuck it away as the three of you kept your guard up. Catwoman looked at you as she smirked.

Catwoman: I swear, you get even more handsome every time I see you~

You just crossed your arms. She really didn't even try to hide it.

Y/N: You wanted to talk, so talk. Hurry up before I send you over to the police.

Dee: I don't think they would be so willing to just let you walk in and out Mr. Outlaw.

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