
The New Red Pt. 1

You stood by the fireplace now wearing more comfortable clothing than in the tower. You were waiting impatiently for the front door to ring. Right now it was only you and Alfred in the house since everyone was still out doing their own thing. You sighed as the plan ran through your mind. Welcome Debra into the Manor, keep everything a secret until Bruce decides it's safe enough to let her know.

Y/N: I hope this works out.

Alfred entered the room like a pimp and asked if you would need anything and you just told him tea. He left to make it as you heard the alert go off. You took a deep breath and headed out towards the front. You had given her the secret way in so she didn't have to deal with the paparazzi. You opened the doors and spotted her walking your way with a backpack. She saw you and immediately blushed.

The cover story you gave her was that the Waynes owed you a favor so they offered to take her in. She thanked him 100 times over the phone and swore to go straight. Guess time will tell. She reached the steps and looked at you. You just smiled.

Y/N: Debra?

She nodded.

Y/N: I heard a lot about you. Come on in. We're making tea.----------The two of you sat in the living room while Alfred served you both tea. She was just looking around in amazement while you were studying her. You could get a read on anything malicious going on. You relaxed a bit.

Alfred: So Ms. Dennis....

Debra: Actually it's, Quinzel.

Alfred raised an eyebrow while looking at you. You just shrugged.

Alfred: Very well. Ms. Quinzel, would you like anything else?

Debra: No thank you. I appreciate the tea. It's very good.

Alfred smiled smugly.

Alfred: We shall get along famously.

He shot a look at you then walked off to another room. You just rolled your eyes.

Debra: So, if it's ok, can I ask what your relation to Beyond is?

You smiled. Time to be Y/N not Batman.

Y/N: He's a good friend to the family. He helped us out during tough times. Saved us more than once as well.

She nodded.

Debra: So does that mean you guys know the other bats as well?

You shook your head.

Y/N: Only him. We know of the others but not personally. They kind of do their own thing.

Debra let out a breath she was holding.

Debra: Thank goodness. I thought they would be watching me 24/7. Not that there's anything wrong with it especially considering my past.

You looked at her and tried to think of some way to help. You pulled a Bruce and put a hand on her shoulder for comfort.

Y/N: We won't judge you here. I promise. The Manor is your home and you can think of us as your family. Trust me, you do6need to be blood related.-----------And she didn't. Though it took some time, the others eventually warmed up to her. Rick, still with no memory, was the first to become close to her after you. He would often come around to visit and the two bonded over their gymnastics. Barbara took a bit longer but she did try. She accepted that she lived in the Manor but after some very, very, deep investigating, she deduced that Debra wasn't a threat. Tim, Cass, and Stephanie immediately took a liking to her and often hung out with her and you on their off days while keeping in touch during their "trips" out of town.

Alfred loved the girl and would often spoiler her with snacks and tea. The two had a weird book club thing as well. Damien and Duke were uneasy with her for the longest time but with the help of Katy, who was finally taking a break, they came to accept her as one of their own but still kept a reasonable distance. Bruce was the most surprising of all. He didn't paint her as a villain in the slightest and actually invited her to family outings and such. Rather it was a facade or him being sincere was completely lost on you at this point.

She was a part of the family, minus the late night crime fighting bit, and quickly adapted to the craziness of the going ons in the Manor. She would often times join in on the madness herself. When Tim and Stephanie would argue she was the first one to step in and help the couple figure out their issue and resolve it. Must be from her grandmother.

Cassandra and her would often spend their quiet time together by watching some drama tv show or reading some books they found in the library. You were a bit baffled by the fact that she took your place but at least you had time to help out with the metahuman trafficing and got to spend more time with Helena. It had been about 5 months up to this point.

Speaking of which, you and her were currently walking in the park hand in hand. You wore the famous "Wayne Disguise" which was just a hoodie, a hat, and a pair of glasses. She wore her normal clothes and was laughing at her jokes of you looking like a creep.

Y/N: You done yet?

Helena: Not even close.

You rolled your eyes but smiled. Times like these were times to cherish. At least until you caught people checking her out and held back the need to throw some hands. The two of you sat on a bench and she laid her head on your shoulder.

Helena: So how is everything going with the new resident?

You thought back on the last three months and smiled.

Y/N: Pretty good. She's been blending in pretty well.

Helena hummed and closed her eyes.

Helena: Is there something wrong with me?

You looked at her confused.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Helena: Well, my boyfriend who is incredibly handsome is constantly surrounded by women. I'm not even jealous.

You just smiled.

Y/N: I think you just trust me. There's nothing wrong with that.

She smiled and planted a kiss on your cheek.

Helena: What did Bruce say about you attending school?

You sighed. School. Something you didn't want to deal with but you still technically had a year left.

Y/N: He said if I'm still here after summer he'll enroll me in Gotham Academy. Really hoping he won't.

Helena suddenly sat up and stared ahead.

Helena: And what if you do go back?

You were confused but suddenly realized what she meant. You never even considered the possibility that you would have to leave everything behind. Your friends, the family you had made. Helena. All of it was to be left behind after you returned to your time.

Y/N: I, I don't know.

Suddenly your phone went off signaling an alert. You looked at it and found that a gang was terrorizing a train station nearby. You were going to deny it, since the others were free, but Helena placed a hand on yours.

Helena: Go ahead. We can talk about this later.

You were about to argue but a loud explosion rang through the sky sending both of you to your feet.

Helena: On second thought, maybe I should go to.

You nodded and the two of you rushed towards the station. You quickly activated your uniform while Helena pulled out her mask and stripped herself of her clothing revealing her costume underneath. She tossed you her clothes and you stored them into your watch.

The two of you arrived to find a bunch of thugs holding a bunch of guns with a bunch of explosives.

Y/N: Jesus. There's a bunch of thugs holding a bunch of guns with a bunch of explosives.

Huntress: And a bunch of hostages.

You looked again and sure enough, there was quite a bit of civilians being held hostage. You shot yourself up above to get a better view of the situation while Huntress found cover behind a wall. As you spotted the one in charge, a gun shot grabbed your attention. You turned head to see one of the thugs on the ground grabbing his leg which was bleeding profusely.

Out from the shadows came someone who you weren't expecting.

Y/N: Jason?

Red Hood leaped over two more people shooting at both but not killing them. They then spun around and shot down two more.

Huntress: Who the hell is that?! I thought Red Hood was kicked out from Gotham.

Y/N: He was! Who is this guy? Jason is taller. Plus he uses rubber bullets now!

Red Hood rolled away from the incoming gun fire which allowed them to flip over the cover and fired more shots at the other thugs. It was time to jump in. You leaped down and threw a bata rang at one of the other thugs. Huntress jumped out as well and helped with the fighting. You watched as the leader grabbed a nearby hostage. He held up a woman and pointed the gun at her head.

Thug: Anyone else moves, she dies!

Red Hood stopped in their tracks as did you and Huntress. The thug smiled but Red Hood suddenly lifted their gun and fired away hitting the thug in the shoulder. The thug fell over grabbing his shoulder while the lady collapsed in shock. You moved to get Red Hood who took one look at you and dropped a smoke bomb. You were forced to stand there while they escaped.

Y/N: Who the hell was that?

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