
Outlaws Pt. 2

You hung around the peir as instructed as Red Hood moved to his designated position. The plan was simple, observe the trade that was going to go down and move in when Hood told you to. Easy. You looked up and saw Bizzaro land on top of the crane before laying on his stomach and peeking over the edge. You had no clue where Artemis was. You were excited to see how different they operated compared to Bruce and to see a team in action. Sure, you've worked alongside some of the best teams around but none like this. They were must more different and in a way, you liked the what happens happens kind of style they had.

They were definitely Outlaws and you didn't know if you were going to get yelled at after this by Bruce or not but you didn't care. You watched as two black SUVs drove up and a bunch of men wearing black suits swarmed out. All of them had guns.

Y/N: Awe, they match.

Red Hood: Cute isn't it?

The two of you laughed quietly before Artemis told you both to be quiet. You returned your attention to the men below and watched as a new man stepped out.

Black Mask. You clenched your fists and practically begged silently to have a go at him. You stopped when you noticed someone else with them.

Y/N: Scarecrow? He looks so, young.

Artemis: Hood, you said this was a kingpin deal not a supervillain trade.

Red Hood: Yeah it was. Why is Scarecrow here.

You were just baffled by how young he looked. He was practically skin and bones in your time. Are those needle hands? Those are, aren't they? Cool.

Bizzaro: Scary man.

Red Hood: It's not like a problem. It's just Cane. We've handled worse.

You watched as two more SUVs drove to the spot. This time they were black, and white? Half black and half whiohmygod. From these two men dresses in suits, left half white and right half black, holding guns. And then the main man himself walked out.

Red Hood: *sigh

Y/N: Two villain gangsters and Scarecrow. Seems like an interesting drug deal.

Red Hood: But why? Last I checked, Dent and Sionis hated each other. What is going on here?

Artemis: Maybe they want to discuss skin care?

Y/N: You just make a joke?

Dent approached the rival crime lord who simply stood there.

Black Mask: Well, good to see you aren't late Dent.

Two-Face: Yeah well, this was my idea. Be a shame if we both walked away, unsatisfied.

Black Mask looked over his shoulder to Scarecrow who walked back to the car to retrieve a brief case. Dent snapped his fingers and one of his men retrieved another briefcase from his car. Scarecrow returned but held onto the suitcase like it was a baby while Black Mask checked over the money.

Two-Face: 5 Million. Just as promised. Now, where is the serum?

Black Mask simply looked at him before ha ding the case to one of his men. Scarecrow stepped forward and opened the case to reveal several canisters filled with some greenish yellow liquid.

Red Hood: Fear Toxin. What does Two-Face want with those?

Artemis: What do you think Todd?

Two-Face ran his fingers across the glass and smirked.

Two-Face: This is more than enough. Are you sure it works?

Scarecrow: Made it myself. Specialty for you Mr. Dent.

Two-Face: Good. Good. Well then, I suppose business is done here?

Black Mask: I suppose it is. Pleasure doing business with you Dent.

Artemis: We should move in now.

Red Hood: Not yet.

You didn't try to fight it. You knew what came next. You've seen this time and time again.

Black Mask: Do take care of that, thing, on your face.

Two-Face: Can't get rid of it. I tried.

Black Mask: Oh, no. That burn looks fine.

There it was. Ego. Throw an insult here and there and you're hot shit. That is until it against another egotistical gang boss. Then, it's on.

Red Hood: Ok. Now move in.

You activated your boots and flew over head catching their attention. While they looked up, Red Hood opened fire on the henchmen and the large axe came flying through the crowd. To end things with the cherry on top, Bizzaro came crashing down on one of the SUVs. You turned around and flew right back into the action with a smirk on your face.

Red Hood: We can't let them leave with the serum. Grab it!

You looked around and saw Two-Face yelling at his men while holding the case. You took off that way but instead felt a sharp pain in your shoulder. You stepped back and saw Scarecrow standing there. One of his fingers was empty. Your vision began to shake and Scarecrow's eyes seemed to glow a dark red. The voices around you began to grow into nothing more than distorted, monstrous, mumbles. Scarecrow began to laugh eviliy...

Before you knocked him out with one hit.

Y/N: This ain't my first rodeo Cane.

You tapped a button on your suit and a vial popped into your hand. You inserted it into your wrist and waited for it to take effect. Everything began to turn to normal and you returned to your original goal. You rushed toward Two-Face before you spotted Black Mask firing away at Artemis. Your blood began to boil.

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