

Barry had gone to pick Caitlin up due to the storm still continuing outside. He put her down and then dried his hair and took his damp coat off. He sat back down beside Kara and sighed as he said "even with super speed, the rain still manages to make me soaking wet". Kara giggled a little and stood up. She then sat down on his lap and said "how about we warm you up then". Barry chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her while she snuggled into him. Caitlin sat down in the seat that Kara had been using.

She asked "are you not getting Cisco". Barry said "oh I went for him first, should have seen the amount of tissues he was going through, I told him to take the day of and get better, that we'd manage without him". Caitlin nodded and asked "is Thawne back". Barry said "yeah, he's down in his lab working away, I think he's avoiding us at the minute". Caitlin asked "and why would he be avoiding you both". Kara's face turned bright red as said "he... He um met our doppelgangers". Caitlin asked "and why would that make him avoid you". Barry scratched the back of his neck as his face turned bright red as well. He replied "Kara on earth 18 is my doppelgangers... biological.... Daughter". Caitlin smiled a little and asked "and it isn't affecting you both is it". Kara shook her head and said "I love Barry, it's our doppelgangers, not us..... Plus we done a DNA test just to be sure". Barry nodded and said "both her parents are kryptonian, meaning". Caitlin finished "you aren't her father". Barry nodded and said "it would be horrible if I was". Kara sorted her glasses and said "it would make things super awkward, like I would be Dawn's mum but... Also her sister?". Caitlin smiled a little and said "let's just forget about it before it ruins what you both have, besides, it's their lives, not yours so you don't even have to think about it". Barry nodded and said "your right". Kara nodded in agreement. Caitlin asked "can we you know, train later". Kara said "yeah we can do that, I'm sure it's fine". Barry said "we'll need to go home first, we're both in need of a shower, and a change of clothes, Dawn needs a bath and fresh clothes too". Caitlin smiled and said "it's fine Barry, I'm gonna go sort my things in the med bay". Barry and Kara smiled a little and gave her a nod before she stood up and headed into the Cortex.

Later in the day, Barry and Kara had gone home with Dawn, they took a quick shower together before changing and then giving Dawn a bath and changing her. Barry sat on the couch in the living room holding Dawn when Kara came in and handed him the warm bottle. Barry smiled a little and said "I'm glad we finally got out of the lab". Kara nodded and said "yeah me too, I just hope that none of them go through the security footage of last night". Barry said "oh I deleted that when you were still asleep". Kara let out a sigh of relief. She said "thank god, I wouldn't want them seeing me having sex with my daddy". Barry's face turned bright red as Kara laughed at him. Barry said "please never call me that, if you weren't my doppelgangers daughter, maybe, but it just seems so wrong". Kara nodded and said "but I've called you it a few times before we found out". Barry said "I know but I just don't want to feel awkward, you're like the only one I'm not that awkward around, I never have been, but that might start it". Kara nodded and sat beside Barry.

Kara wrapped her arm around him and snuggled into him as he began feeding Dawn. She pouted and said "yeah, why did our doppelgangers have to ruin everything". Barry chuckled and said "they didn't, I still love you, always have, always will". Kara smiled and said "I know Bar but now I can't call you that word, even though I've only said it like twice before we found out about our doppelgangers". Barry said "anyway, enough about that please, it's so uncomfortable to talk about that". Kara nodded and pecked Barry on the cheek. She said "yeah I know, let's just get this little one fed, and then we can go help Cait". Barry nodded and said "yeah, you know, I think we should rename her Kara". Kara slapped Barry's arm playfully and asked "what happened to not talking about that anymore, and are you replacing me". Barry chuckled and said "relax, I was kidding, and you can never be replaced Kar, you know that". Kara giggled and said "I was joking too Bar, of course I know that, you can't be replaced either because I'm so hopelessly and crazily in love with you". Barry smiled and said "oh I'm beyond crazily in love with you". Kara nodded and said "sometimes it still feels like a dream, that one day, I'm going to wake up alone again on earth 38". Barry said "I get what you mean Kara, but everyday, I'm reminded that it isn't a dream, it's real, we are dating and we have an amazing daughter together". Kara nodded and wiped away a few tears that fell from her eyes. She sniffed and nodded. Barry smiled a little and put the bottle down on the coffee table. He then wrapped his arm around Kara who sobbed into his shoulder. Barry rubbed his hand up and down her arm and said "it's ok Kara, it's ok". Kara sniffed and said "I'm sorry Bar.... I... I just..." . Barry smiled and said "it's ok babe, it's ok, I get it, you don't have to apologise". Kara nodded and wiped her tears away again. She asked "can we go out on a date later, after we help Cait, it just, it feels like it's been ages since we have". Barry smiled and said "of course we can Kar, that's ok, I'm always up for going out with you, whenever and wherever". Kara said "I'm so lucky to have you". Barry said "I say that everyday about you Kar". Kara smiled and rested her head against his shoulder. Barry smiled and rested his head against hers as they relaxed on the couch.

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