
She's/He's all mine pt 2 (Yandere Mammon x Yandere reader)


Me and Mammon walked back to the manor with me clinging to his arm tightly. It was as if the bloody body behind us didn't exist at all. Being with Mammon was all that mattered to me.

When we returned to the manor, Satan happened to be walking by. He gave us a curious look as his eyes traveled to our connected arms. Mammon just smirked as we started walking towards his room.

Once we got inside, we went over to the couch, and I snuggled up next to him. He started stroking my head softly as he looked down at me. There was pure, beautiful love in his eyes.

"How long do ya think it'll take them to find her?"

"A couple hours. I think I overheard a couple people saying that they sometimes hang out in the woods after school, so they'll probably find her." I shrugged. Mammon placed a kiss on my head, and I felt incredibly happy. My heart was beating fast as well.

After murdering so many girls, I finally got what I really wanted. Mammon loved me for me, and now we're together. Who knew he killed a couple guys for my sake as well? That fact made me even more happy. It proved that we would do anything for each other, even if it meant spilling the blood of others.

Me, Mammon, and the others were called to the same forest as before. A couple of students from RAD had discovered the body of a girl against one of the trees. It was our job to investigate and see what could've happened.

I glanced at Mammon, who was trying his best not to laugh or say something about the corpse in front of us. I was doing the same. It was extremely hard not to laugh, but we were managing to keep it contained.

"Are you sure you can handle being near the...body? I understand if you would want to go back home." Diavolo said. A thought came to mind, and I shook my head. It was honestly boring looking around and pretending like I was nervous and scared.

"I-I...feel a little sick. Can someone escort me back?" Diavolo nodded sympathetically. Mammon overheard this, and walked up next to me. He wrapped me in his arms, and looked at the demon prince.

"I'll take her."

"Make sure she's alright when you get back. No one should have to see something like this. Especially a human like Y/N." Diavolo said as Mammon acted like he was supporting me as we walked.

When we got a good distance away from the forest, me and Mammon started laughing. It wasn't the psychotic type of laughing, it was genuine laughter. I dramatically acted like I was sick.

"Oh no! I feel faint after seeing a little bit of blood. Mammon, catch me." I fell against him, and he hugged me. Then he placed a sweet, intoxicating kiss on my lips.

"Looks like you're my first again. That was my first kiss."

"Good. No one else is allowed to be your first for anything. Only me, got it?"

"I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you."

The air hung heavy in the hallways of the school. People were gossiping about the girl that was found dead. After much investigation, it was ruled as a suicide, but people knew it wasn't one. They knew it was a murder.

Me and Mammon had to split up for class, which made me extremely sad. It was time for lunch, and I was desperately looking for him. I didn't want to be away from him for more than a second. What if some girl flirted with him while I wasn't there?

I was suddenly pulled by the arm, and dragged outside. When I turned to look at who had grabbed me, it was a guy I've never seen before. He looked pretty angry with me, but he wasn't intimidating at all.

"Hey! What happened to my girlfriend yesterday?! I know you two walked home together, so don't say you didn't see her!" He spat. Then it clicked. This was that girl's boyfriend. I acted nervous just to fake innocence.

"I-I don't know. W-We split up halfway, but she didn't tell me w-why." He shoved me against the wall, and he changed into his demon form. There was an evil smile plastered on his face.

"You'll pay for getting her killed. So, I'm going to kill you instead." He suddenly bit down into my shoulder, and I tried to let out a scream. However, the demon covered my mouth was his hand.

I wasn't letting out the scream because the bite hurt. Well, it did a little bit, but what really scared me was dying. I didn't want to leave Mammon behind. I know he can't live without me, and I can't live without him. We would go insane without each other.

"Heh. Have fun dying, murderer." He changed back, and walked inside. The world around me started to spin, and I felt sick to my stomach. I sank to the ground as my vision went dark, and I could no longer see anything.

I opened my eyes, and realized that I was still alive. I glanced around, and noticed that I was still outside of RAD. My anger started bubbling up, and it was targeted at the demon who had bit me.

As I thought that, my body started to change. It wasn't painful, but it felt extremely weird. I felt something sprouting from my head. When I reached a hand up, it touched something hard. And hot.

I quickly stood up, and looked at myself in the window. The reflection I saw before me wasn't the same girl from earlier. There were dark blue horns on my head, and there were little blue flames coming from the tip of them.

I also had dragon-like wings sprouting from my back. The wing frame was the same dark blue color, but the inner parts of the wings is black that fades into a teal-bluish color. I noticed that I had a tail as well that matched the horns on my head. There was a blue flame on the end of it.

"He WHAT?!" Mammon's eyes were filled with rage and anger. We were in his room, and I was explaining what had happened earlier at school. He wasn't too happy about the fact that I got hurt.

I calmly placed a kiss on his cheek, and he seemed to calm down. Then I transformed into my new demon form. He was in shock as I twirled around to show my form off.

"See? He changed me into a demon. So now we can be together forever now! Aren't you happy?"

"I am, but that guy touched ya! No one's allowed to touch ya but me! He needs to pay for hurtin' ya."

"Then why don't we make him pay? Being a demon might make this easier. With these powers, we can get rid of anyone who stands in our way. No one can take you away from me." I hugged him tightly, and he smirked at my idea. We knew what we had to do. So we left the manor in search of the guy who attacked me.

"I have summoned you all here for a reason. I've come to the conclusion that the murderer is in fact at this school. All of the victims are students of this school, which can only mean the culprit is a student." Diavolo explained. Me and the demon brothers were in the student council room. Diavolo had asked us to meet him there after school.

Another body had been discovered yesterday. It was a male student. He was found in an alleyway with burns all over his body, and multiple stab wounds in the chest and stomach.

"What are we going to do once we find the culprit?" Lucifer asked. Diavolo pondered for a moment before speaking. Me and Mammon glanced at each other. We knew that our impending fate would be decided here and now.

Me and Mammon had talked last night after we killed the guy. We knew that someday we would be found out for our crimes. So depending on whatever Diavolo said now, that was going to be our fate. It's not like we want to turn ourselves in, but we didn't have much of a choice since there were so many victims.

"I do not want to kill whoever has done this. They are a part of Devildom's future generation. They might've been lead astray by some unknown force, or even forced to kill the students. The most I can do is lock them away for a long time, and hope that they learn their lesson." Me and Mammon glanced at each other again, and we started laughing.

Everyone in the room had shocked looks on their faces, even Barbatos. We stood up, and stood in front of the table that everyone was sitting at. Lucifer was glaring at us, and spoke up.

"What's gotten into you two?!"

"Don't ya get it? The culprits were hidin' under your nose the entire time!" Mammon was tearing up at how hard he was laughing. I wiped away my tears that appeared from laughing too much.

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh Lucifer. I thought you were smarter than that. Well, to dumb things down, me and Mammon are the culprits." The room went silent as they stared in shock at me and Mammon. Diavolo regained his composure, and spoke up in a doubtful voice.

"If you were the culprits, then what happened to the victim from last night?"

"That's an easy one. He attacked me at school yesterday, and turned me into a demon! So we took revenge on him." I transformed into my demon form, earning  even more surprised looks from everyone in the room. Diavolo stood up, and walked over to us. There was rage, sadness, and disbelief in his eyes.

"Why would you do something like this? Theyberre innocent people who did nothing to you."

"They were in the way! They tried to take Mammon away from me! No one can have him....no one..."

"No one's allowed to have her either. None of ya have the right to be with her!" Mammon yelled out. Diavolo was taken aback, but even so he stood his ground.

We were then apprehended by Diavolo and Bartbatos. We were sentenced three centuries in the attic of the manor. Diavolo thought it would be too cruel to put us in the damp dungeons. The brothers had betrayed looks on their faces as we were taken away.

Me and Mammon weren't too bother by being put in the attic. It was actually quite comfortable. There was also a large bed we could cuddle on, and do...other things on. So we were happy that it was just the two of us.

When it was finally time for us to come out, Diavolo himself was the one who let us out. Not surprisingly, the brothers weren't waiting for us with smiles or congratulations. In fact, they sent glares our way.

So me and Mammon decided that we would leave the House of Lamentation, and go live somewhere secluded in Devildom. That way we didn't have to interact with people all that much, and we could spend most of our time together.

Next chapter