
Decorating the tree part one!

Barry smiled a little as he walked into the house pushing the stroller that Dawn was currently asleep in. Kara stepped in after him and kicked the door shut as she put the bags down on the floor. Barry took Dawn out from the stroller and asked "are you not getting the tree out of the car babe". Kara shook her head and replied "I was thinking, why don't I make us hot chocolate while you feed little Ms Allen there, I mean it's freezing and I... I just want to snuggle up while we watch a Christmas movie". Barry smiled more and said "well I'm more than happy to do that Ms Danvers". Kara beamed and exclaimed "awesome, we can do the decorating after lunch, I ain't decorating on an empty stomach". Barry smiled more and said "fair enough sweetie". Kara giggled and said "ok, I'll go make us got chocolate, you go relax and choose a movie". Barry chuckled and said "Kar, I need to make up a bottle for Dawn". Kara smiled more and said "I've got it Bar, Dawn and her daddy needs to go relax". Barry chuckled and pecked Kara on the lips and replied "you're the best Kara". Kara smiled and said "thanks babe, you're pretty great as well, now go relax".

As the two relaxed on the couch and watched a Christmas movie, Kara asked "are we having everyone over for Christmas". Barry asked "do you think we should". Kara said "I mean I know we are trying to keep them safe but I think we should, I mean it's Christmas, I miss our friends and family". Barry nodded and said "I do too Kara, we'll invite them over for Christmas". Kara nodded and asked "if Savitar shows up again, is it just the two of us going after him". Barry nodded and said "he has said that he doesn't want to hurt you, It's best if it's just us two, he might hurt everyone else, he did hurt someone". Kara nodded and said "you're right, but Maybe it's time for Flash and Supergirl to get back out there". Barry nodded and said "we can get Nora or Eliza to look after Dawn but we don't need to involve anyone in our team, just us two". Barry nodded and asked "are you ok with that Kara". Kara nodded and said "if Savitar is still out there, then we're needed, once Savitar is dealt with, then we can just have our normal life". Barry chuckled and said "our life is never going to be normal babe". Kara giggled and said "oh I know Bar, It's just, you know what I mean, we won't have to risk our lives everyday". Barry nodded and said "yeah I know Kar". Kara smiled a little and said "ok, can you take Dawn and put her in the Moses basket". Barry smiled and lifted a sleeping Dawn from Kara's arms. Kara pecked Barry on the lips and then headed out to get the tree from the car.

As Barry set up the 7ft plastic Christmas tree, Kara asked "where did you put the tinsel". Barry said "it's in one of the bags Kara, the one with the toys for Dawn". Kara said "ok babe". She headed over to a bag and started taking through it. She then smiled and pulled out a blue and silver tinsel. Barry finished setting up the tree and asked "are you putting it on Kara". Kara smiled and nodded. She took the tinsel and started wrapping the tinsel around the tree while Barry got the other bag that had the other Christmas decorations in it. Kara asked "Bar can you please put the radio on, I hate how quiet it is". Barry smiled and said "we both know that you just want to sing along to the Christmas songs". Kara giggled and said "only if you join in with me Bar". Barry chuckled and replied "you know I would babe". Kara giggled and said "yeah that's why I want you to put the radio on". Barry smiled and replied "fair enough babe". Kara smiled more when Barry turned the radio on. Kara beamed as she finished putting the tinsel on the tree. She asked "what now". Barry asked "Christmas baubles". Kara smiled more and nodded. As they were putting the baubles on the tree, they both started to sing the song that had just started.

"I don't want a lot for ChristmasThere is just one thing I needI don't care about the presentsUnderneath the Christmas tree

I just want you for my ownMore than you could ever knowMake my wish come trueAll I want for ChristmasIs you

I don't want a lot for ChristmasThere is just one thing I needAnd I don't care about the presentsUnderneath the Christmas tree

I don't need to hang my stockingThere upon the fireplaceSanta Claus won't make me happyWith a toy on Christmas Day

I just want you for my ownMore than you could ever knowMake my wish come trueAll I want for Christmas is youYou baby

Oh I won't ask for much this ChristmasI won't even wish for snowAnd I'm just gonna keep on waitingUnderneath the mistletoe

I won't make a list and send itTo the North Pole for Saint NickI won't even stay awake toHear those magic reindeer click

'Cause I just want you here tonightHolding on to me so tightWhat more can I do?Baby all I want for Christmas is youYou

Oh all the lights are shiningSo brightly everywhereAnd the sound of children'sLaughter fills the air

And everyone is singingI hear those sleigh bells ringingSanta won't you bring me the one I really need?Won't you please bring my baby to me?

Oh I don't want a lot for ChristmasThis is all I'm asking forI just want to see my babyStanding right outside my door

Oh I just want you for my ownMore than you could ever knowMake my wish come trueBaby all I want for Christmas isYou baby

All I want for Christmas is you babyAll I want for Christmas is you babyAll I want for Christmas is you baby".

As they finished the song, Kara and Barry were standing directly in front of each other. Kara leaned up and pressed her lips against Barry's as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Barry wrapped his around her waist as Kara backed him over to the couch. They both laughed after Barry has tripped over his feet causing the two to fall onto the couch. Barry smiled up at Kara and asked "you know, if singing Christmas songs with you always end up like this, then we should sing them all the time". Kara giggled and said "me too, but the song is right, all I want for Christmas is you". Barry smiled more and said "we've been dating for just over five months, six in January and just when I think I've loved you the most I can, you go and prove me wrong". Kara giggled and said "I'm glad Mr Allen". Barry chuckled and said "me too Ms Danvers". Kara smiled and pressed her lips against Barry's again, resuming their previous activities before Barry had fallen over. Barry happily reciprocated the kiss as another Christmas song played in the background.

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