You stood there shocked. What the hell was going on? On the screen was Dick Grayson, the first Robin and only Nightwing, was laying there in Batman's arms. He had a bullet in his head. He had just been shot by the KGBeast. You had just returned from patrol and this is what you saw. Standing beside you was Alfred who was just as shocked.---------Dick Grayson was no more. He had lost his memory. Ric Grayson was his name now. No memory of ever being Nightwing, no memory of ever being Robin, no memory of ever being in the family. He was heading off on his own now. To do what he needed to do. Everyone was hesitant about letting him go but Bruce had convinced you all to let him go. He needed to do this.---------It seems that every time you looked at the computer, your world flipped on its head. Jason Todd, the Second Robin and Second Red Hood, had just shot the Penguin in the face. He just broke the one rule Bruce had placed on him.
Now Bruce was pissed. He had already grabbed the cowl and rushed to the Batmobile. You decided to follow in case things got out of hand.--------Things most definitely got out of hand.
This screaming match has been going on since both of you got back to the cave. Bruce had just beating the ever loving shit out of Jason. He ripped the crest right off Jason's chest and you had to step in before Bruce went too far. It was already too late by the time Roy Harper aka Red Arrow distracted Bruce with an arrow.
He fled with Jason but left you a burner phone so you can contact him in case something happened. Bruce and you have been at each other's throats for about an hour now before everyone else arrived. Cassandra, Stephanie, and Tim had to drag you away while Barbara, Damien, and Duke held Bruce back. Even Alfred seemed worried about what the two of you will end up doing if things got out of hand.----------You sat on your bed looking at your hands. Beside you was your phone which displayed a text that chilled you to the bone. Sanctuary, the therapy home for Supers, was attacked. Everyone inside was found dead. Including, Roy. To make matters much worse, two Sirens were there as well as Booster. Now Bruce is away with Clark and Diana to investigate. Booster is a suspect. Harley is a suspect. You were confused and scared. Who could've killed all those heroes? To make matters worse, they had the confession tapes from every hero that has ever visited. Who did this? Was it really, Booster?--------You flew to the location Booster sent you. It was the first time you had heard from him since this all began. You landed in the field and waited around before you spotted Harley and Booster rushing towards you.
Booster: Y/N!
You began to run towards him before spotting another person.
Y/N: That's Wally. What is he doing here?
Suddenly there was a second Wally. You rushed over to them instead. What was going on?---------You took a seat at the confession booth. You looked into the camera and sighed.
Y/N: So, I'm not entirely familiar with this. I always keep things to myself. These last few weeks have been hell if I'm being completely honest. One of my mentors got shot in the head and lost his memory, someone I see has a brother got kicked out of the family, the entire sanctuary was attacked by Wally West after he lost control, and now I'm here. Things used to be so simple. It was just me in Gotham. No families, no teams. Just me. Now I have this entire world on my shoulders it seems. None of this was supposed to happen. It never did happen. Not in my time. It seems that everything starts and ends with me. I can't help but feel like this is all my fault. If I wasn't here none of this would be happening. I should be happy. I mean I'm dating Helena, I'm Beyond, I'm doing good. I am, doing good right? Is any of this good?......... My real name is Y/N al Ghul. My father is, will be Ra's al Ghul. Not for another 13 years. That means my mom is somewhere here. Alive. She'd be my age I think. Maybe younger. I want to see her again.
You slowly lift up you mask to show you face.
Y/N: Her name is Maria L/N. And I am Y/N L/N. I'm done letting the past define me. My future isn't set yet. I am in control. I know I'm lying when I say that and you're supposed to help make me realize that it's wrong but, let me be naive just for a bit longer. Please.----------You were leaning against a post watching as Helena talked to the vendor. You were wearing a coat for the chill with a pair of sunglasses for the cold sun. She had a smile on your face but you seemed very gloomed. Your hair was longer crowd feet reached your eyes. Helena returned to you with a wide smile on her face. She handed you a churro and you threw an arm around her shoulder with a grin.
Helena: So your mom lives somewhere in Hub City?
You nodded. You had done a fair share of research to hunt down your mom. You found the last name and several addresses that you had narrowed down with Tim's help.
Y/N: I'll be heading out tomorrow. I just, I feel like if I see her then maybe I can calm down a bit.
Helena looked at you with a concerned face. She got on her toes to plant a soft kiss to your cheek before dragging you along.
Helena: Well, no matter what it is you have to do, you have my support. I just ask that you be careful. Hub City is actually worse than Gotham.
You raised an eyebrow.
Y/N: No way.
Helena nodded.
Helena: They don't have a hero or any vigilante running around dressed like bats. You'll stick out.
You laughed at the thought.
Y/N: I'll be as careful as possible. I promise.
You kissed her head as the two of you walked down the street. Things have sure been hectic but it helps to always have someone to fall on. Your little bird had your back and you knew it.
But tomorrow, it's just you.