

By the time Thawne and Jay came to a stop at the starting line, Barry and Kara were already there in their suits. Kara was practically bouncing with excitement. Barry seemed to share her excitement as he was doing the same as Kara. Thawne chuckled and asked "can you two lovebirds calm down a bit". Kara giggled and said "nope, that ain't happening, oh we are so gonna beat you". Thawne said "we'll see Supergirl". Kara said "yes we will, after we beat you". Thawne chuckled and shook his head. Jay smiled and shook his head as he got into position. He said "I'll be glad to call you my daughter in law one day". Kara smiled from ear to ear and asked "really". Jay nodded and said "I mean, I treat Barry as if he is my son, so I don't see why not". Kara beamed at what Jay said and hugged him tightly. Jay smiled and hugged her back. Kara smiled and said "I can't wait for that day then, not only will I be married to the best man in the multiverse, I'll have the greatest father in law ever". Jay chuckled and said "thanks Kara, I can't wait for that day too, it's gonna be an amazing wedding". Kara smiled at Barry and said "it's gonna be a big wedding, and it doesn't need to be perfect, just marrying Barry is enough for me to be really happy". Barry smiled at Kara and said "I agree with that Kar, as long as you have your beautiful smile on your face, I'm more than happy". Kara smiled and pecked Barry on the lips. She took his hand and the two got into position at the starting line. Thawne chuckled and got into position as well.

Cisco spoke through comms "are you guys ready to see who the fastest man or woman is". Kara giggled and said "yep, me and Flash are so gonna win". Cisco said "well you are both at a disadvantage, since you are running together". Barry said "doesn't matter Cisco, just give us the countdown". Barry smiled at Kara and whispered "let's win this". Kara giggled and nodded. Cisco asked "are you guys ready". Thawne sighed and said "come on Cisco, just give us the countdown already". Cisco said "geez, I hope you lose, ok, ok, on go, three....... Two...... One..... Go". The three speedsters and Kara raced off. Barry and Kara held hands the whole time as they raced beside the two other speedsters. All four of them were whizzing through the streets of Central City taking sharp turns left and right. Kara giggled and exclaimed "this is so fun... We should totally do This more". Barry chuckled and said "yeah we do". Kara smiled more and the two sped ahead of Thawne and Jay.

Cisco and Caitlin sat in Star Labs monitoring the four. Nora smiled at Dawn and said "look at that, your mum and dad are winning". Wally who had just walked in with Joe asked "winning what, is there another meta". Cisco said "no Barry, Kara, Thawne and Jay are having a race, Barry and Kara are winning, never mind, Thawne just passed them both". Joe chuckled and shook his head. Wally asked "and why are they racing". Caitlin said "to see who is faster, and just for a bit of fun, we believe that in order for Barry to get faster, instead of just training and working on equations to get faster, he needs to just simply enjoy his powers and work on them through maybe training and what they are doing now". Joe said "makes sense I guess, it's the one thing I understand here". Cisco asked "how is Iris". Joe said "good, we're talking again, I can't believe I'm going to be a grandfather again already, Iris just left to head back home but She promises to visit more".

Kara pouted as they saw Thawne overtake them. She said "babe, we need to catch up, we need to win". Barry chuckled and said "babe relax, I'm saving my energy for the last stretch". Kara nodded and said "I know, I just want to beat Thawne, he wants to wipe the smile off my face by beating us, that can't happen". Barry smiled and said "Kara honey, that isn't possible, and I promise, we'll beat Thawne". Kara smiled and said "you better keep that promise Mr". Barry asked "what will you do if I don't". Kara said "then you won't get to snuggle with me in bed for a few days". Barry chuckled and said "you won't be able to live up to that babe, that means that you won't be able to use me as a pillow". Kara said "oh.... I never thought that one through, besides I love snuggling with you, and I don't see you as a pillow, I just love laying with you". Barry smiled and said "I know babe". Kara smiled and said "ok, then if we don't beat Thawne, then I'll.... I'll uh, I've got nothing". Barry chuckled and pecked Kara on the temple. Kara smiled but it quickly turned into a grown when they saw Jay race ahead of both them and Thawne. She groaned and said "last.... We can't be last". Barry smiled and said "hold on tight babe". Kara was about to ask Barry what he planned to do when she was lifted up into his arms bridal style causing her to yelp in surprise. Barry sped ahead and past Thawne just as they reached the finish line. Kara giggled and wrapped her arms around Barry's neck. She said "ha, we beat you, in your face, that's what you get for trying to wipe the smile from my face, I don't even care if we came second". Thawne chuckled and said "you're getting faster Barry". Barry smiled and said "or you're just getting old". Thawne chuckled and said "that was fun". Jay smiled and said "that was tough, you are all pretty fast, even you Kara, for a non speedster anyway". Kara smiled and said "thanks Jay, next time though, we are so gonna win". Jay said "well until next time, I'm the fastest here". Kara was about to say something when Jay sped away. Kara huffed and said "he didn't have to run with anyone else though". Barry chuckled and said "it was fun though, I love running with you". Kara said "me too babe". Thawne smiled and said "meet you both back at Star Labs". Barry nodded. Thawne smiled and sped away.Kara giggled and asked "are you gonna put me down". Barry smiled and said "nope". Kara giggled more and pecked Barry on the lips. She said "let's get back to Star Labs". Barry smiled and sped off towards the Labs.

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