
Mcginnis Pt. 2

Terry yawned as he walked down the stairs to the cave. It was about midday and that meant it was time to get to work. He found Max at her desk as usual while his brother and Nissa were no where to be found. He walked up to the monitor and sighed when he found Rewire's file on the screen.

Terry: Man. This doesn't get easier does it?

He began to run the info they had for any clues before he walked over to his friend.

Terry: So did you sleep at all or is this where you were all night?

Max just groaned as she drank from the mug on her desk. He leaned over and looked at her screen.

Terry: Still no leads huh?

Max: Nope. I checked everything but it's like he just dissapeared. I have no idea where I can look.

Terry shurgged before standing back up and walked over to the main computer where the scan came up with nothing.

Terry: Man he really did just up and vanish. This is the fourth case this week.

He brought up three more pictures of his villains. All of which vanished without a trace. Spellbinder, Inque, and Shiek.

Every single one was missing without a trace. It was bizarre but what was more was the fact that everything was quiet in Gotham. No crime, no gangs, no bad guys. It had literally been silent for the past few weeks. Bruce was even talking about giving him time off.

Terry: Yeah, all of this is just too wack.

He shook his head before his phone rang. It was Bruce.

Terry: Hey.

Bruce: Everything is quiet in Gotham. Take the night off.

The phone went dead.

Terry: Always nice talking.

He put the phone back into his pocket and turned to Max.

Terry: Guess I have the night off. You want to come with me and Dana to the club? Pretty sure there'll be some cuties there.

Max declined by waving. Terry just shrugged and walked out of the cave. Terry Mcginnis aka Batman of the year 2050.

For the past two years he had been the protector of Gotham City alongside his little brother Matt and his friend Nissa. As of late he was just Bruce Wayne's assistant. He walked through the dusty halls of Wayne Manor before ending up in the court yard where his bike was. He hopped on and threw on his helmet.

Terry: I got some time. Maybe I should go visit mom and Matt.

He started the bike and headed down the dirt road towards the highway.---------Terry: Yeah I got the night off. Can't wait to see you.

Dana: Me neither. Club No. 15?

Terry: Always.

They said their goodbyes and hung up as Terry entered the house where his mom was making lunch.

Ms. Mcginnis: Terry? Is that you?

Terry: Yeah it's me mom.

She smiled when she saw her oldest son enter the kitchen.

Ms. Mcginnis: How are you doing sweetie? I haven't seen you for a few days. You've been so busy with Mr. Wayne.

Terry: Yeah well you know how it is. Things calmed down so you'll seem me more. Where's Matt?

Ms. Mcginnis: Well he's out with friends right now. How is he fitting in with Mr. Wayne's intern program?

Terry: As good as that dork can I guess.

His mother just smiled as she looked at her son. Now a man. Time truly does go by in a blur.---------Dana: Terry! Over here!

Terry spotted his girlfriend in the crowd of partygoers and made his way over to her.

Terry: There she is. The prettiest girl in all of Gotham.

Dana just rolled her eyes.

Dana: You're going to make me blush. Surprised Wayne gave you the night off.

Terry wrapped an arm around her shoulder and grinned.

Terry: He said I was the best employee he has. Said I deserved a night off here and there.

Dana smiled back and kissed his cheek. Before long they were in the club which was playing loud electronic music with people of all backgrounds danced and drank. The two of them found a table to claim and ordered two drinks.

Terry: It's been a while. I bet I'm going to look like a chicken with it's head cut off.

Dana placed a hand on his.

Dana: You'll do fine. Let's drink then we can tear up the dance floor.

Terry agreed just as their drinks arrived. Terry slammed his down quickly as Dana watched amazed.

Dana: Someone's thirsty.

Terry: I don't get a lot of chances to drink on the job Dana.

As the two talked a new figure entered the room. They wore a dark long coat with a hood over their head. They scanned the room before spotting the young man who was enjoying his company.

Terry: Let's go dance. See just how bad I am.

Dana laughed as he pulled her to the dance floor where they started to get down. The figure huffed and made their way through the crowd. They finally reached the young couple and grabbed Terry's shoulder.

Terry: Hey man. Watch it.

???: Terry Mcginnis?

Terry raised an eyebrow.

Terry: Can I help you?

The stranger shook their head before lifting a hand and did something that sent Terry flying back. Everyone around noticed this and watched as the Stranger pulled out a gun. They began to flee in fear as the man aimed the gun at Terry who was still trying to recover.

Terry: What the hell?

The man opened fire but Terry was quick to dodge and hide behind a table. He peeked out just as the stranger ripped the coat off revealing a joker style costume.

Terry: Is this guy running with the Jokerz?

Terry leaped out and dodged the gun fire as he dashed towards the stranger. He kicked their hand knocking the gun away but they just pulled out another which Terry also dodged.

Terry: I thought you guys disbanded. Or did you not get that memo?

The stranger lifted their arm again and sent out another blast that sent Terry flying back against a pillar. He got up and wiped the blood from his mouth.

Terry: Ok who is this guy?

The stranger looked at their wristwatch and shook their head.

???: You are causing me to be late.

Terry grinned.

Terry: Ah my bad. Let me just kick your ass a little faster then!

He leaped up and rushed back to the stranger where a fight broke out. Terry and the stranger traded blows before the stranger let out another blast but Terry also dodged it and grabbed their arm.

Terry: It's over.

???: It only just begun, Batman.

Terry's eyes grew wide as the stranger slammed their hand down on the watch. The watch began to glow as they and Terry began to be engulfed in a white light.

Terry: What the HELL?!

Then, just as sudden, they were gone. Dana looked out from her hiding spot and saw that her boyfriend was missing.

Dana: Terry? Terry?!

She looked around but found no one. They were no longer there.-----Terry woke up with a headache. He opened his eyes to find himself on the floor. A very dirty floor. He picked himself up and looked around only to be even more confused.

Terry: Where am I?

He looked around but didn't recognize his surroundings. He walked out of the alley he had found himself in and was greeted with a crowd of people walking around. His eyes made their way up where he spotted a billboard that gave him chills.

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