
Staying at the cabin!

Kara got out of the car and breathed in the fresh air of the woods. Barry smiled and got out of the car as well. He handed Kara the key and said "you can go in babe, I'll bring in the suitcases". Kara asked "do you need help". Barry smiled and said "I've got it honey". Kara pecked his cheek and said "ok Bar, are you sure". Barry said "I'm sure Kar". Kara smiled and headed over to the cabin and unlocked the door. Barry walked in beside her with a couple of suitcases and smiled. Barry put them down and wrapped his arms around Kara's waist. Kara wrapped hers around his neck and said "I love it already". Barry chuckled and said "I was thinking Kar, how about tonight, we set up a campfire and we can stargaze". Kara smiled and said "yeah and tomorrow we can go hiking to the lake and maybe have a swim". Barry nodded and said "I like the sound of that". Kara softly replied "good". She then pecked him on the lips and said "come on, we can put all this away and then we can have dinner". Barry nodded and said "sounds like a plan". Kara smiled and nodded.

Barry was in the kitchen preparing dinner when Kara snuck up behind him and scared him. Barry jumped in fright and said "Jesus honey, please don't do that". Kara giggled and replied "you should have seen your face Barry...... What is with the facial hair anyway". Barry smiled at Kara and said "I was thinking of letting it grow". Kara smiled and said "well it makes you look hotter, please never get rid of it". Barry chuckled and said "as long as you don't scare me while I'm cooking again". Kara giggled and nodded. She said "I'm sorry, it was just too good to pass up Bar". Barry smiled and nodded. He then went back to the cooking. Kara sat up on top of the counter and asked "do you need help". Barry smiled and said "I'm good for now, we just need to let it cook". Kara smiled more. Barry walked over to her and placed his hands on her sides. Kara smiled and placed her hands on Barry's shoulders and wrapped her legs around him. Barry said "I can't wait to just relax after dinner". Kara said "me too Barry but I am quite starving, can't you just use your speed". Barry said "Kar, we promised not to use our powers unless absolutely necessary". Kara pouted and said "it is necessary babe, I'm starving". Barry smiled at Kara and said "so am I sweetheart, but it's almost done". Kara smiled and kissed Barry. Barry kissed back with a smile.

Kara pulled away after a minute and said "you'll get the rest after dinner, I'm going to set the table". Barry nodded and helped Kara hop down from the counter. She smiled and headed over to the dinner table as Barry checked on the food. He then snuck over to her and gave her a fright. Kara screamed in fright and then glared at Barry. Barry burst out laughing at her and Kara then joined in. Barry calmed down and said "sorry babe but you deserved it". Kara nodded and said "yes I did, but don't ever do it again or I will freeze you". Barry pecked her on the lips and said "you wouldn't". Kara smiled and said "you're right". Barry smiled more and said "dinner should be a couple more minutes". Kara nodded and her stomach growled. Barry chuckled and said "I made extra because I knew you would be starving". Kara said "well I told you we should have stopped for ice cream". Barry said "yeah but then dinner would have been made later and you would be just as hungry". Kara said "true, you are right as usual Bar".

The two sat down at the dinner table and began eating dinner. Kara said "you know, this is so nice Bar, we made the right decision to get away from Central City for a while". Barry said "I'm glad to hear Kar, seven days of just relaxing, just the two of us". Kara nodded and smiled. She said "it is nice, I'm glad, I know I keep saying it but we needed this". Barry nodded and said "at least we didn't get lost like on our honeymoon". Kara asked "you remember that". Barry nodded and said "if I remember correctly, we also got stuck in an elevator". Kara giggled and nodded. She said "it was the best honeymoon I could ask for, we got to stay an extra day because of it". Barry chuckled and said "yeah, it was really nice". Kara said "I wouldn't change it for a normal honeymoon Bar". Barry said "me neither, it just made it more unique". Kara smiled more. Kara finished eating her dinner first. She asked "while I do the dishes, can you get a couple blankets for us to lie on and then we can set up the campfire". Barry nodded and said "yeah honey". Kara smiled and took their dishes through to the kitchen while Barry went into the bedroom and got some blankets.

The two headed outside and set up a campfire. Kara tried lighting it but it wasn't working. Kara groaned and said "it's not working babe". Barry smiled and said "let me try". Kara sighed and nodded. Barry chuckled and tried to light the fire. It wasn't working for him either. Kara grinned and said "I bet you were trying to show off". Barry chuckled and clicked his fingers sending a spark of lightning onto the wood setting it on fire. Barry grinned and said "that's how you show off honey". Kara giggled and said "that is pretty impressive Bar". Barry smiled and said "thanks Kar". Kara lay down on the blankets they set up and Barry joined her. Kara rested her head on his chest and listened to us heart beat. Barry smiled and wrapped his arm around her. Kara said "this is really nice Bar, it's such a nice night to stargaze". Barry smiled and said "yeah it is, I used to do it with my parents when I was younger, it was so nice and peaceful and if I ever have nightmares, I would always watch the stars, I found that it helped me". Kara said "if I ever had nightmares, I would just get you to cuddle in with me more, but before I had you, I would do the same, I just felt a connection to home by doing it". Barry smiled and said "yeah, I get that, it would help me feel closer to my mother after I lost her because of all the nights we spent watching the stars". Kara smiled more and said "we are so perfect for each other". Barry said "that we are Mrs Allen". Kara smiled from ear to ear and said "I love you". Barry said "I love you too Kar".

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