
The babies gender!

Barry and Kara were sitting in the waiting room in the doctors. They were finding out the gender of their baby today. Kara was practically bouncing in excitement. Barry had to hold her to keep her still. Kara smiled at Barry and said "sorry, I'm just really excited Bar, we're having a little baby, it's all so new to me". Barry said "and to me Kara, I am really excited too, and I cannot wait to find out what we're having". Kara smiled at Barry and took a deep breath. She said "ok, I'll wait until we get home to be excited". Barry said "no you won't, you'll squeal in excitement once you are called to go in and then again once we find out the gender". Kara squealed and said "I know, you know me so well Mr Allen". Barry chuckled and said "I know Mrs Allen". The doctor came out and asked "Mr and Mrs Allen". Kara squealed and jumped up onto her feet. Barry stood up and Kara grabbed his hand. The two followed the doctor into the room. 

Kara lay on the table and Barry sat next to her. The doctor smiled and said "this is gonna be cold Mrs Allen, but it'll allow us to see the baby, just like the last time you came". Kara smiled and nodded. Barry held Kara's hand and gave it a little squeeze. Kara smiled at Barry. The doctor said "congratulations guys, it looks as if you are having a baby girl, see right there". Kara squealed again and said "you were right Bar, we're having a daughter". The doctor smiled at the couple and said "I'm going to get the picture of your baby for you, I will be quick". The doctor headed out of the room to let them talk. Kara said "look at her, she is so tiny". Barry smiled and kissed Kara's forehead. He said "and she is going to grow to be as beautiful as her mother". Kara smiled at Barry and said "you are so sweet Barry, she is going to be just as smart as you, you know that". Barry smiled at Kara. Kara asked "so what name was it you were thinking about Barry". Barry smiled and said "I was thinking, we could call her Dawn, Dawn Alura Allen". Kara smiled at Barry as a tear fell from her eye. She said "it's perfect Bar, little Dawn has the best father in the world". Barry chuckled and said "and the best mother Kara". Kara said "I love you Barry". Barry said "I love you too Kara". Kara smiled and asked "are we gonna tell your parents". Barry said "no, they want it to be a surprise, they want to find out when she is born". Kara smiled and said "ok, well in that case, I am craving vanilla ice cream, I want some like right now". Barry chuckled and said "ok Kar, we will go for a walk, and we can get ice cream". Kara smiled and said "you are the best Barry". 

The two walked as they are their ice cream. They were taking a stroll along the beach and holding hands. Barry smiled at Kara and said "you know what we could start doing tomorrow Kar". Kara asked "what's that honey". Barry smiled and said "baby clothes shopping". Kara gasped and smiled from ear to ear. She excitedly said "yes, yes, and we can get bottles and dummies, oh and buggies". Barry smiled at Kara and said "we can also start decorating the baby room now, and we can get the cot that we've been looking at for a while now". Kara smiled and said "yeah, oh my Rao I'm so excited, I haven't been this excited since our wedding". Barry smiled at Kara. He said "me too sweetie, me too". Kara giggled and said "come on, let's go home and relax, maybe we can make those pancakes I love". Barry nodded and said "yeah we can do that". Kara smiled and said "come on honey, take me home". Barry grinned and lifted Kara up. She giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck. Barry smiled and sped them home.

As soon as Kara was placed on her feet, she was pulling Barry into the kitchen. Barry smiled at Kara and said "Kara, can you maybe just slow down a little, please". Kara said "sorry Bar, I just want to snuggle up beside you on the couch". Barry said "so do I Kara". Kara smiled at Barry. Barry smiled at Kara and said "ok, we can do this as fast as we can, without using speed". Kara nodded.

As they were waiting for the pancakes to cook Barry wrapped his arms around Kara from behind and placed his hands on her stomach. He asked "how are my two girls doing". Kara leaned against Barry and said "we are doing great honey, thanks to you, just a little hungry and tired". Barry smiled and said "we can snuggle up soon, just a few more minutes". Kara smiled and let out a sigh of contentment. Not long after, the two were sitting on the couch cuddling in while watching the Wizard of Oz. Kara had fallen asleep during the movie so Barry moved her to the bed after switching the TV off. He climbed into bed beside her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Kara snuggled into him and mumbled "night Bar, I love you". Barry said "I love you too Kar, night". He kissed her cheek and watched as a smile spread across her face. Barry smiled and then fell asleep shortly after.

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