
Solar Flared!

Kara said "this can't be happening, I need to get you back to Star Labs.... Why does it have to be now". Barry said "Kara, babe look at me". Kara looked at Barry but was still panicking at what could go wrong since she was temporarily powerless. Barry took her hands and said "I'll be ok, Thawne can come for us both, it's going to be ok". Kara nodded and said "I know Bar but what if he isn't in time, what if Savitar comes back and we can't do anything, and I hate it, I hate being powerless, it makes me feel unwell, it makes me feel useless". Barry smiled and nodded. He took her hands and said "babe, I get it, I really do, being powerless sucks and I know you will probably catch a cold or maybe even be sick, but it's ok, you solar glared in Flashpoint and I looked after you until you got your powers back, I'll do the same again, I always will". Kara nodded and said "I know Bar, I know, you are the best boyfriend ever, and you were an amazing husband to me in Flashpoint, I trust you and I always will, I'm just worried that something bad is going to happen". Barry said "hey, it's all gonna be ok, it lasts a couple days at the most sweetie, me and Thawne will be fine to keep the place safe, it's gonna work out". Kara nodded and smiled a little. She activated her comm and asked "Cisco, can you get Thawne to come and get me and Barry". Cisco asked "why, can't you fly, are you both hurt". Kara replied "just tell him that I solar glared, he'll understand". Cisco said "ok, hold on".

The two were suddenly in Star Labs. Thawne held onto Barry and asked "can you help me get him into the med bay". Kara nodded and put Barry's other arm around her back while she put hers around his to help move him to the med bay. Thawne lifted Barry up onto the bed and said "I'll do what I can for the wound, Caitlin is helping Jay at the moment". Barry nodded and said "I trust you". Kara said "I'll be right here Bar". Barry nodded and took Kara's hand. He said "I know, I know". Thawne said "this is gonna hurt". Barry nodded and said "it already does". Thawne began disinfecting the wound. Barry let out a scream of pain. Kara hated seeing him hurt but she done her best to take his mind off it. She squeezed his hand and said "you're ok Bar, you're ok". Barry nodded and said "thanks for being here Kar". Kara said "I wouldn't be anywhere else". Barry nodded and said "I can hear Dawn crying, you should probably go tell her that her mum and dad are fine". Kara asked "are you sure, I don't want to leave you Bar". Barry smiled and said "you aren't leaving me Kar, besides, our daughter needs you, I'll be ok, once it's done, you can bring Dawn in". Joe shouted "I got it Kara, you can stay with Barry". Kara smiled and said "guess I'm staying right by your side, Dawn has a great Grandpa looking after her for us". Barry nodded. Thawne said "we just need to bandage this up, your healing has already started to kick in". Barry nodded and said "thanks". Thawne nodded and said "it's no problem Barry but we are going to need to train a lot harder if we are to beat this Savitar, the four of us weren't enough". Barry nodded and said "yeah, I'm going to see J'onn tomorrow, see if He can help with something, I'm taking Kara, Dawn and Cait, she wants to see earth 38, I know She is needed here". Thawne said "it's fine Barry, we have Mrs Garrick, she knows what she is doing and I'm from the future, I know a lot too". Barry nodded and said "ok, thanks". Thawne nodded and said "it's no problem, Kara, don't let him up until it's healed". Kara smiled at Barry and said "yeah he won't be getting up as long as I'm here". Thawne nodded and headed out of the room.

Kara pecked Barry on the lips and asked "are you ok". Barry nodded and said "it isn't the worst I've been through". Kara nodded and sat down on the bed beside Barry and said "I have never fought anyone as tough as Savitar before, he was way faster and I could barely do anything to him unless he was distracted, it was as if he was toying with us". Barry nodded and said "I get it, to him, even I must be moving so slow, but we'll get him". Kara smiled and said "yeah we will but for now you need your rest". Barry said "only if you like with me". Kara smiled and lay down beside Barry as he shifted over a little. She rested her head in his chest as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Barry asked "how are you feeling Kara". Kara said "I could be better but I know everything is gonna work out, I should change and then get Dawn from Joe so that he could spend time with his daughter and so we can spend time with ours". Barry nodded and said "yeah, that seems like a good idea". Kara pecked Barry on the lips and said "I'll be as quick as I can". Barry nodded and said "I know Kar". Kara smiled and headed out of the med bay.

She came back in a few minutes later in regular clothes and carrying Dawn. She lay down in the position she had been in and placed Dawn on Barry's chest while she snuggled into his side. Barry smiled and kept an arm around Kara while his other arm went around Dawn. He asked "how is our little princess". Kara smiled and said "happy and asleep". Barry smiled and said "that's good to hear". Kara nodded and said "yeah it is". Barry chuckled and said "she's gonna have to sleep on me again". Kara smiled and said "I don't see the problem with that". Barry said "of course you wouldn't, I'm your personal pillow". Kara giggled and said "you are far better than a pillow babe, your mine, your my boyfriend". Barry smiled and said "and your my girlfriend". Kara nodded and said "I'm always going to be yours Barry". Barry smiled and said "I'm always going to be yours Kar".

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