
7.My Enemy Is My Ally? [Part 4]

-Flashback, Star City/Year; 2048-

A crowd cheered on in excitement as they placed their bets against the two fighters competing against one another from the crowd was one woman who stood out..a woman known as Mia Smoak Queen, she looked onto the ongoing fight with her arms crossed because currently fighting was Erick Thawne or as some the people called him..Red Death..

Erick jumped off the sides of the cage and quickly spun in the air as his foot made a swift contact with the other fighter in front of him

The fighter soon fell back towards the ground as Erick grabbed him and let out some swift and precise punches all over his body, his gloves covered in a bit of blood as Erick grabbed him and body slammed him hard against the ground

But he was far from over as the other fighter was persistent as he was stupid without even looking back, Erick backflip kicked the fighter back down as the referee quickly rushed over and pushed Erick back a bit as he checked on the other fighter

Referee:He's out cold!!

The referee grabs Erick's hand and lifts it up into the air declaring him the winner of this swift fight

Referee:We have a winner!!!

Some people cheered like other's yelled out quite some profane words at Erick and yet through this crowd is gaze had been set upon only Mia, as she smiled a bit before vanishing into the crowd..

For you see..due to his 'reputation' Erick couldn't necessarily get an actual job so he had to stick to what he knew best..fighting and even though it was SLIGHTLY illegal it was the only source of income he had after all; he knows with his powers he can rob banks and be out before anyone would know it but that wasn't who he was..plus that'd give them more reasons to hunt after him

But here..here he was undefeated; each fight was a way of both improving himself and his body at the same time, quite smart actually. To see how far he could go, and how long he'd have to take risks for each fight


Erick closes his locker as grabs his belongings and walks out of the locker room as we see Mia waiting outside for him with her back leaned against the wall; as he stops walking and turns to face her

"I don't think this is your type ideal meet up, Mia"

Mia doesn't say anything as she pulls out some cash from her pocket and hands it to Erick

Mia:Maybe not but we all have our moments and this is just one of yours

Erick looks down at the money in his hand and then back at Mia

"Some moments are meant to be filled with love and care..not that I would know anything about that, take care of yourself Mia.."

He brushes past her but she doesn't give up that easily as she follows after him

Mia:Erick stop!

She grabs him by the shoulder and spins him around

Mia:Hey look at me..

Her once stern gaze was turned into a soft caring one as she holds his hand and brushes her fingers against his knuckles

Mia:I know that you've been through alot of shit but I know deep down your one of the most strongest people I have ever met, despite all of that pain you kept fighting against all of that..im seriously thankful to be apart of your life..

"I'm thankful to have you in my life too, Mia.."

Erick gently kisses her forehead and hugs Mia as she lays her head against his chest as he closes his eyes and just enjoying this moment..

It was a moment between both of them, a moment that did mean something..a moment of understanding..

-End of Flashback-

-STAR Labs-

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