
Study session (Belphie x reader)


"Ugh...." I face planted on the table in my room. There was a test next week, and I wasn't prepared for it. So I decided to study during the weekend.

However, it was late at night and I was getting tired. The words on the pages started to blur together, so I had to keep rereading the same paragraph over and over again.

"Y/N?" I heard Belphie's voice from the hallway, and I sighed as I stood up. I definitely needed a break from trying to processing all of this information.

I opened the door to see Belphie holding his cow print pillow in his hands. He looked at my face, and worry clouded his face.

"Are you-?"

"No I'm not. I'm studying for the upcoming test, but it's not going too well." I said as I sat down at my table again. Belphie closed the door, and took a seat next to me.

He placed a hand on my shoulder as he looked at the books and papers that were scattered across my table, making me groan in annoyance.

"You're studying during the weekend?"

"I want to be extra prepared for the test, but none of this is making any sense to me. I'm completely lost." I explained as I looked up at Belphie. He silently opened the book I had just closed.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? You know I'd help you out when you need it." He ruffled my hair playfully, and I swatted his hand away.

"Okay, okay! I get it! I'll come to you the minute I need help." Belphie moved his hand away, and I fixed my hair to the best of my ability.

"Good. Let's get started then. What subject is giving you the most trouble?" I looked at the different books I had to use for classes, and I immediately knew what subject I was horrible at.

"Math." Belphie chuckled as he grabbed the math book, and opened it between the two of us. I had to move my chair so I could see what was on the pages.

For the next half hour or so, Belphie helped me understand the complicated equations. Though I struggled during most of it, he was patient and explained what I was doing wrong.

"Thanks, Belph-" My stomach suddenly growled, and I blushed as I held my stomach. Belphie laughed at me as he stood up from his seat.

"I'll go get us something to snack on." He left the room, and I noticed that he also left behind his signature pillow. Out of curiosity, I picked it up.

He almost always had it with him at the manor, but I've never had the chance to hold it. Almost immediately, my hand sunk into the pillow, and I laid my head down on it.

My thoughts started to go silent as I focused on my soft breathing, and the calming atmosphere around me. My eyes started to close without me really noticing.

3rd POV

Belphie was walking back to Y/N's room with a variety of snacks in his arms. He nudged the door open with his leg, and noticed that Y/N was hunched over and laying her head on his pillow.

"Y/N?" He closed the door with his back, set down the snacks on the table, and looked at the girl's face. She had fallen asleep.

Belphie chuckled as he poked her arm softly, causing the girl to unconsciously move her arm underneath the pillow.

"Idiot. Well, I guess I should get her to bed." Belphie muttered to himself as put one of his arms under the girl's knees, and his other arm around her back.

When he lifted Y/N up, she lazily opened her eyes, and looked around. Her eyes fell upon Belphie's pillow, and grabbed it. She then held it close to her chest like a child would hold a teddy bear.

"Lemme sleep..." She murmured as he nestled against Belphie's chest. He set her down on her bed, and covered her with the blanket.

When Belphie attempted to take his pillow back from Y/N, she wouldn't let it go. She turned away from him, and curled up with the pillow.

"Y/N, if you don't give me the pillow, then I'll have to use you as a pillow." The girl groaned softly as she glanced behind her.

"I don't care..." She faced the other way, and didn't say another word. Belphie smiled as he turned off the lights, and slipped under the blanket with Y/N.

He wrapped his arms around her, and brought her close to his chest. Belphie placed a light kiss on top of Y/N's head before falling asleep himself.


That was the first thought that crossed my mind as I started to wake up. Something was cradled in my arms, and I didn't know what it was.

I looked down, and saw a familiar pillow. At first I was confused on why pillow was in my room. Then I turned around, and nearly screamed when I saw Belphie's sleeping face inches from mine.

"B-Belphie?" I lightly shook him, and he opened his eyes. There was a playful smirk on his face, and I blushed.

"Did you sleep well, Y/N?"

"W-Why are you in my bed?"

"You fell asleep on my pillow before I brought the snacks in here, and I carried you to bed. You wouldn't let go of my pillow, so I stayed in here." He explained. I started blushing even more. He had to carry me to bed like I was a child!

"B-But I didn't give you permiss-"

"I told that I would sleep in here if you didn't give up the pillow, and you said "I don't care." I blinked a couple of times. I  didn't remember saying that, but then again, I was probably half asleep.

"W-Whatever! I need to start studying again!" I sat up in bed, and then my phone went off. I grabbed it and looked at the text.

I slowly turned to Belphie, who had a sleepy smile on his face. I could tell he knew about the break too.

"And why didn't tell me?"

"I thought you knew there was a break too, and that you wanted to be extra prepared for classes in two weeks."

"...I'm going back to sleep." I laid back down and covered my head with the blanket. Belphie did the same thing, and looked at me from underneath the blanket.

"Can I stay here?"

"......fine. Only because you're a good cuddler."

Next chapter