
Normal Lives Pt. 1

You woke up sore as you recalled the events from the previous night. The world was ending faster than originally thought. On top of that, you got to talk to Helena about what was going on between you and her. You looked down to see Stephenie still snuggled up against your chest making you smile. You still weren't in a, intimate relationship with her but you were ok with it.

You gently got out of bed and walked over to your bathroom where you washed your face. You noticed an alert on the mirror and tapped it. It was a message from Bruce.

Bruce: You're enrolled in Gotham Academy. You start today.

You just rolled your eyes before you closed it and looked over to Stephanie. Maybe you should wake her up.--------You sighed as you looked up at the school. The uniform you had to wear was annoyingly uncomfortable. You looked over to Terry and Debra who were also uncomfortable in their new uniforms.

Tim: Wow. Never thought I would see you guys going to school.

Terry: I thought I would be done with High School for a bit after I came here.

Debra: I dropped out like three years ago.

Y/N: This is just annoying.

Damien: Suck it up. Father told us that you have to attend school if you want to keep fighting the law.

Y/N: That's the worst deal ever.

Stephanie: Yeah well, the older teens are taking care of things for us right now.

The future kids just groaned while the present ones smiled at your misery. Everyone started to head to the school while you stood there for a moment. Stephanie snaked her arm around you own and placed a kiss on your check.

Stephanie: Cheer up babe. Things here are pretty relaxed.

You smirked a bit as you looked at her.

Y/N: Did you just call me babe?

Stephanie: I did. You're my boyfriend so expect petnames. Come on.

She dragged you toward the school while you whined. She showed you around while the others headed to class before she showed you to your math class. Ew. Math. While she got to go take her seat, the teacher stopped you and told you to stand in front of the class. Once the bell rang, you found yourself standing in front of an entire classroom of teens.

Teacher: Settle down everybody. This is Y/N L/N. He will be your classmate starting today and I expect you all to treat him as your own.

The teacher then looked at you.

Teacher: Do you have anything to add?

Y/N: No.

Teacher: Good. Go take a seat by, uh, Ms. Brown.

You smirked as you walked over to the open desk. You sat down and winked at Stephanie who laughed a bit. Maybe things won't be so bad. Who knows? Maybe being a normal ass teenager could be fun.--------Being a normal ass teenager was fucking awful.

The entire day was filled with boring ass lectures with boring ass work and boring ass questions being asked by your boring ass classmates. Seriously, the hell was this?

Y/N: I'm done with this place.

Tim: It's only lunch. You still have four more classes.


Terry: I don't see any problems. This stuff is a piece of cake compared to what they teach us back at my school.

Debra: And everyone has been so nice to me. I've been getting complimented all day.

Tim: They're trying to get in your pants.

Debra: I know that. They won't succeed but I'm still flattered.

You mocked gagged which earned you a smack in the shoulder from Debra. You laughed as you looked down at your food.

Y/N: I mean, look at this.

You picked up the bread roll and hit it against the table. The table cracked.

Y/N: What am I supposed to do with this?

Debra picked hers up and looked oved to the trash can. She threw it so she could throw it away, but some poor kid suddenly appeared and got hit in the throat. He dropped to his knees as he gasped for air. You all looked to Debra who just sat there with an open mouth.

Debra: Uh, oops?

Tim: It's not that bad. See?

He took a bite and started to chew. The sound of crunching filled the air as a stray tear rolled down his cheek.

Tim: It's delicious.

Terry: Yeah, I'm not buying that.

He turned to throw his roll, only for the boy to stand back up. The roll hit him in the head which knocked him out cold. Terry just sighed.

Terry: I'll take him to the nurse.

He stood up and walked over to the boy. You turned back to the others just as Stephenie and Cassandra sat down at your table.

Stephenie: Hey guys. How has your first day been?

Debra: I hit a child with a bread roll.

Y/N: And Terry may have just broke our one rule in crime fighting.

Stephenie: Oh. Uh, oh.

Cassandra reached into her pocket and slid you and Debra cups of jello. You smiled as you took the green one.

Y/N: Thanks buddy.

Cassandra nodded in response as you began to enjoy the delicious jello. Debra even hummed in satisfaction.

Tim: I wish I could say it gets better but, it honestly doesn't.

Stephanie: Lighten up. High school is what you make of it.

Y/N: I don't recall making it suck.

Tim: Hey yo!

You both high fived while Debra laughed at your stupid joke. Cassandra rolled her eyes while Stephanie just sighed.

Stephanie: Whatever.

You smiled as you held her hand under the table. You looked over to Tim and frowned a bit. You felt bad for hiding this relationship from him. He was your brother and you were dating his ex. There had to be some kind of bro code violation about this somewhere.

Y/N: I'm going to tell him.

Stephanie looked at you when she heard you mumble.

Stephanie: Tell who what?

You made sure no one was listening as you turned to her.

Y/N: I'm going to tell Tim about us. I can't keep hiding this from him.

Stephanie saw that this was really bothering you. She smiled as she gently squeezed your hand.

Stephanie: I support you.

You smiled.

Y/N: Thanks. I'll tell him later tonight. Maybe we can, go out or something after.

Stephanie: A date? Sounds like a good idea.

You both talked about your day, unaware that there was someone listening. Cassandra didn't say anything as she quietly ate her lunch with a odd pain in her stomach.

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