
Turf Wars Pt. 1

Dex purred as he sat on Red's lap. They were sitting on a bench watching as the people of jump city walked about going on with their daily routines.

Red: Such a nice day. Too bad we have to beat some kid's ass.

Jinx smirked from her position before peeking out. She was on the rooftop across the street looking down at the boy and cat.

Red: Is he here yet?

???: Closer than you think.

Red leaped forward with Dex in his arms as a large arm slammed down on the bench they were occupying. Red flipped around and faced the large figure.

Red: Ten I'm guessing?

Ten: And you must be Red X. Not what I was expecting.

Red smirked as he activated his watch.

Red: Me neither.---------It's been a whole three months since Red joines up with Jinx and her gang, the Family she called it, and things had been great. Between bank robberies and petty crimes they were doing good. Red had proven his worth within the first job and has continued to prove himself since.

Then one day they found the rival gang. The Royal Flush Gang. They had been taking jobs from the Family and needless to say, Jinx was pissed.

Jinx: What the hell?! They got another bank?!

Red watched as she let her head drop to the table in frustration.

Jinx: It's no fair. We were here first.

Red rolled his eyes and walked over to the poor girl. He place a hand on her shoulder causing her to look up at him.

Red: It'll be ok Pinky, no need to worry. We can take care of them if we need to. You should sleep now. It's late.

Jinx just sighed and continued to slouch.

Jinx: I'm not tired.

Red raised an eyebrow before smirking.

Red: Then how bout a distraction?

Jinx didn't know what he meant until she was lifted up over his shoulder.

Jinx: R-red! What are you doing?

Red just smirked as he began walking out of the room.

Red: Taking you to my bedroom.

It was about a week later when they first saw the Royals in action. Five members but all had a power of some kind. To make matters worse...

Croc: They're kids?

Kid: This is truly a let down.

Terra: To think a bunch of kids were responsible for taking us on.

Red was about to point out that they were also young before realizing he didn't even know how old Terra or Kid was and he was pretty sure Croc was a grown man. Eh, Crocodile. Person? Whatever.

Hell, he didn't even know his own age. He scouted the gang and grabbed his head as pain suddenly shot through.

Terra: You ok man?

Red just nodded.

Red: Something about them just seems really familiar.

He looked at the rival gang and smiled.

Croc: So they're all cards right? Like Ace is the leader, Ten is the muscle, King is second in command, Jack is the wildcard, and Queen is probably the strongest.

Kid: Wow. Didn't think you would be able to piece that together with such a small reptile brain.

Croc: You wanna be my lunch?

Jinx: Quiet both of you. What are we supposed to do?

Red just smirked as his eyes widened and his blood began to pump.

Red: It's simple Pinky.

The entire gang looked at him as his voice slowly turned into a snarl.


Jinx just nodded and made a choice then and there.

Jinx: Fine. We'll take them down.

Everyone agreed while Red kept his eyes on his enemies. The smirk never left.-------Now they were here, fight against Ten in the middle of Jump City Park. Red dodged the bits drawing his attention while Dex attacked with a mace.

Red: Kind of disappointed. From what I saw you seemed to be a good fighter. What happened? You loose your balls when you transform?

Ten: Buzz off you dork!

Red dodged another hit just as Dex landed one of his own by slamming the mace across the giant's head. As Ten tried to recover, Red pulled out a Red X shaped throwing star from his pouch.

Red: Time to end this!

They were interrupted by the sound of sirens which cause Red to frown under his mask.

Red: Damnit. Come on Dex!

Dex meowed and transformed back to normal as did Red. Both fled the scene while Ten got up and slowly turned back to normal.

Ten: Dang it. I got to go.

As he ran the other way, Jinx watched from the rooftop.------Red: Damnit!

He threw his a X at the far wall in anger while Dex slept on his bed.

Red: I was so close to getting rid of him.

He plopped down on his bed and huffed in frustration. There was a knock on his door.

Red: Come in.

Jinx walked in and closed the door behind her.

Jinx: You did good today. I'm proud.

Red: Nothing about that was good. Ten is still walking around.

Jinx: But now they know we mean business. We don't need to rush this X. As long as they know who's in charge we're good.

Red just rolled his eyes and sighed.

Red: Whatever.

Jinx looked at the boy then at Dex.

Jinx: Sorry Dex but could you leave? You can sleep in my room if you'd like.

Dex just yawned and hopped down from the bed before disappearing into the hall. Jinx closed the door yet again and walked over to the bed. She threw her leg over Red so that she was sitting on his lap earning his attention.

Red: What are you doing?

Jinx just leaned down and planted a kiss on his lips. Red smirked and grabbed a handful of hair pulling her closer to him until their bodies were pressed against each other. Jinx pulled away.

Jinx: Just giving you a distraction.

She slowly removed her top which got Red's blood pumping.

Red: Yeah?

Jinx: Yeah. And you know what? You can do whatever you'd like. Don't worry about being gentle either.

Red's grin turned wicked as he grabbed the girl and flipped her over so he was on top.

Red: Whatever you say Pinky.

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