
Rebels With A Cause

The school bell rang signaling the end of class and school. You looked up from your bike and watched as a flood of students all came rushing out. Many of the girls that passed by looked at you with interest. It was slightly unnerving but you weren't oblivious. You knew that you were attractive to most people. A blessing and a curse. Finally, you spotted the person you were waiting for.

Stephanie: Hey.

She kissed your cheek earning a few jealous looks from both men and women. You smiled before handing her a helmet.

Y/N: Ready to go?

The two of you were speeding down the street soon after. It was two weeks after you practically declared war on the UN and things were already in full swing. Almost immediately, protests broke out and all the heroes affected by the law expressed their desire for it to go away. The UN had turned every hero under the age of 21 into their enemy.

You pulled up to the apartment building and parked the bike in the parking garage. You both then headed to the elevator which would take you to one of the many safe houses under Bruce's name. While the heroes in the Leauge couldn't openly support the protests, that didn't mean that their civilian identities couldn't do anything.

They made it clear that they would have your backs if things really did get bad to the point things escalated to violence. Regardless, you became the public face after storming into the UN and told them off. Well, not you but Beyond. Same difference.

You entered the apartment where Tim, Damien, and Duke already were. They gave quick nods when you walked by and sat down on the couch.

Tim: So what's on today's agenda?

Y/N: Same as always. Beat up some bad guys, disregard the law, eat take out.

Duke: I thought it was your turn to cook.

Y/N: Which is why we're getting take out.

Damien: The other four should be here once they finish getting their crap from the cave.

Y/N: And John?

Damien: Still in Smallville. He's taking care of things there before he heads this way.

Y/N: Better than nothing. And how's everyone else?

Stephenie: The Team are all looking for a new base of operations with Katie's help. The former Titans are also helping Titans with staying in business.

You smiled to yourself. It was acatually kinda nice to see everyone coming together like this. Now if only you could get these bastards to change the laws.

Y/N: Alright then.

The elevator dinged which signaled a new arrival. The doors open and Helena stepped out with a bag over her shoulder.

Helena: So where's my room?

You pointed down the hall while still looking ahead.

Y/N: Down the hall, take a left, first door on the right.

Helena nodded and headed that way. You watched her go and sighed. Things seemed to be really tense with her. Not in a "you were a bit of a jerk to her after you came back" kind of way. It was something else. What the hell happened between the two of you before you lost your memories? Tim just said the two of you had history.

He didn't want to start anything unless she said something first. Everyone else pretty much agreed. So be it. You'll figure out eventually. Plus there was the whole thing with Cassie and Lilith. Were you a playboy?

Tim: Cassandra just texted. Said she'll be here with Terry and Debra in about 25 minutes.

Y/N: Perfect. We can get started when they get here.

You stood up and made your way to the fridge. You opened it up and pulled out one of the water bottles inside. You turned back and watched as Damien and Tim talked about tactics and Tim looked at his phone as he got into contact with everyone.

You felt someone brush their fingers against yours. You looked to your left and found Stephanie standing there. She hopped on the counter to sit down and looked at you.

Stephanie: Hey.

You smirked.

Y/N: Hey.

She quickly kissed your cheek after making sure no one was looking. The two of you had decided to keep, whatever this was, quiet for the time being due to certain circumstances. You didn't think anyone would freak out or anything like that. You just didn't want to add anything else on their plates on top of this law.

Y/N: You got the message for the patrol groups right?

Stephanie nodded.

Stephanie: Was it a coincidence that me and you were put together?

You laughed a bit.

Y/N: It was actually. Damien was in charge of it. Said we seemed to work good together after last time.

You then smirked teasingly.

Y/N: When the two of us were actually patrolling.

Stephanie blushed when the memories of your "patrol" popped up in her head.

Stephanie: R-Right. Will we be doing, again?

Y/N: Make out in the shadows of Gotham? Maybe.

You gently nudged her before walking back towards the living room. The elevator dinged again and you turned to see none other than Booster walk in.

Y/N: Hey, uh, Booster?

Booster: We need to talk. Where's Terry and Debra?

Y/N: They aren't here yet. Did you need anything?

Booster: Yeah. Something happened. Or will happen.

You suddenly became worried.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Booster: The world may be ending faster than originally thought.

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