
Birthday girl (Mammon x reader)


"....huh?" I entered the dining room, and was met with a surprising sight. I had received a text to go to the dining room, but no one was in there.

I noticed a lone letter in front of the chair I usually sit at. Being the curious person that I am, I walk over to it and open it. Then I proceeded to read what was written on it.

I slid the letter into my pocket, and left the manor. It was beautiful outside. Though the sky never really changed. There was a pleasant breeze outside, and it was the perfect temperature for walking.

"Yo! Are ya ready to go?" Mammon waved me down from the front gate. I picked up my pace and hurried over to him.

"Are you my escort?"

"Why? Did ya want someone else?" There was a hint of sadness in his eyes. I quickly gave him a big hug.

"Of course not! I couldn't ask for a better escort. C'mon, let's go to Majolish!" I said as I grabbed his hand. He blushed a little bit, but then he took the lead.

"I-I'm yer escort, so yer followin' me."

"Lead the way then." I said as we started to walk towards the town. I did want to ask a few questions, but I had a feeling none of them would be answered.

We soon arrived at Majolish, and Mammon stopped in front of the door. I looked back at him, and he moved his arms in a shoo-ing motion.

"Go on. I'll wait out here."

"Okay...?" I walked inside the store, and I was met with a cheerful looking demon. It was like she had been waiting for me.

"You're Miss Y/N, correct?"

"Um...yes? How do you know my-?"

"Come along now. We've been waiting for you. Please take your time picking out your dress and shoes. Ask us if you need any assistance." The lady walked me into a room in the back of the store, and closed the door behind me.

"What in the-? Oh my Devildom." I turned around, and saw a lot of dresses in all different colors and styles.

I took a step towards one of racks with dresses on them. Luckily for me, they were sorted by color. Though I noticed something odd: all of the dresses were ballroom dresses.

I decided to ignore that fact for now, and just pick out a dress. I immediately went over to where the F/C dresses were. My eyes scanned over the dresses carefully, waiting for one to catch my eye.

Suddenly, I stopped in front of a beautiful looking dress. The color was a black and F/C gradient. There was also some white on it. It had weird things hanging from the hanger that looked like ribbons.

"What are these?" I asked out loud. The same demon from earlier appeared out of nowhere and answered the question I had just asked.

"Oh! You put those on your wrists. What a beautiful choice! Please, try it on." The lady took me to a dressing room, and I just went along with it.

I took off my clothes, and put on the dress. It was surprisingly comfortable, and none of the materials scratched my skin. I looked in the mirror behind me, and I felt overwhelmed by how beautiful the dress was.

"H-How...does it look?" I ask as I moved the curtain, and the lady gasped. She had a huge satisfied smile on her face, signifying that she liked my choice.

"You're absolutely gorgeous! Once you find some shoes, change back and we'll send the dress to the location that's been requested." I raised an eyebrow. What location is she talking about?

I decided to go with some black flats as my shoes. There's no way I would be able to walk in heels, even if they weren't that tall.

I went back behind the curtain and changed back into my normal clothes. The lady took the dress and shoes. Then she began wrapping them up.

"U-Um...thank you for helping me."

"It was no problem, dear. Please come back whenever you like." She waved to me as I left the store. Mammon smiled as he grabbed my hand again.

"So, what was all that about? Why did I pick out clothes, and where are they getting sent to?" I asked. Mammon just glanced back at me with his usual grin. I blushed a little at the sight of that handsome grin of his.

"Don't worry about it! We're going to the next store." He said as we started walking again. A large crowd of people started heading towards us.

Out of instinct, I linked my arm with Mammon's so we didn't get separated from each other. He protectively grabbed me and held me close to his chest.

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