

It's been a day since Barry got back to Central City after visiting Oliver. Barry sat with Cisco in a lab with Dawn close by as they discussed Barry heading to Kara's earth. Cisco said "so I spoke to Thawne, you should be able to go through the speedforce to get to Kara's earth, it will work". Barry smiled and said "thanks Cisco". Cisco smiled and said "it's no problem Barry, I just want to help out". Barry smiled and nodded. Cisco asked "so are you taking Dawn with you". Barry said "I really want to, I want Kara to meet her child but she is only a couple weeks old, I don't think it's the best idea, so she'll be staying with Joe, I'm gonna bring Kara back so that she can meet her". Cisco said "so when are you going then". Barry said "today, Joe should be over soon". Cisco nodded and said "let's go up to the cortex to tell the others". Barry said "come on then". Barry lifted up Dawn and the two headed up to the cortex.

Barry met with Thawne, Caitlin, Joe and Wally in the cortex. Cisco smiled and sat down. Caitlin asked "you're going today aren't you". Barry nodded and said "I am, yeah, I can't wait for Kara to meet this little one here". Caitlin smiled and said "I bet, we're all happy for you, try not to end up on the wrong earth yeah". Barry said "I'll try not to". Joe smiled. Barry walked over to him and handed him Dawn. He said "are you sure it's ok Joe". Joe smiled and said "yeah Bar it's fine, it's no problem at all". Barry smiled and then kissed Dawn's forehead. He said "I'll be back soon". Joe smiled and said "we know Bar, go see Kara". Barry nodded. He waved at all the others and then sped down to the pipeline. Barry sped around the pipeline as fast as he could until a breach into the speedforce opened up. Barry entered it and thought about Kara as he ran. Another breach opened and he exited and came to a stop.

He was in the field where he first met Kara. He looked around and smiled from ear to ear when he saw her in her suit standing there. Kara had a massive smile on her face. She ran towards him and shouted "Barry". Barry ran over to her and shouted "Kara". The two hugged really tightly. Kara pulled away with tears in her eyes. She said "I missed you so much Barry". Barry said "me too Kar". Kara blushed as she giggled and asked "Kar". Barry smiled and said "sorry". Kara smiled and said "it's fine Bar, how were you able to get back". Barry smiled and said "the speedforce, it exists outside space and time so". Kara smiled and said "I'm glad you're here". Barry said "me too". Kara said "I better go to the DEO and tell the others". Barry asked "same place". Kara smiled and said "no, it's in a new area, follow me Scarlett Speedster". Barry smirked and said "lead the way girl of steel". Kara smiled and flew into the sky. Barry raced off after her.

The two arrived at the DEO. Kara smiled and shouted "told you it was Barry, Alex". Alex walked over and asked "this is the famous Barry Allen". Kara smiled and nodded her head with excitement. Alex smiled and said "nice to meet you Barry". Barry said "nice to finally meet you Alex". Alex smiled and shook his hand. Winn came over and said "Barry Allen, as I live and breath". Barry smiled and said "Winn, it's been a little while". The two hugged. Kara smiled and said "so what brings you here Barry". Barry smiled at Kara and said "I came to see you, I need to tell you something". Kara asked "you do". Alex asked "does it have to do with dreams". Barry looked at Alex with confusion and said "no.... Why". Kara looked down and bit her lip as she played with her cape. Barry smiled and asked "Kara". Kara looked up at Barry and said "I need to tell you something too Barry, can we go get food and talk". Barry said "of course we can Kara". Kara smiled and said "meet me at Noonans". Barry nodded as Kara flew away. Barry said "see you guys later". He then sped away to meet Kara.

Barry stood outside Noonans waiting for Kara. He smiled when he saw her. Kara was wearing a white shirt, jeans and a cream cardigan. She put her hair into a pony tail and she had her glasses on. Barry said "hey Kara". Kara said "hey Barry, we'll get some donuts then we can go for a walk while we talk". Barry said "yeah that sounds good, hold on". Barry sped into the store and back out with two boxes of donuts. Kara giggled and said "that works". Barry smiled and the two began walking. They ate as they walked along the waterfront. Barry put their rubbish in the bin and then said "so what is this about dreaming". Kara's face turned red. She grabbed Barry's hand and pulled him over to a bench and sat down. Barry sat next to her and asked "are you ok". Kara said "a couple of weeks ago, I uh, I woke up feeling as if something was missing". Barry nodded. Kara said "and I've been getting dreams, and they seem so real, they seem more like memories". Barry asked "what happened in them". Kara said "uh, well um we, we..... We were uh married in all of them, the first one I had, I was seven months pregnant, you had come in, and I told you to relax and not decorate the baby room or go to work for the next couple days, that all I wanted was for you to relax and get rest". Barry chuckled a little. Kara smiled and said "the most recent one, I woke up, I was on a hospital bed, and you were uh, you were lying right next to me with a baby, you were asleep but you woke up not long after, we were talking about how we couldn't wait to get home and just relax with Dawn". Barry's eyes widened. He asked "Dawn". Kara asked "does the name mean anything to you". Barry nodded. He stood up and said "yeah it does". Kara stood up and asked "who is it". Barry smiled and said "my daughter". Kara asked "you have a girlfriend". Barry looked down and said "I had a wife". Kara asked "had". Barry said "my uh, my dad was murdered a few weeks ago, I uh, I decided to go back in time and save my mother, when I went to the present, I was married in the new timeline, I got used to it, and my wife got pregnant, she gave birth to Dawn, a day later, the timeline became unstable, so I had to reset the timeline to what it was like, my wife told me to bring our daughter to the old timeline, which I did, I would have brought her over but, well I don't think that travelling the multiverse with a couple weeks old baby is a good idea". Kara nodded. Barry smiled and said "the thing is, in Flashpoint, the timeline in which my mother is alive, my earth wasn't the only earth affected". Kara asked "what other earth was affected". Barry said "yours". Kara asked "what was different Barry". Barry said "uh, after you got out the phantom zone, your pod went through a wormhole, it ended up on my earth where you were raised..... And..... And ". Kara took Barry's hands and asked "and what Barry, you can tell me". Barry said "we got married, the dreams you are having are memories of Flashpoint Kara, they all happened, you did get me to relax because I was going to work, looking after you and decorating the baby room". Kara asked "so..... So Dawn, Dawn is our child". Barry smiled and nodded. He said "you gave me your wedding ring to give to you, I have it here". Kara smiled. Barry took the ring out of his pocket and handed it over to Kara. She looked at it and smiled when she read the engraving aloud "Barry and Kara together forever". Barry smiled and said "I can't ever take mine off, except at bedtime". Kara said "I didn't even notice that you had it on". Barry smiled and said "I can take you to my earth, you can meet your daughter". Kara smiled and said "I have a daughter with Barry Allen". Barry chuckled and said "take that as a yes". Kara smiled and smashed her lips into Barry's and wrapped her arms around his neck. Barry kissed back with a smile and wrapped his around her waist. They pulled apart after a few minutes. Kara said "yeah Barry, I do want to meet our daughter". Barry smiled and said "I didn't expect you to kiss me to be honest". Kara smiled and said "we were married in Flashpoint, why not end up having that here too, if you want it Barry". Barry smiled and said "I do, eventually, let's date for a little while first". Kara said "ok, but as long as I move to earth one to be with you and Dawn, Barry". Barry smiled and said "deal". Kara smiled and said "Alex, J'onn and Eliza are gonna kill me". Barry chuckled and said "well I'm here for you Kara". Kara smiled and said "I know, also I realised, it was you that I felt was missing from my life that morning". Barry smiled and kissed Kara. Kara happily kissed back.

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