
"I missed you." (Lucifer x reader)


I stared at my phone, and felt my heart sink a little as I read a text I got from Lucifer yesterday. He had been away for three days on a trip to the human world. I remember him saying something about trying to handle Mammon's debt to the witches. But it was taking him longer than expected to return. To me, three days felt like forever. I was missing Lucifer way more than I expected to.

In fact, I had been missing him so much that I had been sleeping in his bed for the past three days. I took the time to organize his messy desk to the best of my ability, and kept his room clean and tidy in general. The only thing that the room was missing was Lucifer himself.

I sigh as I turned off my phone, and went to bed, thinking of how badly I wanted to see my demon boyfriend. Little did I know, my wish was going to be granted sooner than I thought.

3rd POV

Lucifer let out a heavy sigh as he finally finished talking to the witches. He ended up having to pay the witches. However, he may or may not have used Goldie to pay them back because he may or may not know the card number. But who knows? If that *did* happen, Mammon deserved it for having such a large debt. Lucifer opened a portal on a nearby wall, and walked into it. When he walked out, he was greeted by a dimly lit manor. He didn't expect anyone to be up since it was late.

Lucifer walked upstairs, and headed to his bedroom. However, he found himself stopping in front of Y/N's room. He knew she wouldn't be awake at this hour, but he just wanted to see her. So he quietly opened the door, and peeked inside. To his surprise and confusion, she wasn't in her bed. He wondered where she was as he continued towards his room. He opened the door, and glanced towards his desk.

It was organized. There were different piles of papers neatly stacked on the wooden surface. Then he glanced at his bed, where he saw a small bump underneath the blanket. He smiled as he realized who it was. He quickly changed into something more comfortable, and tried to silently get into the bed with Y/N. However, when he laid down, he was met with two tired E/C eyes.


I heard someone walk into the room, causing me to open my eyes. I looked towards the door, and saw a familiar face getting closer to the bed. It was Lucifer. In that moment I felt more awake, and I waited for him to get into bed. When he did, I turned around, and gave him the most welcoming smile I could muster in my tired state. "I missed you so much." I inched closer to him, and he immediately pulled me on top of his broad chest. One of his arms stayed wrapped around my waist, while the other one laid at his side. "Though I wouldn't usually admit it, you're a special case. I missed you as well." I moved my head up, and kissed him on the lips. He kissed me back, and we shared a short but passionate kiss.

"How was it?" I yawned. He smirked as he lightly pressed my head onto his chest again. "I'll tell you about it in the morning. We're both exhausted." I nodded as I enjoyed the warmth I had missed for the past few days.

When I woke up, I was still in Lucifer's protective grip. Usually he would wake up before me, but it made sense why he was still asleep. After all, he did get home pretty late last night. I smiled as I silently examined his face. He looked so peaceful compared to how serious he looks most of the time. I felt bad for him. It must be hard being the eldest brother. He has so much responsibility he has to handle on his own. The only thing I could do for him was to try and take some of his burdens away, even if it wasn't much.

I was about to get up, but I felt Lucifer's arm tighten around me. I tried to move again, but his arm didn't budge. I smirked as I lightly poked his cheek, causing him to smirk in return. "Come on, Lucy. It's my day to make breakfast." "Ask someone else to take over. I'm sure they'll understand if you tell them I've returned." He reached over and handed me my phone, and I sighed. I pulled up our group chat, and started texting.

I glanced up, and saw that Lucifer was now holding his own phone, and I felt chills. Lucifer was smiling, but I could tell he was a little annoyed that Asmo was being...well Asmo. I quickly looked back at my phone to type.

I blushed as I set my phone down. Lucifer did the same, and he looked into my eyes. "I'm not really fond of listening to Asmo's advice. Are you?" His voice seemed to get a little deeper, and I blushed. I knew what was about to happen. There was no way I was going to be able to leave this bed any time soon.

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