
Sweet as candy (Vampire Lucifer x reader)


"Lucifer? Where are you?" I called out into the manor. I hadn't seen him all day, and I was wondering where he was.

"Whaddya shoutin' for?" Mammon came out of his room, and looked pretty irritated. Well, more than he usually does.

"Have you seen Lucifer?"

"I think he went out shopping. Hold on...aww no way?! He got to ya first?" Mammon pointed at my neck, where there was a band aid. I blushed as I glanced away.

"H-He *is* my boyfriend after all."

"Which is why you should stay away from her. She belongs to me." I looked beside me to see that Lucifer was standing there, and glaring at his younger brother. I bashfully glanced away from Lucifer. Hearing him be so protective of me was kind of embarrassing.

"Welcome home. How did the shopping go?"

"It went alright. I found what I needed for dinner tonight. Would you like to help me make dinner?" He asked as he held up a couple of bags. I nodded enthusiastically as we started walking to the kitchen.

"Does it hurt at all? Have you felt dizzy or nauseous?" I knew Lucifer was referring to the bite mark underneath the band aid on my neck. I shook my head, and gave him a reassuring smile.

"Not anymore. It just felt weird when you bit me. I've never had a vampire suck my blood before, so I was a little queasy when you did it." I explained as I lightly touched my neck. It didn't hurt at all anymore, which I was thankful for.

"That's good to hear. Well, shall we get started with making dinner?" Lucifer asked as we entered the kitchen. He set down the bags he was holding, and like a little kid on Christmas, I began peeking into the bags.

"Oh! You're making F/F tonight? Where'd you get the human ingredients from?"

"There's a store in town that specializes in human foods and ingredients. It's not that well known since most vampires drink the blood of unsuspecting humans for meals." Lucifer started to prepare F/F, and I assisted him with cooking it. After a little while, it was finished.

"It looks so good..." I was practically drooling at the sight and smell of the food in front of me. Lucifer placed a hand on my head, and lightly stroked it.

"You're acting like Beel. Are you that hungry?"

"No, but it's F/F. Can we eat now? I can't contain myself for much longer." Lucifer chuckled as he took out his phone. He texted someone, and put his phone away again. I'm assuming he texted everyone to tell them that it's time for dinner.

"Let's sit down. The others should be joining us soon." He took my hand, and guided me out of the kitchen. We sat down next to each other at the table, and waited for everyone else.

Once the other arrived, we began eating. I did my best not to gush at how good the food was. I was practically in heaven. Well, I was in Hell, but whatever.

"Oh? I see Lucifer has marked your neck." Satan said. Everyone stopped eating and looked at my neck. Asmo gasped.

"How romantic~! I'm so jealous of you, Lucifer. I wish I could taste some of her blood." Lucifer glared in his direction, which caused Asmo to shutter slightly. Lucifer grabbed my hand from underneath the table.

We ate in a comfortable silence, and soon all of the F/F was gone. I satisfyingly sighed as I leaned back in my chair. I was pretty full since I ate more than usual.

Everyone started leaving the dining room as they said their goodbyes, and I turned to Lucifer. I lazily reached my arms out to him, telling him that I didn't really feel like moving.

"Honestly, you act like a child sometimes."

"But you love me anyway." He sighed he lifted me up, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He began walking, and I leaned my head against his chest.

We went down the hall, but he passed by my room. I looked up at him, and he looked down at me with a devilish grin. That looked told me exactly what was going to happen in a few moments.

We entered his room, and he lightly placed me on the bed. He hovered over me, and he leaned down. His breath was hitting my neck, causing me to shiver a little bit.

"We didn't have time to make dessert, so I'm going to have something even more sweet. Of course, I can't be the only one having dessert, but you're going to wait your turn..." He opened his mouth, and I saw his two sharp teeth.

The sharp teeth slowly penetrated the skin on my neck, and I let out a gasp as I felt some blood dripping onto my cold neck. Lucifer quickly removed his teeth from my neck, and dragged his tongue against my skin to clean off the blood.


"Don't worry. It's almost time for your dessert."

I lazily opened my eyes, and almost immediately felt like puking. My head was spinning, and my vision couldn't focus. I glanced down, and noticed that I was laying on top of Lucifer. I also noticed our clothes in a pile on the floor.

"L-Lucy..." I weakly poked his face. He groaned softly, and he opened his eyes. He seemed more alert once he saw the condition I was in.

"Are you alright? Did I drink too much of your blood?"

"That...or I'm just tired from....other things." Lucifer lightly started stroking my head. I could feel his heartbeat from within his chest.

"I see. Next time, I won't be so hard on you. But it's hard to control myself when it comes to you. Your blood is addicting..." He lightly kissed me on the lips.

"I forgive you...but can we just relax for the day? I don't think I'll be able to move."

"Anything for you."

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