
Cisco's surprise!

Barry and Kara walked into the Cortex to see Cisco standing next to a mannequin covered with a tap. He was tapping his foot with impatience. Thawne was brought over in a wheelchair and Caitlin stood close by in case Thawne needed her. Cisco sighed in relief when Barry and Kara walked into the Cortex. He said "finally, I've been waiting for ten minutes, unless you count the past few days, to show you this suit". Barry out his hands up in surrender and said "jeez ok, we're here, I swear you have less patience than a speedster, you would be a horrible jedi". Cisco said "I'll have you know that I would be a great Jedi". Barry and Kara laughed a little. Barry said "so what is this grand reveal". Cisco smiled and said "well you are due for an upgrade my friend, so, I designed you a new suit, also Kara if you are needing a new suit....." . Barry said "nu uh, I'm making Kara something, she's my girlfriend, I make her things". Cisco said "ok jeez, fine, I was just saying". Kara said "and I appreciate it Cisco, but let's see how Barry does first". Cisco said "anyway, without further ado". Cisco pulled off the tarp to reveal Barry's new suit. It was a brighter shade of red with more gold parts on the wrists and the belt. (Think, season 4 flash suit). Barry and Kara gasped. Barry said "I think you have outdid yourself Cisco". Cisco grinned and said "I knew you'd like it". Barry chuckled and said "thanks man, you are definitely getting to be Dawn's cool uncle". Cisco smiled and said "awesome". Kara smiled and said "it is really nice, the brighter red really fits with your personality and the city". Barry smiled and said "thanks babe". Kara smiled and asked "want to go out, stop some crime". Cisco gasped and said "SuperFlash team up". Barry smiled and said "Yeah, you could say that, but it won't be a every once in a while thing so....." . Cisco smiled and said "new team name, got it". Kara giggled. Barry said "so while we are out there, can you look after Dawn, she shouldn't need a diaper change and we fed her before we got here so She should be pretty quiet". Cisco said "sure man, but please, please don't damage our new suit". Barry said "I promise". Kara walked over to Cisco and handed him Dawn. She smiled and said "have fun". Cisco smiled and said "I...... Have no idea what I'm doing". Caitlin shook her head and said "you'll be fine, besides, we're here too". Barry chuckled and asked "ready". Kara nodded and took a deep breath. Barry and Kara sped changed into their suits and sped away.

Kara flew up into the air and followed Barry's orange lightning trail. Kara said "you know, I missed when we teamed up". Barry said "against Livewire and the other one, uh Silver Banshee, yeah I missed it too". Kara smiled and said "well I'm happy we're a team now". Barry smiled and said "yeah, me too, I see a burning building, heading to it now". Kara said "I'm right behind you Bar". Barry sped into the building and started bringing out people while Kara used her freeze breath to put the fire out. Barry sped out and put a couple down and then he ran back in. He returned to the couple with a little girl. Kara smiled as she watched the family hug and then thank Barry. Kara landed on the ground and smiled at Barry. Barry walked over to her and asked "ready for more". Kara smiled and said "oh, I hear an alarm in the bank going off, let's go, come on". Barry chuckled as Kara launched into the sky. Barry sped off after her.

Barry and Kara arrived in the Cortex of Star Labs laughing. Kara said "oh, I wish we had done this sooner, I love teaming up with you". They heard crying coming from the other side of the room. Barry said "I've got it babe". Kara said "ok Bar, I should get changed, you should too". Barry smirked and sped into his normal clothes. Kara giggled and shook her head. Barry smiled and walked over to Cisco who was holding a crying Dawn. Cisco groaned and said "next time I baby sit, make sure she can talk, I have no idea what I'm doing Barry". Barry chuckled and took Dawn from him. She calmed down a little which caused both Barry and Kara to laugh. Cisco said "I think she hates me". Kara said "maybe she just needed her amazing dad". Barry smiled at Kara who walked over in her regular clothes. Barry said "I'm gonna go talk to Thawne about combining our earths". Cisco's eyes widened and asked "you want to combine your earths". Kara said "yeah, it'll make life easier for us both, rather than having to get to my earth again, why don't we combine them, plus there will be more heroes on this earth, meaning once this Savitar is stopped, me and Barry can focus raising Dawn, rather than just keeping her safe". Barry smiled at Kara and nodded. Cisco said "I am so helping". Barry chuckled and headed into the med bay where Caitlin was keeping Thawne company. Barry said "hey". The two smiled and said "hey". Kara came in afterwards and smiled. Thawne asked "so how did the crime fighting go". Kara said "it was awesome, I love it, and I love fighting alongside Barry". Thawne nodded and smiled. Caitlin said "I bet, I'll come back and check on you in half an hour, I need to go get some coffee". Barry chuckled as Caitlin left the room. Thawne asked "what's up, you have your thinking face on". Barry smiled and asked "is it possible to combine earths". Thawne said "I'd say so, it has been done before, I assume you want to combine earth 1 and earth 38". Barry nodded and said "it could be useful, we could get extra help against this Savitar". Thawne said "once I'm up again, which should be soon, I'll get working on it, since I assume you want to work on your gift with Kara, I'll get Cisco's help". Kara asked "you know about my gift". Thawne said "I do, I think you'll be pleased, he's put a lot of work into it". Kara smiled and said "any gift from Barry, I will always love, especially that little girl there, it's the best one so far, and it'll probably stay that way". Barry smiled at Kara and said "I agree with you on that one, but I'd say it was a gift from both of us to each other". Kara smiled more and pecked Barry on the lips. She said "I love you". Barry said "I love you too". Cisco popped his head in and said "I heard that I'm getting to help with this whole combining earths thing" which caused the three in the med bay to start laughing.

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