
17.Infiltrator (Part 2)

all the images shown are owned by DC comics and the artist

-Happy Harbor; August 8th; 21:59 EDT-

Outside Happy Harbor High, M’gann and Superboy, Sean are on the roof with the Bioship camouflaged over their heads. While inside the school Aqualad and Powergirl check the window to the hallway by the Computer Lab.

Aqualad:Miss Martian, link us up. We do not want the Shadows intercepting our comms

Miss Martian:But how am I going to get to Sean? I can't read his mind

Powergirl:*on comms* You can use our shared link right Sean?

Sean seems hesitant but agree nonetheless

"Yeah sure but try not to be go through my head will you M'gann?"

Miss Martian:I wouldn't dream of it Sean

From outside Miss Martian finds the other minds with ease. Connecting them quickly.

Miss Martian:'(Everyone online?)'

'(Yeah all good here)'


 Artemis half groans, sitting down on the desk Dr. Roquette is working at to keep from losing her balance.

Artemis:'(This is weird..)'

Dr Roquette:'(And distracting)'

Dr. Roquette’s voice cuts in as she continues to code quickly 

Dr Roquette:'(Coding a distributive algorithm virus on a kiddie computer with RAM than a wristwatch is hard enough)'

She stops typing and starts moving her body as if she were speaking

Dr Roquette:'(Now I have to hear teen-think in my skull?)'

She grips her head with annoyance and perceived pain from a headache she’s bound to get

Wally sits on the window ledge eating a granola bar, Robin is looking out on of the partially opened blind of the same window row, but hidden by the pillar. 

K.F:'(Lady, do you always complain when someone tries to help you?)'

Artemis:'(Pot, kettle. Have you met?)'

Kid Flash is immediately defensive towards Artemis

K.F:'(Hey. Hey, I do not need attitude from the newbie who drove Red Arrow off the Team!)'

Artemis stands instantly and points directly at him. 

Artemis'(That is so not on me)'

Behind her Roquette stops typing to give into her annoyance

Dr Roquette:'(Fate of the world at stake)'

She tries to remind without getting too angry almost fuming at this point

K.F'(She started it!)'

Powergirl shakes her head fed up by these two

Powergirl:'(That's enough both of you, were on a mission not who can be more annoying game show)'

'(Preach! I'm with Powergirl on this we gotta focus capsiche?)'

K.F:'(Easy for you to say! You don't have to de---)'

'(You finish that sentence and I'll rip you in half and shove your legs down your throat)'

Wally mumbles something underneath his breath as he shuts up

Artemis:'(How about I just help Superboy and Miss Martian patrol the perimeter?)'

 She offers, already walking away from her spot by the doctor

Aqualad'(Good idea)'

Aqualad agrees, his tone formal as ever but there’s a noted edge of stress to his simple words

Robin:'(Hey Sean..)'


Meanwhile Sean sits down on the side of the roof as he look up into the sky

'(Yeah what's up Bird Boy?)'

Robin:'(Quit calling me that!)'

'(Nahh im good although I do appreciate the pointless argument though, so what'd you want to tell me?)'

Robin:'(You might cut the new girl some slack. It was her arrow that saved your butt against Amazo)'

Sean doesn't say anything as he mentally face palms himself everyone in the team just stay quiet as Powergirl chimes in

Powergirl:'(Your kidding right?..please tell me your joking..)'

Robin:'(What? No, why?)'

Robin asks oblivious to what he just said

Powergirl:'(You do remember who took down Amazo by himself?)'

'(Robin bro I have respect for you but what the ever living fuck my guy? You seriously think an arrow..a metal arrow helped me through that fight? I took on Amazo by myself well sorta until the end.)'

K.F:'(I thought it was Red Arrow's, arrow that saved Sean?)'

'(I'm losing brain cells..god why..*sighs* I don't know what you were trying to justify here but I didn't need her help, I was more than fine with dealing that metal man by myself I literally tore his head off. So yeah Artemis was a big help..)'

Walking out of the building Artemis is quick to remind him that’s ineffective

 Artemis:'(You know, I can still hear you!)'

'(I know but hey it's the effort that counts..unless that effort isn't worth much..anyways! Powergirl can I talk you for a sec)'

Powergirl nods as she flies out of the school and meets Sean on the other side of the building, she softly lands onto the ground

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