
Final night at the cabin!

Kara sat on the couch with her head rested against Barry's chest. She groaned and said "why does it have to be our last day here Bar". Barry said "I know Kar, I would love to just stay here but we need to head home tomorrow". Kara smiled and said "we also have that thing to do Bar". Barry smiled and said "yes, that thing". Kara giggled and asked "do you want to do it still". Barry smiled at Kara and said "yeah honey, if you still want to do it". Kara smiled at Barry and softly said "yeah Bar, when will we do it". Barry said "uh, well, let me go shower first, I really need to clean and trim my beard". Kara smiled at Barry and said "ok babe, I'll go in after you". Barry smiled and said "or..... We could go on together". Kara blushed and smiled at Barry. She smashed her lips into his and wrapped her arms around his neck. Barry chuckled and kissed back as he wrapped his arms around her waist and stood up. Kara deepened the kiss as she wrapped her legs around his waist and began unbuttoning his shirt. Barry walked into the bathroom and one thing led to the next. 

Barry and Kara were lying in bed with massive smiles. Kara snuggled into him and put her arm over his chest. Barry wrapped his arms around her and smiled at her. Kara said "that was amazing". Barry chuckled and said "yeah it was, you are amazing Kara Allen". Kara giggled and said "as are you Mr Allen". Barry smiled and said "I know you don't want to but we need to get up". Kara groaned and said "no..... Ten more minutes please". Barry chuckled and said "I want to lay with you too but we need to get ready to go home". Kara said "Barry, you can use your speed to pack everything, but I want to lie with my husband for a few more minutes, besides I'm really tired". Barry chuckled and said "Ok Kar, ten more minutes". Kara closed her eyes and said "make it twenty". Barry kissed her forehead and said "ok, twenty but that's all". Kara smiled and said "you're the best". Barry smiled at his wife who was now asleep again. Barry sighed in contentment and fell back asleep as well.

Kara woke up later on. She put on her underwear and then Barry's shirt and lay on top of Barry who was fast asleep. Kara smiled as he woke up. She said "hey again sleepy head". Barry groaned and asked "how long have we slept for". Kara giggled and said "a couple of hours". Barry said "well I guess that's fine, we should get breakfast and then head home". Kara smiled and nodded. She said "I can begin packing stuff while you make breakfast". Barry said "deal". Kara giggled as he rushed into fresh clothes and headed through to the kitchen. 

As Barry made the breakfast, Kara came over behind him and wrapped her arms around him as she buried her face into his back. Barry asked "what is it babe". Kara said "I'm so tired, plus, we are all packed". Barry smiled and said "breakfast is almost ready Kar, and When we get home, we can go straight to bed". Kara smiled and yawned. Barry chuckled and said "go sit down honey". Kara said "but I want to be with you". Barry smiled and said "I'll be through in a second". Kara grinned at Barry and headed through to the living room and sat down. She heard the whoosh of wind and Barry walked into the living room carrying two plates filled with pancakes. He sat down beside Kara and handed her a plate over. Kara kissed his cheek and said "you are the best, you know that". Barry asked "oh really". Kara smiled and said "yeah, and if I am pregnant Barry, the baby is going to have the best father ever". Barry smiled at Kara and kissed her. He then said "she will have an amazing mother to". Kara asked "she". Barry smiled and said "we're having a baby girl, I just know it". Kara smiled at Barry and said "I hope so, I mean a son would be great too but, I've always wanted a daughter". Barry said "me too Kar". Kara smiled and asked "you think I would be a good mother". Barry said "Kara, I know you would be a great mother, it's just who you are, you are kind, caring, patient and loving, you would be the best mother in the entire multiverse". Kara smiled at Barry and said "thanks honey". Barry said "you're welcome sweetheart". Kara smiled more as she began eating her breakfast.

Barry said "ok, I'll give this place a quick tidy and do the dishes, you go get changed Kar". Kara smiled and said "and get the suitcases, got it". Barry smiled and nodded. Kara sprung up from the couch and ran into the bedroom. Barry sped cleaned the entire cabin and came to a stop as Kara came out of the room in a nice white dress. Barry smiled at her and asked "ready to go". Kara nodded and said "we need to come here again Bar". Barry said "we will, I promise". Kara smiled as they both headed outside to the car. Barry put the suitcases into the back and then got into the drivers seat. He smiled at Kara who was fiddling with her wedding ring. Barry smiled at her and put his hand on her knee. He asked "are you ok". Kara smiled at Barry and said "I always am when you are around". Barry smiled at her and said "I feel the same way about you Kar". Kara smiled as Barry drove off. She turned on the radio and they both smiled when they heard the song on the radio. They both ended up singing along to the songs as Barry drove them home.

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