
Meeting the family (Levi x reader)


"Levi, you're going to be fine."

"No I'm not! I'm meeting your parents and brother today! That's like, totally scary! I don't want them to think that I'm some shut-in loser!" Levi said as he started rummaging through all of his clothes.

"Levi, my family-"

"They're going to laugh at me for being an otaku! I mean, I would laugh if I were their shoes if I found out my daughter was dating an otaku!" Levi continued as he finally found some clothes he was satisfied with. A hoodie, and some jeans.


"I need to take shower!" Levi quickly ran into his bathroom, and I sighed. I knew I wouldn't have the chance to tell him what my family would think of him.

I left Levi's room, and headed back to my own. I made sure I had everything I needed for the day. Internally, my excitement was growing.

After a little while, Lucifer texted me and told me it was time to go. Instead of heading to the front door, I went to Levi's room. When I tried to opened the door, didn't budge.

"Levi, open the door." I say patiently. I got no answer. Faint shuffling could be heard through the door, so I could tell he was right on the other side.

"Leviathan, please come out. I promise you it won't be that bad. If my brother says anything stupid, I'll beat the crap out of him." A few moments passed before the door slowly opened.

"O-Okay...." He slipped out from his room, and grabbed my hand. I smiled as we walked to the foyer.

"Come on, you've already wasted a few minutes worth of time. I'll be picking you up in a few hours." Lucifer sighed as we teleported.

We arrived in an all too familiar location. We were at a corner store that was a short walk from my house. I looked to my left, and started to walk in that direction.

"Let's g-!"

"Wait for me, Shortcake!" Someone hugged me from behind and lifted me into the air.

"Y-Y/N?!" Levi looked scared and worried. I, on the other hand, started squirming around.

"Let me go, String Bean! Where's my fifty dollars?" He groaned as he set me down. I turned around and held my hand out.

"Levi, meet my big brother, B/N. Or as I like to call him, String Bean." Levi looked to my brother, and leans in.

"H-He's like a titan....." He whispered in my ear. He wasn't wrong. He's always been tall, which is why he calls me Shortcake.

"I'm assuming this is Levi? Your boyfriend?" B/N did quotations with his fingers.

"Don't get all pissy because I won the bet. Now, pay up." I held out my hand once again, and be reluctantly placed money into my hands. I double checked to make sure it was the correct amount, and that it wasn't fake.

"W-What bet?" Levi asks in a shy voice. I looked to B/N, and he sighed. He could tell I was making him explain it so he can suffer, just a little bit more.

"Basically, the first one to get a boyfriend, or in my case a girlfriend, would get fifty dollars from the other sibling." I nudged him in his side and let out a laugh.

"This guy's in college and hasn't gotten a girlfriend."

"Shut up! Let's just get home. Mom and dad are waiting." B/N started walking ahead of us, and I put my money in my pocket.

"You ready?" I asked Levi, and he nodded. I noticed that he was looking at my brother

"I-I thought he was going to be an overprotective brother type." I shook my head. I had feeling he would have thoughts like that.

"Not really. Sure, he can get overprotective of me, but he knows I'm old enough to handle myself." I smiled as I winked at Levi, and ran forward. I practically jumped onto B/N's back.

"This is for the sneak attack earlier!"

"Okay okay! We're even! Jeez, you're going to break my back." I hopped off and went back to Levi.

"Should I change your nickname to 'Old coot' now?" I smirked as he glared at me.

For the rest of the walk, Levi and I held hands while B/N kept making fun of us for being "lovey dovey" together. Levi was pretty silent the whole time, blushing from my brother's comments.

"Okay Levi, are you ready to meet your future parents-in law?" B/N snickered as I punched him in the arm.

"Will you quit it?! You're not helpi-!"

"There's my sweet little girl!" The front door opened and in an instant I was wrapped in my mom's arms.

"M-Mom... you're killing me...." I said as I managed to escape her grasp. My father pulled me in for a brief hug before turning to Levi.

"Mom, dad, this is Levi. Levi, this is-"

"I'm M/N, and this is my husband F/N." My mom cut me off and introduce herself and my dad.

"It's nice to meet you." My father held out a hand, and Levi nervously took his hand and shook it.

"He's so handsome! You're so lucky, dear."

"M-Mom...." I started blushing, and grabbed Levi by the hand. My brother started to coo us.

"Y/N and Levi, sitt-"

"You're such a child! Can I take Levi up to my room?" My mom nodded as she waved to us.

"I'll call you down when lunch is ready."

"Don't get out of hand up there." My father spoke in a stern voice, and I glared at him. He didn't need to add that last bit.

I pulled Levi into my room, and felt extremely nostalgic looking around the room. Levi seemed to notice the anime posters I have in my room.

"Y-You didn't tell me you had posters!" He stared at them intently, and I came up behind him and hugged him.

"I did! You were too busy gushing about some new anime you found. Anyways, this is why I told you not to worry about my family.

They know I'm nerdy like you, so you don't need to hide it." I let go of him.

"Okay....we should talk about anime until your mom is done cooking!" He immediately sat down on my bed, and I joined him.

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