
Reuniting the West's!

Barry and Kara immediately got up and hugged Iris. Barry smiled and said "I'm happy for you Iris". Iris smiled and said "thanks bro, we just find out a few days ago and I thought I should let you know that you are gonna be an uncle". Barry smiled and nodded. The two pulled away from the hug with Iris and then sat back down. Iris smiled at Kara and said "and I hope you can be aunt Kara". Kara smiled from ear to ear and asked "you'd let me". Iris smiled and said "well you make my brother happy, really happy, I haven't seen Barry This happy ever, he always is spot but this is like a new level of happy and well you were both married in Flashpoint and it's inevitably going to happen again in this timeline so yes, yes I am letting you be the aunt". Kara smiled and said "thanks so much Iris, it really means a lot". Iris smiled and said "of course Kara, aunty and uncle Allen does sound cool". Kara blushed and smiled. She nodded and said "yeah it does". Barry chuckled and said "I agree". Kara smiled more and pecked Barry on the lips. Barry smiled at her. Kara smiled back and said "well I can't wait for the day we get married so that it's possible". Barry smiled and said "me too". Iris smiled more and said "I can't wait too, I've always hoped that you find the right girl, and now you have". Kara smiled and said "so I've passed the sister approval test". Iris laughed and nodded. She said "yep, and you get an A plus, you and Barry are so similar, no wonder why you two are perfect for each other". Kara smiled even more and said "we get that a lot". Barry nodded and said "we really do, like more often than you'd think". Iris smiled and shook her head. She then asked "so what's been going on with team Flash". Barry said "we have a new big bad believe it or not". Iris asked "what is it This time". Barry said "oh you know, a speedster who may or may not be a God, and wants to hurt me for apparently trapping him in the speedforce in the original timeline for thousands of years, just the usual". Iris said "that doesn't sound to good". Barry nodded and said "yeah, it really isn't, believe me, I faced him already and it didn't end well". Kara said "that's why I'm helping next time Bar". Barry smiled and said "I know babe, I'm not making the same mistake again". Kara nodded and smiled. Iris smiled and said "you two are so adorable". Kara giggled and said "thanks". Barry smiled and nodded. He then asked "are you going to tell Joe". Iris said "I want to Barry, I really do but I didn't really end things well with dad last time I was here". Barry smiled and said "he misses you, Wally too, and he does deserve to know that he is going to be a Grandpa for the second time". Iris nodded and said "ok, is he at Star Labs now". Kara nodded and said "yeah, Wally is there too". Iris nodded and asked "can I come back with you guys". Barry smiled and said "sure, we were heading back there afterwards anyway". Iris nodded and smiled a little.

Barry walked into the Cortex carrying baby Dawn with Kara and Iris walking in behind him. Iris was greeted by Cisco, Caitlin and Thawne. Joe stood awkwardly by the mannequins containing the Flash and Supergirl suits. Wally had greeted Iris as well. She then smiled at Nora and Jay and asked "how are you guys here, are you....." . Barry smiled and said "this is Jay Garrick and his wife Nora from earth three, they are my parents doppelgangers". Iris smiled and said "oh, Jay, as in Speedster Jay". Jay nodded and said "yeah that would be me". Iris smiled and asked "you brings you both by". Jay smiled and said "I'm helping Barry with his God problem, plus we want to spend time with our granddaughter". Barry smiled and said "they are technically Dawn's grandparents so that's what she is gonna call them". Iris nodded and said "well I'm happy for you all, a lot has changed around here". Dawn started to cry and everyone looked over at them. Barry chuckled and said "sorry, this little Angel needs fed, I'll be back soon". Kara smiled and said "I'll come with, we need to get more bottles ready anyway". Barry nodded and smiled. The two headed out of the Cortex leaving everyone else. Iris looked down a little and approached her dad. She said "hi dad". Joe immediately hugged her and said "hey Iris". Iris hugged him and said "I'm so sorry dad..... I know I didn't end things well with you when I was last here". Joe said "it's ok Iris, It was my fault, I shouldn't have done what I did". Iris said "dad, you were just trying to keep me safe, it wasn't your fault, I'm starting to think that you are getting it from Barry". Joe chuckled and said "well what can I say, Barry is Barry, but he's different in ways now". Iris nodded and said "yeah, I'm so happy for him, and Kara is just perfect for him". Joe nodded and said "I can't wait to see them on their wedding day". Iris smiled and nodded. She said "me too". Joe smiled and said "little Dawn just has amazing parents, she will be just like those two, I can't believe that I'm a Grandpa". Iris smiled nervously and said "dad.... There is something I have to tell you". Joe asked "what is it, are you ok". Before Iris could speak, the meta alert went off. Barry and Kara ran back in with Dawn. Kara asked "what is it". Cisco typed away at the computers and said "white lightning spotted by the waterfront". Barry said "it's Savitar".

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