
Readjusting to the Manor

To say life was confusing to you after your return would be an understanding. When Bruce brought you back to the Manor, everyone was there to surprise you with a party. This ended up being a bad idea after you slammed Tim through a table on instinct. That quickly ruined the mood before you realized what you did.

Y/N: Uh, sorry?

The party was resumed after Tim assured everyone he was fine, throwing in he probably deserved it. You then spent the next 2 hours talking to everyone who welcomed you back. They all treated you like an old friend even though you didn't really know them. The videos only showed you what happened, it didn't give you the emotional connections they had. In your mind he was still Red even if you accepted that you were Y/N. It was an odd situation that you couldn't explain.

After the second hour of being "reunited" with your "friends", you managed to escape to the balcony for some fresh air. Things were never going to go back to the way they thought it was. You weren't the same person.

This became evident when you were given the ok to go on patrol a week later. You couldn't use the Red X suit since you were no longer a "villain" so Bruce had to have a new one made for you.

Y/N: Not bad.

As you looked down at the costume you entertained the idea of eventually becoming Batman. For now Beyond will have to do.

Terry: So looks like I'm gonna be your partner. You're gonna need a alias.

You gave him a strange look.

Y/N: I'm Beyond.

Terry crossed his arms.

Terry: No, I'm Beyond. I got the costume and everything.

This eventually lead to a fight which Bruce and Tim had to break up.



Patrol didn't go better. Tim had to step in to stop you from beating a thug to a death. You had spotted him robbing some nerdy looking guy and stepped in. You had already slammed one's head into the brick wall earning a few flying teeth and a lot of blood. You were about to snap his spine in two when Tim slammed you against the wall.


You pushed him off of yourself and pointed to the thug.

Y/N: I'm cleaning up the trash.

Tim: That's not how we do things here! You know that!

Y/N: You don't like the way I do things then do something about it.

You left him in the alley and continued your patrol. That got you into a heated argument with Bruce. The fight reminded him of a certain outlaw he knew. You ended up spending the rest of the night on the roof to get away from everyone.

Everyone soon began to notice that you weren't the same Y/N that they had lost. Stephanie had noticed after one encounter. She had caught you in the halls and approached you with a smile on her face.

Stephanie: Hey Y/N. You wanna go watch a movie with me? It's about a cowboy who ends up in the city and.....

Y/N: Don't care.

You walked away without another word leaving her stunned. You were always down to watch a movie. Especially 80's films. She wasn't the only one either.

Debra had found you in the library and decided to ask if you wanted to join her for a walk around the Manor grounds. She decided to have some fun with you first by sneaking up behind you and tried to cover your eyes. You instinctly swatted them away and shot up to see who had bugged you. Debra stood there awkwardly.

Debra: Uh, sorry. I was just gonna spook ya real quick.

Y/N: What do you want?

So cold!

Debra: Uh, I wanted to know if you would like to accompany me for a walk?

Y/N: Pass.

Debra: Oh. Well maybe we can just....

Y/N: How about we don't do anything and you leave me alone? I'm trying to read.

Debra just stood there for a few seconds before apologizing and rushing out of the room.

You and Tim seemed to have screaming matches every day that would escalate to some very harsh words. These fights always made everyone uncomfortable. He would yell at you for staying out late or for your brutally which would get you worked up. Alfred always had to step in before it erupted into violence.

Barbara suggested to Bruce that you may be more helpful with the Birds in a simple drug ring case. This would also give you some time with Huntress. This plan backfired, caught on fire, and blew up. You ended up clashing with almost everyone. You know there was an issue when Helena was lecturing you about being too rough. That argument ended up spiraling into a full on fist fight which ended in broken bones and cracked armor.

However, the first to know that you were no longer the same boy you once were, was Cassandra.

She saw it in the way you fought. She saw it in the things you said. She even saw it when you drank your coffee. You were a different person. It hurt her to admit it but it was true.

She found you in the gardens training. She stood nearby and watched for a while as you leaped over the hedges. The way you moved was now rough rather than smooth. You focused more on strength than speed. Your eyes were focused and you made things up as you went rather than planned things out.

You needed up spotting her which quickly put a stop to your training. Out of everyone in the Manor, she was the only one to not bother you. You figured it was because she couldn't really talk to you.

Y/N: You need something?

You figured you should be a bit nicer simply due to the fact they you were living with these people. She shook her head and sat down on a nearby bench. You didn't like people watching you do things so you decides to call it for the day. You grabbed your shirt and began to walk back to the building but was stopped by Cassandrea grabbing your hand. You looked down at her.

Cassandra: Sit.

She does talk? You figured you had nothing better to do so you obeyed. The two of you sat in silence for a bit before she took a deep breath.

Cassandra: You're not you.

Oh, right. She was still learning how to talk. You couldn't disagree.

Y/N: No. I'm not me.

Cassandra: That's ok.

You looked at her a bit confused.

Cassandra: I know Y/N. I want to know you.

You felt something familiar rise in your chest. Something you had felt before. Something from before the time wipe.

Y/N: I, I guess I would like to know you to.

The two of you spent the next three hours in the garden talking about each other. It was actually nice. Familer.

Cassandra: This is nice.

You smiled at the statement.

Y/N: Yeah. Thanks for this. Everyone has been treating me like I'm the guy who left. No one ever tried to connect with me now. It's frustrating that they expect me to just go back to the way things were.

Cassandra placed a comforting hand on your shoulder which calmed you down. The two of you looked at each other for a while before her hand moved up to your cheek. That feeling was back. That oh so familiar feeling. You didn't even noticed that you were both leaning in closer until you were interrupted by Stephanie entering the garden.

Stephanie(The Cockblock Queen): There you guys are. Dinner is almost ready.

Luckily you were both able to gather yourselves before she spotted you. You grabbed your stuff and quickly left without another word. Stephanie could swear that your cheeks were red.

At least you had someone to talk to if you needed to.-----------

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